Chapter 36: An Orphan and his lover

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[in this chapter there's a sweet message for all of you, I love you all and without you I wouldn't have reached this far in my story!]

"Technically that's what happened..." elie was too stunned to even say anything. What he just heard is going to make him quiet for the rest of his life. "You were never fooling around?" Alessandro's grip tightened around the metal bars surrounding the edges of the balcony. He roared "fuck! Elie you know how I was! You know I hated love! We both hated love!! Our fathers were not the greatest men we ever met!! And.... And....."

Elie stared at Alessandro. Staring out of pity. "I never wanted any of this..... love, marriage... fuck even children!" "If you didn't want any of this than why did you made my cousin pregnant ?!" Shouted Elie. "BECAUSE I LOVE HER!" Elie smirked but Alessandro was too busy pouring his heart out to notice "A WHOLE YEAR AND A HALF WENT BY AND I HAVENT SEEN HER FACE! DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT MADE ME DO?! GOD ELIE I EVEN KILLED MY OWN FATHER FOR HER."

Elie realized any judgment he had towards Ale just faded. He knew that his best friend loved his cousin, and will protect her at all cost. "W-what....?" A small voice said from behind them. They both snapped their neck behind too look. Yara was standing inside, a hand clasped to her mouth, and eyes filled with water. She shook her head no and rushed back inside. "Yara wait!" Alessandro called. That time elie didn't stop him. He's no longer worried about any of this.

His cousin is between good hands, and now soon he's going to be an uncle. Elie pushed forwards Alessandro "go after her." Ale rushed after her inside and followed her. Vanessa appeared behind him and smiled "you seem in a good mood." He turned to her, arms slowly going down to her hips as he wrapped her and hugged her tightly. "My life is perfect right now." Vanessa giggled and squeezed his cheeks "here you are: a happy uncle Elie."

He smirked and smashed his lips against her "happy boyfriend elie." He whispered in her ears before kissing her more. "You talked to Alessandro I see. How was it?" He sighed "well the boy killed his own father for my cousin, if that's not proof enough that he will protect her, I don't know what it is. I just hope the baby won't have a life as complicated as I am." Vanessa smiled. She knows Alessandro's feelings. She killed her own father for Elie. That's how love can do to you. That's how love can drive you. Love drives you Crazy.


"Yara baby!" Alessandro said after shutting behind him the door. Yara was on the edge of the bed crying. He knelt in front of her and tried to take a look of her face. "Darling..." he sighed. She pushed his hands away "h-how c-can you call me that...? After everything I did to you...?" He looked at her confused "yara you have nothing to do-" "how nothing to do?!! I made you kill your father?! I put you in a position to chose me between me and him?! What kind of girlfriend does that?!"

"I also put you in a position to chose between me and your father." Replied Alessandro, comfort in his words. Yara wiped her tears and shook her head "no! That's different! Oh my god ale...." She burst into more tears "you k-killed your f-father for me....." "you risked your life for me too." He said, stroking her thighs. She looked at him "I'm sure now if Elie haven't talked to your father about us, you would be dead by now. Your father is open minded compared by mine. As for mine, he tried to kill you twice. I'm not letting him live after this."

Yara sobbed. "Darling, there are priorities in life. And right now... you and my baby are my priorities. Please stop worrying-..." she wiped her tears with her palms "if you had told me that night you came to me crying because your father died, and confessed that you killed him just for me... I would have kissed you immediately and never question the love you have for me ever again. Instead you just let me torment you. Going from a club to another, making out with random men, and dancing with them."

Alessandro smiled "yet in the end, whose baby are you holding in this stomach of yours?" He asked softly while laying his hand on her stomach. She smiled "yours Alessandro...." "Exactly. Yara you changed my life. Literally. Without you, I would have been in a very bad place right now. You're a miracle. I don't want to lose you. Do you understand me?" She nodded and pushed herself and hugged him tight. As she was now between his arms, he felt peace. Not chaos.

Alessandro killed his father. Vanessa killed hers. All for love. Ale risked his life many times to be with Yara. Vanessa betrayed her own father by helping elie escape. Two opposite people, yet so much in common. But with a same goal.... Help the person they love. Love lives in everyone of us. Alessandro used to believe that under this stone heart of father he had, there once was someone he wished to love. He wanted to believe that there was a time where he his father was madly in love. Maybe not to his poor mother, but at least love. Even the most heartless man can love.

Vanessa knew her father was capable to love, but the obsession of dominating, money, drugs, mafia.... All of these blinded him, made him pursue material things. Alessandro tried to buy love, but it doesn't work. True love comes from the heart. You might be right now someone who's watching people love, but in the future you will find this special someone.

People come and go in our lives. But for a purpose. God bring and throw people out of our lives just to teach us lessons. Valuable lessons. Wait, and see.... The future is hiding a lot of mysteries. It might be adventures, stories, friends, and love. Whatever hides the future, be strong. Have people that motivates you not put you down. Have people that makes you happy, not toxic. Be kind and patience. Those are the keys.

Material things come and go, one day you wake up as the richest person on earth, and the second you wake up as the poorest. Pursue love and friendship, two things that money can never buy. Money can't buy happiness. Happiness comes from the inside. Everyone is going through shit right now, but whatever happens, there are people who loves you and care for you and make you smile even in your darkest days. Love yourself, accept who you really are. Everyone is unique in their own way. You're all beautiful. And a broken heart can be healed, and a broken soul can be fixed. It all needs friends that support you and love you.

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