// Shove me to the earth //

284 6 5

August 15th, 2019...

Your POV

I was leaned against the bedroom wall, the comforter covered my lower body as my eyes adjusted to the morning suns gaze that seeped in through the window on the far wall.

My eyes took in as many objects in the room for my mind to memorize if the time came that I could live to tell my story, and report these motherfuckers to the police with atleast one helpful clue.

Younger me actually thought the Creepypasta organization and the Proxies could get caught, oh was I stupid.

The shorts that Toby had given me earlier that morning were too loose, but no one would notice...Jeff had to of had a belt somewhere. The f/c sweatshirt I had found on the carpet near the bed fit fine, it was better than a flimsy tank top.
And at times like those I wished I was a guy, maybe even just a thing because wearing no bra with the shit I had was actually bull. My h/c h/l hair was unbrushed, but hygiene was the least of my worries.


(I'm sorry abt all of the she/hers and stuff, I had written all of this awhile back and I don't have the time to go back on all of these chapters and edit all of the she's to theys...just put them to ur pronouns if your comfortable with that, and I'm aware there's male and nonbinary creepypastas out there...just my dumbass decided to go with most of the fanfics and had Y/n as a female at the time...SO IF YOUR ANYTHING OTHER THAN FEMALE JUST IMAGINE THE SHE/HERS AS UR PREFERRED PRONOUNS :)

okay good to have that out there.


Jeff layed besides me on the mattress, I couldn't tell if he was wake or not with his eyes. They were half way open, that's the thing about him, he has some eyelids...but it still looks as if he's just peeping out of his eyelids in a tired manner all the time.

"Good morning." Jeff spoke in a morning voice, pulling more of the blanket away from my body for himself.

"Hello." I mumbled, my voice was gravely.

I tried my best not to cry, I tried my best not to act out and let my impulsive thoughts take over.


Grab the knife on the desk and stab him, YOU CAN DO IT!!

jump out of the window and run.

I knew it wouldn't be easy, but the only way of escape would have to be psychologically, earning the supposed residents of the manners trust.

Maybe even his trust.

But Jeff, would be my first subject.

"What are you thinking about? There's no chance of escape, we're in the middle of a woods somewhere you would never be able to run away from." Jeff hummed, he seemed amused with my pale expression.

I gulped.

"Just my morning eyes, they...I'm not thinking of anything." I spoke in a hoarse voice, my throat hurt. "Hm, should have nurse Ann check 'ya out when she stops by next week." He huffed, sitting up and sat besides me on the bed.

It was like waking up to the devil's son, handsome but ugly from the inside out.

That's what all of the victims said about Jeff, if they survived to the point to even tell they're stories.

He always led them in with his charm, learning from a business man of a father would be easy to mimic and drag women and even men in with his apparent "charming personality."

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