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    As Y/n caught sight of All Might, who happened to be visiting Izuku that evening. The mere sight of All Might drove him into a frenzy, triggering his ingrained urge to kill. His eyes turned bloodshot, and his muscles tensed, ready to attack at any moment.

Izuku, despite his fear, stepped between the Nomu and All Might, desperately hoping to defuse the situation. He knew that Y/n was strong, and All Might, even in his weakened state understood the gravity of the situation and remained calm. ready to handle whatever came his way.

"Izuku step aside. I can handle this."

"No, All Might," Izuku replied, his voice tinged with determination.

All Might looked at Izuku with a mixture of pride and concern. He knew that Izuku's heart was in the right place, but the situation was far from ordinary. Their lives were hanging by a single thing triggering Y/n, and one wrong move could shatter everything they had built.

Taking a deep breath, his presence commanding and reassuring. Allmight stepped back as Y/n followed

"Y/n, that's your name correct? I understand your instincts tou were created to kill me, but that doesn't define who you are now. You have become more than what you were made for. You don'thave to do this"

For a moment, it seemed like Y/n was listening, his eyes flickering with recognition. But then, the all-consuming urge returned, and he lunged towards All Might, his body exploding with power.


Izuku's heart raced as he activated his quirk and intercepted Y/n mid-air, pushing him. It wasn't a punch so shock absorbition wouldn't work. He simply put his hands on the Nomu before pushing

This broke his arms of course but it launched Y/n into the sky. He was plummeting to the ground now and fast.

*Y/n pov*

"DAMN IT TREE!" I swing my body landing with a hard crash. I quickly pull myself up before checking my candy and sprinting across the city

"Phew all safe." I begin to laugh as I think back to the situation. Before skirting to a halt getting frustrated. Always on the run, The villains just seeing me as a immature kid. I'm getting passed at all this if only their was a solution.....

"I need more of those pills." Standing up I scowl through the crowd before seeing her. Why was she here? Right when I needed her? Something was up but I ignore it before kidnapping her

Drugs are always a option afterall, a good one sometimes. Other times... not so much

"Pills now. I give candy, you give candy."

"Oh hey Nomu! Nice to see you again. Need more pills I'm assuming? Ok! Here you go!" She hands me a bag of around 100 pills. All varying in different sizes and shapes.

"Those should help you, now if you'll excuse me. I have a interview with a hero soon! Oh and also be sure to make me proud!" She says before jumping off the roof quickly swallowing a pill as she dissappears from view

"I'm going to know who she is one day. I think I'm probably not going to like it." Then it hit me. Pro heros are getting temporary sidekicks for awhile... that means, oh... oh boy......

"I can annoy some pro heros~"

The now tall raven haired male proclaims before he takes out some paper and a phone

"Sup pervert imma be your sidekick for bit"

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