Peace vs Violence

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The Nomu grins in excitement as they turn their body towards the symbol of peace.

"Wait... Something's wrong with the Nomu" Shigaraki mumbles "Nomu stop stay close." "Hell No!" The Nomu stomps before it begins to walk towards the entrance.

"This is bad....really bad!" Shigaraki begins to scratch their neck furiously until they suddenly stop as they laugh "Hah. Why is this bad? The Nomu wants to defeat Allmight who are we to stop it from completing our goal!"

Allmight then begins to walk into the USJ each step only further increasing the Nomu's urge to tear the man to shreds "I couldn't shake the feeling that something had gone wrong when Aizawa and Thirteen didn't answer my calls. So I hurried over running into Iida along the way and he told me of the villiany at work here" Allmight walks forward taking off his tie as everyone looks on at the symbol of peace.

"Have no fear students because I AM HERE!" The Nomu set simply stares as the urges once again come to light "He's here.... Allmight!"

"After all this waiting. The heroic piece of trash shows up!" Shigaraki exclaims as Allmight tosses away his yellow suit and before anyone could blink took down a hoard of villians blocking the path at the bottom of the stairs

Picking up the injured teacher he turns and faces towards the Nomu and Shigaraki before once again disappearing in a flash catching the students that were thrown through the air and landing safely on the ground with them "Take Mr.Aizawa and return to the entrance he doesn't have much time!"

And right before Izuku could speak up to Allmight. The symbol of peace dissapears replaced with the Nomu and their fist extended "Enough of the talk. I need to be free from this god forsaken urge!"

*Y/n pov*

"He really has gotten weaker. I didn't expect to actually hit him? Maybe this will be easier than I thought" I fix my posture before sparing a glance at the students next to me as they look at me in fear. "Just leave already and let me kill this guy"

"CAROLINA SMASH!!!" I felt a small sting on my chest as I look down and see Allmight looking concerned. I attempt to grab him but he ducks under my arms "I guess he wasn't wrong when he said it had no affect on you!"

I keep swinging at the hero but everytime he dodges out of the way "STOP. DODGING. IT'S SO. ANNOYING!"  He then punches me everytime I try to grab him. It doing little to no effect as we continue our little game. I mean what else can we call it at this point because HE WONT STAND STILL!

"It doesn't matter where I punch you does it!?" He begins to combo me and I let him. "I have been to risky with my actions. I have to keep up the act or else even if I kill him it will all be in vain"

"That's because he has Shock absorption Allmight. The only way to defeat him is to slowly gouge out his flesh though I doubt he will let you do that... You have finally met your match!" Shigaraki explains as Allmight ducks under one of my arms when I try to hit him.

Allmight wraps his arms around my waist as I feel myself get lifted up into the air. "Wait. Wait. Wait. Not a suplex!" Sure enough I get slammed into the ground as I let out a small grunt of discomfort. Then I sink into a familiar looking void and then see the nice looking target of Allmights ribs

"Revenge is a bitch" I grab onto his sides as I dig my fingers into them "Aw come on what kind of cheap move is that!" Allmight manages to croak out as I squeeze harder "Shouldn't have suplexed me asshole!"

"Hehehe nice work Kurogiri. We've got him just where we want him now!" Shigaraki chuckles as I mentally give thanks to him aswell. He then let's go of my legs and trys to pry my hand off his side.

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