Shocking arrangement

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And like that the internships were over and the Nomu's path of chaos was put on hold. Now you may be wondering what happened to said Nomu? Well, currently they were in the middle of a dorm sitting down on the floor looking very grumpy

"L-look I know this seems bad. However, Aizawa is on his way with candy if that lightens your mood!" Midoriya says as he stares at Y/n the Nomu having a large metal square around his neck. Midoriya holding a remote behind his back

"You can't do this to me! I am part human! I have rights!" Sadly the Nomu's complaints fell on deaf ears as Todoroki inspected his remote with a big red dial. The dial had several numbers on it, ranging from 1 million to 300 million.

"300 million volts seems a bit much?"

"Well hopefully we don't have to use that option!" Midoriya replied trying to look on the bright side of the arrangement. "The hell kind of a reply is that!"

The students that could be trusted in 1-A all got a remote that controls the amount of voltage that runs through the collar, and into Y/n's neck. Everyone felt safe to have a weapon against the Nomu. So it was only a matter of time until they felt comfortable to actually interact with him

Such as Todoroki who is now laying down on the Nomu's back. Or Midoriya who kept examining him and taking notes, like the little Wikipedia he is.

"Todoroki! Stop sleeping on the Nomu, Midoriya stop poking and prodding him! And Bakugo, stop challenging him to a fight!" Iida exclaimed in a order before the Nomu's head raised as he just noticed Bakugo ranting to him.

The head three were dragged away from Y/n, finally giving him some room to breathe before he stood up looking around at the class. "Why do I feel like I'm going to take care of them more then they do me?"

As Y/n thought to himself, his thoughts betrayed a mix of frustration and resignation. His eyes swept over the students, taking in their chaotic energy and exasperating behavior. Despite being a Nomu, he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of responsibility towards them, as if he had become the caretaker of this unruly bunch.

Midoriya scratched the back of his head, a sheepish smile appearing on his face. "Well, Nomu we're doing our best to learn about your powers and find a way to help you. It may not seem like it, but we genuinely want to understand you and ensure your well-being."

Todoroki, who had reluctantly retreated from his lounging position, nodded in agreement. "Yes, Despite our unconventional methods, we are trying to find a solution that benefits everyone. We don't want to keep you restrained forever."

Y/n's grumpy expression softened slightly, though skepticism still lingered in his eyes. "And what if this plan doesn't work? What if I kill all of you before you even reach for the remote?"

Aizawa, who had silently entered the room, stepped forward. "Ok I have the goods" he stated firmly. "You deserve a chance to live a life without being controlled or used for chaos. We just have to keep you away from Allmight"

A wave of relief washed over Y/n as he realized he had someone on his side. Aizawa's presence gave him hope that there was a glimmer of light in the midst of this uncertain situation. Perhaps, with time, this group of students could become more than just reckless troublemakers.

Y/n's gaze shifted to the other students, who now wore expressions of determination and understanding. It seemed that Aizawa's arrival had reminded them of their purpose and responsibilities as future heroes.

"I guess... I'll hold onto that hope for now," Y/n muttered, the corners of his mouth twitching into a grin.

"For now however, you still need to be in someone's care. I thought the students could do it but it seems a unrowdy child can't be disciplined by a well behaved one." Aizawa says before tossing the Nomu a large set of clothes. "Your coming home with me"


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