P A R T F O U R // Changed //

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My legs took my corpse like body down the drive that led to my house, where the morning sun shined low on.

They probably thought I died, that's why so much people cared about me.

What would Grandma and Mom think when they saw me? Think I was a zombie? I did look dead after all, dark bags rested under my eyes as so many scars and bruises made my flesh appear green and yellow.

The hard gravel soon turned to grass, and that grass soon turned into wooden steps.

I reached out and let my hand wrap around the door handle, I felt myself pause as my mind began to wake up. Mom would be in her room, passed out drunk or high. Grandma would be in the kitchen breaking the "no smoking inside" rule while no one was there to catch her.

A smile came to my lips, such dangerous things felt like home...the home I remembered so many years ago. This is where my words add up, this is where...what I thought where my story would end and go back to normal.

I was wrong.

Once things happen, they create an indent on your life, an indent that you can never remove or press on so hard that it magically goes away. Sure, if you ignore it, it might seem invisible for awhile but other people sure as hell notice it. They tell you about it, how you need to fix it, you try not to listen but it comes back again.

And again, to the point you end up creating another impulsive indent, that you yet again try to ignore.

I stepped into the walk way of my home, the warm air consumed my numb body with a clear welcome. Except, no one was home to welcome me. "Ma? Grandma? Anyone home?...Callie?" I called out, stepping off of the front rug and onto the cold wooden flooring that led to the kitchen.

I wanted to feel soft and long furr rub against my legs, I wanted to hear a purring meow. But I didn't receive that, because deep inside I knew this wasn't my home...and never was.


"Y/n? Love? Are you awake? I have some food...since it's been hard for you I figured I could get you one of those hard core drinks." I could hear the smile in his voice, the clink of the glass bottle on the nightstand as Jeff set down the glass. I felt his hand on my shoulder, shaking me awake.


I felt the room begin to spin, I could still hear him... welcoming me.


"Welcome back! We I 'ya!" Toby wrapped his arm around my shoulders, inviting me to a side hug. It had been three weeks since we did rounds together, Toby acted as if we were best friends that hadn't seen eachother in years.


"Fuck." I whispered, stumbling into the kitchen.

No one, no one was there to judge me or smother me in love, to yell at me, to ask me questions.

It was just me and my thoughts.

The kitchen looked untouched, the pictures on the fridge were torn down, leaving the f/c fridge empty of memories. The pots and pans were sitting in the sink, talking amongst one another in silence. In habit, my legs took me to the fridge for my medicine.

On the bottom shelf, The bottle Grandma was saving for her and Grandpa's anniversary was still in there...still old and pure.

I leaned down and picked up the cold glass, straightening my posture, I unscrewed the lid with a loud hiss and didn't hesitate to slam my lips to the top of the bottle. The rum sizzled in my mouth, burned as it went down in a rush that sent pure adrenaline throughout my intestines.

Stumbling backwards, I lowered the bottle to my side as I felt the urge to do something I hadn't in a long while.

I walked to the living room and flipped on the switch, and walked inside to be greeted with a undisturbed room. I set the glass onto the the table near the couch and grabbed the remote as well, sitting down onto the couch. My legs dangled off of the cushion as I took in the silence,
The freedom.

"Holy shit." I whispered in disbelief.

My hand went up to my forehead as my mouth hung open, I began to laugh.

"Holy, Haha! I-I fuckin..." I looked around the room, I wasn't in Jeff's room, the mansion nor the Proxies cabin. I was sure Ania and Sidney felt the same way, we were free.

Atleast for now.

In the back of my mind the little voice screamed at me to get up, run to the gun case and sit in a corner waiting for them or even him to come get me.

Nah; I thought.

I slumped into the couch cushion, my eyes began to unfocus on the television show playing in the T.V Infront of me. I let the remote slip out of my hand and onto the couch, I closed my eyes as I felt sleep consume me.

For the first time, I could close my eyes without my mind being awake.


Some Wattpad shi is beginning to happen to me broskies

Ig my rose quartz is attracting the wrong people


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