//Cold glass//

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My heart began to thump in my throat.

Anger raised inside of me, this entity has gone to the extents of fucking with b/f/n? Oh hell no.

The first thing I was going to do when I got home was go into those woods with Jeff and cuss the stick motherfucker out.

"We don't have to talk about it." I softly spoke, remembering what Brian said about even thinking about the man. "Good, I don't want to." They huffed, leaning they're head on my shoulder as they held back tears.

"I don't want to be a crying little bitch when your here, Like damn, that's no fun." They chuckled, pushing themselves off of me and wiped they're left over tears onto they're sleeve/back of they're hand. "There's no problem with crying." I responded, patting they're shoulder.

"Yeah but it just brings the mood down." They huffed, getting up from the bed and walked to they're closet.

(And never came out 🏳️‍🌈.)

They came back out with a stack of coloring supplies, a smile on they're face once the movie had began to start as well.

"Drawing, you okay with that?" They asked, not really looking for my opinion as they fished all of the coloring utensils out and a big sketchbook. "Of course, this is like our thing." I rolled my eyes, watching as they set our stuff up.

"Oh yeah, on Monday can you kinda sorta fill in for me down at the grocery store?" B/f/n awkwardly asked, even though I didn't work there and  they're boss, Mr. Henke always aloud me to fill in for b/f/n.

Like I said, it's a small town, everyone knows everyone.

"Sure, but you owe me with chocolate, the cheep ones you guys sell is the shit!" I exclaimed, the thought of the creamy chocolate made my mouth water. *Sorry if your lactose and tolerant, just say it's a one without milk or dairy products?*

"Fineeee." They hummed, a small smirk placed on they're lips.

They sat across from me on the queen sized bed as they began to color, I was still thinking of what to draw. One thing that repeated in my mind though, what would those two guys do if they found us?

Why was I a 'yes'?

Chills went down my spine as millions of possibilities popped into my mind, and how did they even know my fucking name?!

Whatever it was, I hoped for it to never come true.


After I had decided Y/n would be safe, I headed back to the mansion.

Pushing open the large doors, regret shot through my chest. Yeah, the boss man here was 'kind' enough to let me stay rent free, well without paying in cash but blood was much easier.

The lights were dim like always, some chattering was heard from the kitchen as the others spoke about missions and others bragged about different kills.

I didn't give two shits about them or they're kills.

The people there were hella annoying, even though none of us barely spoke to one another we always seemed to get on eachothers nerves. I can't fucking stand the twitching kid, he looks at me funny while he snaps his neck, I'm surprised it's not broken for how many times I've had to beat his sorry ass for "accidentally" throwing a full soda at me.

Boy isn't even human.

The only person I could say I am remotely close to in this dump is some demonic demon, Eyeless Jack if you wanted to get into specifics. He doesn't speak much, uses different clicks and gurgles to communicate. But, when he's in a good mood he considers speaking English for once and isn't being some animal.

"Watch where your going, dickwad."

I was brought out of thought when I bumped into someone, more like a fucking bitch.

"Shouldn't be talking clock lady, you literally have a fucking watch in your eye socket. Was it really that hard for you to tell the time as a kid that you just decided to staple a watch into your damn eye?" I growled, taking a step backwards as I took in the woman's hatred.

We were in the entrance that led to the kitchen, The proxies and the link watched as we were they're only source of entertainment.

"I sure as hell know you aren't talking, Jeffery." Jane hissed as she shoved past me, taking her leave after having her little meet ups with the boss talking about different targets she and her wife need to take out.

I say she's just earning a little extra cash if you ask me.

"Shut the fuck up, Bitch." I spat back, pushing myself past the clock lady and walked into the kitchen while I felt several eyes on me. "You're tracking mud in the house again, Jeffery." Brian stated behind me, making me stop at the fridge.

I lifted my leg up, and brought my boot back down to the tiled flooring and smeared the left over mud on the white tile.

"You really are a pain in the ass." Masky scoffed behind me, the sound of crinkling paper signaled He was packing up they're maps and shit.

"We ran into your little girlfriend, Jeff." The twitching boy finally spoke, making me pause as I slowly brought my hand back to my side that held a beer bottle in it's hand. Anger boiled inside of me, the boss usually leaves every time Jane comes to discuss random shit, so afterwards he Always go's and has his meetings along with fancy dinners with his other Mafia fuckers.

So no one was running the house.

"Really? Jeff has a girlfriend?" BEN glitched behind me, turning around, I saw the boy sitting at the table with the proxies as he gave me a puzzled look. "Not girlfriend, the mortal will soon start to lose interest in other beings due to slender sickness so they're detach from they're life will be easier in the becoming of a proxy." Brian stated in his robotic like voice, I wish he would talk normal once and awhile.

"The kid still has time, Bri, don't bring Mr. Smiles mood down." Kate slurred, taking the last drink of her wine showing that she must've found Kages wine stash before me.


"It's not like that, Brian, she's just a cool mortal." I huffed, trying to put aside the fact that I enjoyed she saw me other than a monster.

But I also loved when she looked at me with fear.

I had decided that the last ten minutes with these assholes would be the last human interaction I would need for a month. "I can't wait untill she become a proxy and turns on your ass, shit will be hilarious." Masky chuckled as he walked out of the kitchen, the map underneath his right arm.

I leaned against the kitchen counter as BEN went back to his death trap and while the three left over proxies began going over a new mission.

"Yeah, Shit will be so hilarious, she will be to die for." I muttered, raising the beer bottle up to my mouth and let the cold glass smash against my lips.

She drives me mad.

It almost, almost, felt like Y/n's lips.


(A/N, so I want to make it clear that the creepies in this story do not get along and I might say hate eachother. They are only at the manner because they are forced to be there, plus it is also used as a safe house for The killers slender trusts the most. (Jane, Judge Angels, Bloody painter ect). The Slenderman has a human persona and uses it outside of the manner, he is apart of a large organization that kills off the wealthy and people that know to much about him and his workers crimes.

So, that's just how the work environment plays out.

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