Hero at Heart

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Another boring day. What else could I call it I mean I'm too dumb to understand what Tomura's politics are about soooo~. That just leaves me to do nothing

"Well I can't say I'm doing nothing"

I expertly bounce a little toy bouncy ball across the room. Everytime it lands firmly in my hand, it might be a quirk but I like to think it's just skill. Though I think I may have went too far when I bounced it on everyone's heads before the ball lands firmly in my grip

"Hey Frankenstein. Quit it before I light you up like it's Thanksgiving" A certain pyromaniac said causing me to groan

"Aww leave him alone Dabi! He's just bored is all" this catches Tomura's attention as he stares at me in thought

"Bored huh.... well why dont you go outside and do whatever you want, just not near here" Shigaraki said as he hugged my back

"Are you sure that is a wise decision Tomura?" It's a great decision! Shut up Kurogiri

"We've been too quiet, might aswell have the Nomu cause chaos so they think that they've stopped us but in reality. Heh Nomu was just having a field day!" Shigaraki exclaims seemingly loving the comedy of the situation.

"That is actually pretty smart Handjob" Oh I love that nickname, I'm going to use it next time I can speak!

"Grr whatever. Nomu go cause chaos but don't get captured" easier said then done

Like that I was dropped through a portal directly in the middle of city, I couldn't really tell what the difference was but whatever... what should I do now

"I could go for some candy~"

Smiling at the thought I stand up, I get a few stares and people panic. Luckily I saw a candy store nearby and immediately head over there. Accidentally breaking the door in excitement

"Heya peoples um... yeah I'm not going to sugar coat it I'm stealing candy" So as people panic inside the store I grab a bag and begin to fill it with various kinds of candy. I easily block out the screaming as I hum to myself

Once the bag was full I turn around to leave only to see a few heros blocking the way. One I recognized as 'Kamui Woods' who was standing there... just menacingly under that mask

"Drop the money villain!" Wait they think it's money? HA!

I shake my head smiling smugly as Kamui immediately fires multiple branches at me. With little effort I swing my arms down breaking the wood all the way to Kamui who gets knocked back

"Anywa-" The other heros began to fire at me. Emitters were such a pain to deal with because they constantly try to keep their distance

I swipe my arm hard, the shockwave being enough to send the heros flying. They were caught by Kamui who soon flings himself at me. Is he trying melee!? WHAT A DUMBASS!!!

He throws a few punches and kicks propelled by his wood. I dip and dodge the attacks in order to not disappoint the hero who so stupidily must have forgotten my quirks. Atleast that's what I thought, turns out he was distracting me as other heros arrive who immediately attack me with... MORE EMITTERS!?

"Wait Kamui is in here they can't attack me or else they harm him!" Once again though I underestimated them as they all charged up their quirk before releasing it into the building. Only then did a responsible person show up, a certain astronaut named 13

"What are you doing!"

The combined blast of all the heros knocked a little air out of me but I could tell it shocked the brave hero next to me. The building collapsed in on itself as I spread my arms out and lean down to hold as much of the debri up as possible.

"Crazy heros! Could have crushed all this candy!?" Then I look over at Kamui who is laying down on his back wounded. He had one hand out using his wood to hold up more of the debri

"Oh, yeah him too...expected him to be dead to be honest?"

He looked to be in shock and bleeding, his quirk was slowly getting weaker as the wood cracked and busted under the debris. It slowly inched closer to him before ultimately he let his arm fall to his side.

"What a stupid yet brave bitch?"

I slide one of my feet close to the hero before shifting more. Now I was able to lift up his side of the building aswell, it just put me in a awkward position


Just now he turned his head to look at me. He seemed shocked but also a bit relieved as he fully sank onto the collapsed candy. It was awkward now, I couldn't talk and Kamui was too confused and shocked to say anything. Thankfully he broke the silence

"They attacked me?" He said with a bit of annoyance. I would be too to be honest, I nodded before looking around. My bag was safely laying on the ground next to the hero

"Can't you just throw the rubble off us?" I shake my head no, already thinking about how many onlookers could be crushed or wounded. Wait I'm a villain I should just do it.... then again.

In the middle of my internal conflict I hear rustling. I look up only to see Kamui looking through my bag. He stares at a piece of candy in confusion

"Candy? You didn't steal money from the most profitable candy store... you stole candy" I nod my head with a grin before he stares at me

He unwraps the candy before tossing it at me. Out of pettiness or simply because he was bored, either way I caught the candy in my mouth as I enjoy the flavor. Kamui looked at his cut side that he was holding, his left arm was broken but that didn't stop him from also undoing a wrapper and eating a piece of candy.

"My candy :(" He slipped the sweet under his mask before he widens his eyes at a sudden revelation.

"You saved me?"

"Yes... I suppose I did!" I shrugged causing the rubble to shift slightly

"Than-" before he could finish the building lightens as I see Thirteen standing there. Luckily I could move again before heros could attack and swiftly got out of there. Yes I did take the bag of candy with me, I worked hard for that

"Imma visit Midoriya!"

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