26 - Let Me Hear You

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     I'd been using the word 'bittersweet' to describe my life for a while now, but tonight was different. There probably wasn't a word I could use to perfectly define what I was feeling, it was just so fucking much.

     Zoey's club was the last place I expected to be, and the reason that brought me here was even more unpredictable.

     After that vampire approached me a few days ago, I'd been working nonstop and trying to get to the bottom of this whole angel blood mess. I hadn't told anyone and I ignored Callum's calls, even cloaking myself from him so he wouldn't disrupt my track of thought.

     I also didn't trust him, and my discoveries only made me trust him less.

     Purgatory was exactly where I found a few answers, not without spilling a lot of blood and getting my hands dirty. I missed how efficient torture could be, but I was surely going to be using it more often from now on.

     I had to be cautious so Levi wouldn't know I was snooping around in his territory, all while dodging Igor's calls about the trial and focusing my attention solely on this matter. I had to get to the bottom of this, and I knew Purgatory couldn't be the only place they were selling the blood.

     It could be where the supplier was distributing it, but no one I tortured seemed to know anything about who was behind it. They just claimed that they were asked to come to Purgatory in order to get the little vials of blood, and they never contested because the money was more than appealing.

     Young lower demons were the ones responsible for the main distribution, and then vampires or werewolves or witches would get involved and start dealing on their own. That's how it was spreading so fast and causing adverse reactions, it was clear that this adulterated blood was something that got out of hand.

     But the side effects were different and unexplainable, and no one knew what the fuck was in the blood. Trust me, I was very fucking convincing when I asked my questions and if they didn't tell me then it's because they truly don't have a clue.

     Lower demons were gullible and the perfect pick for the job, and they were also too fucking stupid to question anything. Someone was giving them the blood and sooner or later I would find out who, no matter if I had to keep an eye on Purgatory every damn day.

     But the thing I did manage to find out was where the angel blood was mostly being sold after it got out of Purgatory... and I was quite surprised to hear the name Impious. It was Zoey's club, a place crawling with lower demons from all around and even some creatures.

     The pieces started to make sense once I took a look at the bigger picture, and I just knew both Callum and Zoey had been playing me all along.

     Callum was the one who called me and asked to meet in Zoey's club. They had clearly been in contact for a while, it explained their sudden friendship... or was it a partnership?

     It couldn't be a coincidence that Callum told me about hearing rumors about Lucifer in Purgatory with the angels. I always wondered how he'd been the first to realize it, but if he was the one behind this then it would explain all the time he spent there.

     And now Zoey's club was mentioned by one of the dealers. Callum insisted on involving her from the beginning, I should've been more suspicious. But he knew I would be too distracted with Megan, keeping me clueless while he carried on with his plans right under my nose.

     Callum had to be the main supplier, or at least connected to whoever was responsible. He was powerful enough and mischievous enough to pull it off, after all, I still had no fucking clue what he had actually been doing all these years isolated from everything.

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