Planting a Tree

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     The Nomu gladly accepted their prize. Complete and utter victory over the academy and class

"Feels good to win~"

Mrs. Midnight then explains how the next game is a calvary battle. "Ok easy enough?"

"It's hard being at the top! So first place the Nomu. Their headband is worth 10'000'000 POINTS!" The Nomu once again laughed. They were going to enjoy this next game aswell

The class had opposite reactions however. They put together that the Nomu just has to play keep away with their headband and they win. One small problem however

Y/n found himself isolated as everyone avoided being his teammate it wasn't a issue though.

"I just need to find someone who will take a easy win, Izuku would crack and probably refuse my offer, hmm maybe Todoroki? No probably still upset about the injury I gave him, Bakugo.... yeah no too aggressive and will probably just want to kill Izuku" Then a sudden tap gains the Nomu's attention from his new habit he picked up from Izuku.

"Hey. Wanna join my team?" It was the purple haired kid... he seemed tired but not of sleep deprivation. It has been a minute now and despite his many attempts to get the Nomu to talk so he could use his quirk... just now did he get their attention

"Hey? Is the air thin up there? Come on wanna join or not" Y/n doesn't reply and instead nods picking up Shinso and then going to find their next partner

"I just need two more..... but. Who?"

"Hey if you need fillers I already got a few."

Looking up at the boy on his shoulder they give them a thumbs up. Which Shinso repeats taking comfort... He didn't even use his quirk and now he has some muscle. "heh this'll be fun"


After Y/n ran in a circle the whole match. Both literally and metaphorically carrying his teammates now it was time for the final competition.

"Hey thanks for helping me out" Shinso said the Nomu simply shrugged before giving Shinso a thumbs up with a grin. Before leaving however he puts a finger on Shinso's chest and once he looks down brings it up flicking his nose.


With a wave Y/n walks off quickly spotting Todoroki and Izuku in a corridor of the arena

"Be honest with me are you Allmight's secret lovechild or something?" Eh... Izuku was shocked and the Nomu felt.


Was this boy that he was helping this whole time the son of Allmight!? The man he was wanting to... no needing to kill

"Th-thats not it at all!"

Y/n was now curious as he leaned against the wall listening in on the conversation. Somehow this massive birdman was somewhat stealthy

"Have you ever heard of quirk marriages? They became a problem the first couple generations quirks were emerging. People began to seek mates just for a stronger child it was obviously unethical but. My father Endeavor the number 2 hero. Bought off my mom's parents to get her quirk so I could be born to surpass Allmight" Todoroki explained in a hollow tone as Y/n simply nodded in understanding

"I refuse to be that old geezers tool. I'm going to take first place my way. I remember my mother calling the left side of my face unbearable... before she poured boiling water on it" The Nomu winced picturing the scene in his mind

"So I just wanted to let you know. I'm going to win" Todoroki then begins to walk off as Y/n does the same. Slowly messing with the pill in his hand

"I'll take it if I need to. Until then I'll have to wait and ask that girl what this pill exactly does?" The Nomu lets out a sigh now he feels bad about winning. Everyone is trying so hard to win and he is just stomping on that hope every competition without even trying.

Nomu's FreedomOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora