Aizawa's House

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     Eraserhead led me to a small house. He opened the door as I crouched inside, it was definitely not meant to accommodate someone my size. Forcing me to crouch in order to walk around. It had walls, a couch, rugs, windows, it was so strange?

Yeah I've seen houses before but never in a way like this. I usually just barge in do what I want then leave before cops show up. Only now did I get the real chance to notice everything.

I eventually found a corner and sat down. Checking out the outfit Aizawa forced me into. It was a long sleeve sweater and sweatpants, it felt off to have my body covered?

"This is strange?"

*Aizawa pov*

I stared at the threat, watching them look around before finding a corner. Checking out the clothes I stole from Allmight's outfits. He was usually so hyper and full of emotion, it was strange to see him so docile

"He could kill me right now, better to leave him to adapt" I thought, before going into my room, switching out of my forced hero outfit I always have to wear to school. I put on a black sweater and some sweatpants roaming about my room

From my room I heard the footsteps of the monster roam about my house. Eventually stopping somewhere in the kitchen.

I roamed out, discovering them looking at a mirror. "Hey, don't break my stuff"

They jumped at my voice before they fell onto their back. Shaking the whole house in the process, they seemed... embarrassed?

A look I definitely didn't recognize on the Nomu. Was taking him into my house this big of a deal? Enough to almost completely break them

"Sorry if I scared you, just don't want you to accidentally break something" I said after contemplating, they simply nodded before going back into their corner. It was hard to think that this guy was breaking bones and fighting Allmight a bit ago

"Do you... want something to eat?" I asked the Nomu as they perked up. I took that as a yes before I began to cook

a simple meal for the both of us. As I cooked, I couldn't help but think about how peculiar this situation was. How did I end up bringing a Nomu into my house? And why did Nezu think putting the thing that broke 80% of my bones in the same house as me was a good idea?

While the food cooked, I couldn't resist sneaking glances at the Nomu. He seemed so lost and out of place, like a puzzle piece that didn't quite fit. I wondered what went through his mind, what his life was like before all of this.

When the food was ready, I set the plates on the small dining table and motioned for the Nomu to come over. He hesitated for a moment before making his way towards me, sitting down across from me at the table.

We ate in silence, the only sound filling the room was the clinking of utensils against the plates. I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of comfort, even in the presence of a powerful and potentially dangerous creature.

After we finished eating, I cleaned up the dishes and turned to the Nomu. "So, what now?" I asked, uncertain of what to do next. But instead of answering, he just looked at me with those blank, empty eyes.

I sighed, before I decided to take matters into my own hands. "Well, I can't just let you roam around freely," I mumbled to myself. "I could take you on a patrol. But if you run, you will get shocked straight to 300 million"

He nods his head at my threat as I think of multiple ways this could go wrong. All of them pointing to his own incompetence, then again it could be useful to have some extra muscle

"What could go wrong"


"Apparently a lot actually" I stare at the Nomu as they give me a thumbs up. We raided a drug warehouse and instead of capturing them 1 by 1 like normal. The Nomu barged in and began to beat people into walls. Causing a quirk user to then take all of the pills to fight him, it quickly became a grudge match between the two for like.... 20 seconds before the guy died of OD

"Yeah your never going on patrol again" their smiled faded before they went into a corner and sat down again. I wonder what I could get them to do to pass time?

"Oh well. Goodnight, don't run or 300 million remember" Tommorow will be hell probably

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