Lov's Love

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     Todoroki was walking down through the halls of the stadium. He was followed by the Nomu who was simply following him now because they couldn't annoy Midoriya.

"Stop following me"


Todoroki continues to move throughout the stadium. Coming upon his father leaning expectingly against a wall

"What do you want." Todoroki says his voice laced with venom as this gains the Nomu's attention.

"You're acting disgraceful Shoto. If you'd  have simply used the power of your left side you would have dominated the previous 2 rounds. Even against that.......

Shoto and Y/n ignore the old man's words as they pass by the hero. Shoto grits his teeth more and more in anger as they walk. Endeavor continues to talk crap to the boy making the Nomu stop infront of Endeavor before turning and looking at him

"Nomu let's go"

"Just thinking for a second."

Shoto returns to the Nomu's side. Hiding himself somewhat behind their large body

"You associate with this thing? Atleast they're strong, atleast physically that is."

Endeavor then lightly pokes his brain as Y/n simply sighs before slamming their arm into the wall. Endeavor glances at the now embedded arm. It was just a couple centimeters from his head.

"I think we need to make things clear"

"Is that supposed to be a threat?"

Endeavor moves his head away from the arm. Another one however crashes into the wall blocking his way. Todoroki could only stare in shock was the Nomu about to kill the number 2 hero? His father?

"None shall insult my candy"

Y/n rears back their leg before crashing their knee into the hero's stomach. Out of reaction Endeavor grips onto Y/n covering them in flames. Ignoring this the Nomu takes out their arm from the wall


"Sure you will"

Y/n then grabs Endeavors face before slamming his head into the wall. He let's go watching the unconscious hero slide down as his flames dissappear.

"W-What did you just do?"

"What I wanted"

The Nomu turns around pulling his other arm out of the wall before pointing at his currently on fire back. They move a couple hallways away before turning back to Todoroki. Who was currently following them like a lost puppy

"Please put this out?"

"Oh right" With a icy touch Todoroki covers Y/n's back in snow as Y/n let's out a sigh at the feeling . Todoroki stays with his hand on Y/n's back as he trys to rub the soot off

"Considering you just threw your chance of freedom away. This is the least I can do." The Nomu grunts at the statement

"Worth it"

Tons of footsteps are heard as multiple police and heros round the corner. Including class 1-A with a injured Izuku staring at the Nomu in shock and determination.

"Nomu please this isn't like you" Izuku said as the Nomu simply grinned before reaching into his pocket and swallowing a pill.

Izuku recognizes this as he wonders what the Nomu would gain if he weakened himself. Suddenly the Nomu begins to cough none of the hero's dared make a move

"Ugh there we go. Wow I sound sexy as hell!"

"He can talk!"

The group stared in shock as Y/n stood up. Grinning ear to ear Y/n puts a arm on the wall leaning on it

"Now if you excuse me but."

Y/n grabbed Shoto before pulling him tight to his side


"Relax. I just want to talk and I know how trigger happy you heros are" The Nomu pulls Shoto infront of himself laying his head on his before hugging him

"I'm sorry. I just really wanted to punch that flaming douche in the face. I hope we can continue to be friends after this whole thing. heh"

He then winks at the group before disappearing with a burst of speed. The heros were thrown up and out of the way as Y/n makes it out of the stadium quickly making it to his peaceful place

"Phew well that sucked. Man I lost my cool and now I'm on the run" In the middle of thinking he feels the back of his neck suddenly dissappear before regenerating. Turning around in annoyance he sees his boss

"I knew you'd screw up. I also knew you would come right back to me my friend" Shigaraki gently raised his hand to the Nomu's as he crushes the tracker behind his back with his other hand.

Y/n takes Shigaraki's hand as the small holds out a pinky to not hurt his weapon. "I've made a couple friends aswell. You'll love them I'm sure"

"Why is he being so nice to me?" Shigaraki guides the Nomu away from the park and into Kurogiri's warp that was made a couple seconds prior. "Don't worry your free from those rotten heros now"

*Shigaraki Pov*

He's back. My precious weapon and friend that I spent oh so long looking after. I don't know what's up with me but when Nomu got captured I lost all sense of myself. I was so used to having my muscle be there to support me and listen to my woes and simply nod along.

"Don't worry those heros will never find you here~" I was smiling under my mask when we reached the hideout. Toga immediately takes interest in my Nomu as Dabi simply faces his chair towards them.

"Hey! Hey! Your the Nomu! Can I please try some of your blood! I have to know what it taste like!" Toga says with glee as I stand defensively infront of Nomu. I won't risk losing them again

"So this is Frankenstein's monster huh? I wonder how he would fair against fire~" I growl at his threat as Kurogiri flips on the T.V

'This just in the famous Nomu put in U.A's care has gone missing after brutally assaulting and defeating the number 2 hero Endeavor!'

"I believe that's how Dabi" Kurogiri says with a slight bit of sass. I smirk under my mask as I watch Dabi scowl at the news before smiling wide at Nomu

"Alright. Your in my good books!"

"Alright Nomu make yourself comfortable we have lots to do tomorrow" I say as I gently guide them to the middle of the room before going and sitting down at a nearby table with a sigh of relief.

"Welcome home Nomu."

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