Chapter 25: BackStory (Part 3)

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[ I know I have been posting every other day. But who is complaining?]

It's have been more than 5 months, that Yara and Alessandro have been seeing each other. They keep sneaking out, loving each other, making love to each other. And enjoying every second with each other. It was like their dirty little secret. "Where are we going?" She asked curiously. He smiled "somewhere." After a few minutes, they parked in front of a tattoo shop. "W-what?" He held her hand and dragged her "Marco! Amigo! Long time no see. So are we ready?" Marco, the tattoo artist, nodded and let hit sit on the chair. Letting Yara look at Alessandro in disbelief.

"Have you decided on what to do." Asked Marco. Ale replied "yeah. On the back of my neck. I want you to tattoo, in big and Italic letters, the name Yara." Yara looked at him surprised. "Alright." Alessandro eyed her up and down. After an hour, the tattoo artist have finished his work, and now Alessandro will be stick forever with the name Yara on the back of his neck. Yara kept quiet at least for the whole car ride, until they both took the secret passage way to his room. "You didn't tell me if you liked it." Finally asked Alessandro sitting at the edge of the bed.

She walked to him, wrapping her arms around his neck as she settled herself on his lap. "You're crazy Alessandro." "I'm crazy for you." She blushed, and kissed his lips. "I never thought you were serious about me. I thought that i was just a fling and there might be a day when you-...." He roared "don't you dare continue this sentence!! I am serious about you! More than ever! It's me and you darling!" She hugged him tighter. "I love you Alessandro." His heart stopped. "W-what did you say?" "I love you Alessandro."

He throw her on the bed and hovered on top of her, kissing her hungrily and desperately. Her lips, her cheeks, her neck..... "I love you too my little flower. Oh I love you to the moon and back!" She smiled and pulled him to another kiss.

One peaceful day, elie called Alessandro to meet him at his house. He was walking inside the living room, when he heard a scream. It's Yara's scream. He ran upstairs. His hand on his heart. He tried to open the door it's locked. He started to pound the door with his feet. Elie and a few men run after him "WHERES YARA?!" Alessandro was pounding on the door. His heart was pounding enough. Elie tried to pound with him, until Ale pushed him aside and warned him to stay back. He grabbed the gun at his right pocket aimes it to the lock. BOOM! The lock was broken in half.

As they all enter the room, the stranger, wearing a whole black uniform, just escaped from the room. And Yara laying on the floor with nothing but her underwear on herself. She was crying.... Alessandro and Elie rushed to her aid, but ale was way faster to held her in a bridal style, to carry her weak and vulnerable body close to his chest. She was trembling. He laid her on the bed as men were surrounding them. "E-elie I'm half n-naked...." Her cousin looked around him and saw more than 10 men with them in the room. "Get out!" Ale looked scared. "I'll stay...." Elie nodded.

Elie sat on the edge of the bed next to his cousin. "What happened?" She was wiping her endless tears. She was still trembling. Alessandro wanted to hug her and kiss her. Even tho she was half naked in front of him, he didn't care about her body or was turned on. His heart was between his hands. "I.... I was in the bathroom. I just finished my bath..." she cried more at the memory. "Then... t-then, when I came out.... H-he... s-someone pound on me.... I screamed in terror, but he started to threaten me that h-he w-will k-kill me.... And before he d-do that... he w-will use m-my b-body.... Oh elie it was terrible!" She hugged her cousin crying more.

He held her tighter to his chest "we're here Yara. Everything is going to be alright.... Did you see his face...." She looked at Alessandro then shook her head no. Elie sighed. "Can you stay with Alessandro? I just need the guards to look back at the security camera." She nodded. "I will take care of her. Don't worry. Just go and find out this bastard so we could kill him." He tapped on his friends back and walked to his guards.

Alessandro closed the door slowly... well what's left of the door. He then turned to her, trying to pull her to him. She lift her hands "No! D-don't!" "Mi amore it's me...." "BECAUSE ITS YOU!" She was trembling. "Y-Yara...? I didn't do..." "did you send them Alessandro?! To attack me?!" Alessandro saw the sadness and madness in her eyes "what?!" "You're from the Cobras right?!" He nodded "h-he... he had a cobra tattoo on his neck." Ale was left speechless. It's like a blade went through his heart. She stepped out of the bed. "He was about to rape me Alessandro! Did you send him?!!!"

Alessandro shouted "of course I didn't Yara?! I love you! I wouldn't send someone to fucking rape you?!!" He tried to step forward but she trembled. He looked at her sad "I love you.... I love you! I LOVE YOU!" He begged for her to believe him. But yet the uncertainty was noticeable in her eyes. He looked at her blankly. And all of the sudden, he knelt on his knees, under her feet, and looked up at her. He grabbed the gun that he was holding, handed it to her, who she held it shockingly. He pointed it at his head "if you my love don't believe me.... And hate me.... Then I no longer deserve to breath your air or to step on the same floor as yours."

She looked at him scared "just pull the trigger Yara..... kill me rather than hating me." She trembled and let go of the gun, letting it drop on the floor. As she knelt in front of him, she wrapped her arms around his neck "Ale.... I thought I would die and not telling you for the last time I love you...." She cried on his shoulder. One of his golden promises came true. I'll be the shoulder you'll cry on. He held her closer, pinning both of their foreheads together, trying to wipe his tears. "I... w-when I heard you scream. My heart stopped. I couldn't bare the thought of you hurt mi amore. But you're alright. I won't let anyone touch you anymore."

She held his faded beard chin and locked both of their eyes. She pulled him close to her as she set her lips on his. As she pulled away, he pushed himself more, longing for more. "No ale... what if elie...." But he didn't answer and kept kissing her, until heavy footsteps were heard. Yara jumped back on the bed. "We couldn't see anything.... He must be a well trained assassin. We'll multiplie the security cousin. Don't worry." Assured Elie. But Alessandro's blood was boiling. One of his people, tried to kill Yara and he exactly knows who order the mission.

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