Short Villainy

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     Following the scent of peppermint, I go through several alleys before finding it ends at a wall. A solid brick wall
A malleable brick wall
A soft brick wall
A broken brick wall

I continue my thought before punching the wall down.

*Todoroki pov*


That is all I heard as the crackling of bricks and cement clattered onto the ground.

We all looked over and saw a large Nomu... a very familiar Nomu in fact. The bricks were crushed to a fine powder under his feet. His large body entered the alley before his eyes set on us.

His grin widened as I stood on guard. He was a villain, Nomu's were already attacking the city, and last but not least, he's as strong as Allmight.

All of these things made me worried. Stain was here and Izuku was just now getting back his bodily functions. I had to stall for reinforcements

"Nomu, are you apart of this attack" He looked at me before turning his head in confusion. He pointed at Izuku and Iida  before jumping over me next to Izuku.

I immediately sent a ice wave at him. Freezing his outstretched hand as he breaks off his arm. Cawing in what I assume is pain. "Bad Nomu"

He looked at me as his arm regenerated. His grin faded and he seemed more pissed then friendly now. He pulled back his arm as I created a glacier in-between us. Staring in awe as it shatters apart like glass

Blowing me back I braced myself before my back hit the side of a building. Stain the villain landed next to me.

The Nomu picked up Midoriya like a toy as he inspected him. Grabbing Izuku's shoulders he lifted Izuku onto his feet before doing the same for Iida. Balancing them until they stand up without falling over

I quickly hop off the side of the building I was knocked into. Stain was.... unconscious, with a simple punch that didn't even land. The Nomu knocked out Stain and put out several fires caused by me.


*3rd pov*

"MY FUCKING SHORTS!" The Nomu stares down in horror as his short's leg was destroyed. A tear that spread all the way to the waistband evident to see

"These are custom made man! I'm never going to find me another fabric like this. It was made with the first fibers when the stars align type shit. NOW THEY'RE FUCKING RUINED!" The Nomu stares at the culprit rage building up

Peppermint... "If you want me out of my shorts JUST FUCKING ASK!" With a sarcastic rage filled caw the Nomu stomps. Accidentally ruining the foundation of the buildings next to him, causing them to collapse and fall.

"S-sorry about.... whatever your angry about" Todoroki says confused holding his side

"It's not 'whatever' THESE ARE MY SIGNATURE LOOK! It's like if my beak was suddenly missing!?" Y/n complains as Todoroki shrugs while moving over towards him

"I'm so stealing your dad's credit card later." Midoriya finally recovering from his paralysis jumps onto the Nomu's. Raising his fist into the air

"100% SMAS-"

"MIDORIYA WAIT!" Izuku stops his attack aimed at the Nomu's brain as he gets knocked off. Y/n let's out a sigh of relief, before making sure his brain was alright

"All of you are crazy, and that's coming from me" Izuku gets lectured by Todoroki as Iida gets up aswell. It was a nice peace in the middle of the storm. Until a flying Nomu tried to kidnap Izuku which was promptly dealt with by a bored Y/n

"I hate mosquitoes.... why did I say that?" Shaking off the feeling of killing a fellow Nomu. Y/n wiped blood off his torso as Todoroki provided the water. It was awkward, Izuku tied up Stain and after that they just waited for the next issue

"Oh hey... it's Todoroki's dad- OH SHIT IT'S ENDEAVOR" Quickly Y/n his behind Todoroki as Endeavor marches towards them.

"This will end badly" is all Todoroki said as Endeavor stared daggers at him and the Nomu

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