// Feast among the dead //

204 6 5

Sunday, August 23rd, 2018

Your POV

The boy from the other room smelled, appetizing.

The hooded man's grip on my two arms tightened as the black haired boys sobs grew louder, more distressed. The more he screamed, the more slobber piled down my chin and onto the basements cement floor.

I didn't know why I felt like that, so hungry...for meat and blood, to feel my stomach and soul full for once.

It was truly a punishment for having to watch such fresh food go to waste, and maybe the punishment was even feeling those emotions.

"Calm. down." The man growled, pushing me against the wall as I felt his gaze harden on my rabid Expression.

"Let me...Let me fucking," I couldn't continue without smiling, the smell of blood loomed on the man's clothes.

Everything was cold, while my flesh burned.

The hallway we stood in was musty and dark, while the room with a small window Infront of my blood thirsty body displayed two boys my age sitting against the white wall, a bright light hung above they're tired bodies as the hum of the light and my growls filled the murky atmosphere.

One layed awake, his eyes watching the other sleeping boy as if it was all he was made to do.

I recognized the black curly haired boy with the dark skin, the brown almond eyes.

For a second, the gut wrenching emotion went away and was replaced with sympathy and fear.
Isaac, and what seemed to be his buddy were in the locked room ahead of myself.

He wanted me to eat one of them.

And then, it washed over with the same feeling of starvation. Slobber dripped down my chin, my eyes were focused on the two as my stomach growled. The hooded man held me back, my arms pinned behind myself and against my sore back.

"When I open this door, you step in and shoot one of them...and then that will give you the opportunity to." The man paused as he held the pistol ahead of himself, unsure of his words.

"JUST OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" I seethed, my stomach growled, the iron like taste spread around my mouth as I bit down on my tongue.

"Do not speak." The man spoke in a harsh tone, grabbing my arms tighter.

"Once you finish the job, you will not be able to control this...but you will eat the corpse. It is tradition in the process of becoming a proxy, it will display your ability to any food source and...
Just proves how far your willing to go for him." He finished, relaxing more.

The hunger was all side effects from him?

"Give your all for this, if any of they're blood isn't shed on that cement wall..." He brought me closer, he smelled good, the red substance was line an addicting chalone. "Yours will be sure to splatter, give what you got." He whispered in my ear, even through the mask it was fully audible, and in my animalistic state it still frightened me to the core.

Something... happened to me when he said "give your all."

"B-but... haven't I given enough?" I spoke, tears began to mix with hunger. I didn't feel real, I was just so fucking hungry and tired...the hooded man had previously came up in the middle of the night and dragged me out of bed while Jeff was gone, and that night I had actually fell asleep without the help of any antibiotics.

"God damnit, don't start crying." He groaned, letting out an annoyed sign as he looked away for a moment and at the window that was built into the metal door, displaying the brightly lit room inside.

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