Chapter 37: Sweet Little Surprise

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  [a little gift for me to Brooke801958 , hope this chapter will make you very happy!]

"You're overthinking it darling." Marco said. He's sitting in his car, looking through the window at his best friend's house. He saw his girlfriend worried face, and her hands trembling. "You could have warned me that your best friend is none other than THE Yara Liberalo. What if she doesn't like me?! What If I'm now in her death liste!!" Marco chuckled, "mi amore.... She'll love you because she will see how much you're making me happy. I was raised with her, she knows me very well."

She turned to him, her back hitting the door "you know back in America, the girl best friend is a huge red flag!" Marco looked at her confused, then he understood "ohh! No no my love! She's like a sister! Besides, her boyfriend is scary..." Marco added shivering "always makes me piss my pants." She laughed at his comment "why?! Who is he?!" Marco smirked and replied "Alessandro Garcia." Her eyes popped out and she panicked "you're taking me to THE ELIE AND YARA LIBERALO AND IM GOING TO MEET HER BOYFRIEND WHO'S THE ALESSANDRO GARCIA. You don't want me alive do you?" He laughed, thinking she's joking.

But he saw the worried face. He cupped her face with his hand and pulled her so now both of their foreheads are pinned together "they are going to love you! They are not as bad as you think they are." She took a deep breath and nodded. "I love You.... Brooke." She smiled and replied "I love you too Marco." She slowly pushed herself to meet his lips and they kissed.

They got out of the car and walked to the entrance. After the two knocks, a butler opened the door and let them in. He escorted them to the living room where everyone were sitting there. As soon they met a new face, the room went silent. Deadly silent. They rose to their feet, and looked at them. Marco left her side and rushed to hug Yara. Alessandro glared at him which jokingly Marco stick his tongue out "you stick your tongue one more time at me Macro, I will cut it and stick it to my wall." Yara laughed. "Oh Marco, don't tell me you still fear him."'she said still hugging her best friend. "Love, stop hugging him if you don't want to see him dead."

Yara pushed herself quickly away from him and hugged Alessandro, giving him a kiss on his cheek. Alessandro smirked, trying to hide it. Elie walked to Marco and gave him a manly shake. "Miss you man, where have you been?!" "America..." Marco replied shrugging his shoulders. He then shook Vanessa's hand "hello Vanessa." "Hello Marco. How are you?" She then pulled him closer to her and whispered in his ears "and who's the girl behind you? She seems scared." Marco replied "oh. Ladies and gentlemen, that's Brooke, my girlfriend."

Yara turned to her surprised "girlfriend?!" Brooke smiled and nodded "hola everyone." Than she slapped her hand on her forehead 'stupid girl they're Italian not Spanish.' Yara smiled "don't overthink it. It's okay. You don't seem Italian." Brooke lifted her head and smiled "American ... ma'am." Yara laughed "oh my... you're making me look old!" Brooke looked nervously at Marco. "She's still 19." Marco said.

Brooke felt embarrassed. To her, it was the most awkward situation she has ever been. And the two glaring face Elie and Alessandro are giving her isn't making her feel any better "you're really pretty." Vanessa said. Brooke smiled and thanked her. Elie walked slowly to her "babe, Yara, step away. She's American. She might be a spy." Brooke froze at her feet "I'm a barista." She said scared. Marco rushed to her and put her behind his back. "Elie. Stop. You're scaring her!" Yara protested. Vanessa slapped her hand to her forehead and mumbled "unbelievable...." "He's right Yara. Filthy Americans." Marco grabbed his gun and pointed at elie "don't think of doing anything to her!" Brooke grabbed his arm "no Marco!"

But Marco wasn't listening, he was too busy shouting at Elie and Alessandro until Yara shouted "I'M PREGNANT!" Marco shut his mouth and Brooke looked at her shocked. "Y-you're p-pregnant?" Marco asked unbelievably. "Yes!" Yara shouted. She thought maybe that will defuse the tension. Marco lowered his gun and put it back in his pocket. "Dio mio.... You're actually pregnant." Yara shook her head happily. Marco's face dropped "whose baby?" Alessandro clenched his jaw and hissed "mine you dipshit!" Marco smirked "poor baby..." Alessandro cracked his knuckles "you want him to be his uncle?!! Elie is enough!" Roared Alessandro at Yara. Yara simply rolled her eyes "no! Our baby wants also a fun uncle."

Elie looked at her offended "what?! I can be a cool uncle." Vanessa kissed his cheeks "I doubt that my love." Brooke giggled. Marco grabbed the head of the sofa "I need to sit after this news." He sat dramatically on the couch then looked at Alessandro "you lucky bastard." Alessandro gave him a dirty smile "you're lucky I love my baby's mama, if not you would have been dead long time ago." Marco laid his two hands on his chest "I'm flattered" Yara approached Brooke "don't be afraid of us. Unless you want to betray us we're not going to kill you." Brooke laughed "no I promise." She then looked at Marco "you're lucky he's your best friend."

Yara smiled "well I feel you're making him happy, so I will accept you." Brooke smiled "thank you." Vanessa joined them "we should all get to know each other. How about one day we all hang out. A ladies night." Yara nodded "sound great to me. You Brooke?" Brooke nodded "sounds amazing! And Yara.... Congratulations on you being pregnant." Vanessa smiled "well you don't know. If we all became so close. Me and you might plan a baby shower." She whispered in her ears. Brooke felt more comfortable. She felt that they finally accept her. Yara added "do you want something to drink or eat. We have everything." "Oh no thank you! A cup of water would be great. I was so nervous. I cant feel my throat." The girls burst out laughing.

The three boys looked at them smiling "oh my lord. You're smiling. That's the first time I see you smiling." Marco teased Alessandro. "Marco you better shut up if you don't want a bullet straight into your head." Ale sat on the sofa and looked at Marco "how's your brother? Still grieving after his failed wedding." Ale laughed, remembering what happened with them. "Dude, he paid for a whole trip to America as a honeymoon, he gave it to me. And that's where I met Brooke."

Elie asked "is she making you happy?" Marco blushed thinking of her "really happy! I love her man. Like you love Vanessa, or you Ale love Yara. It's the same thing to me and Brooke. She's not rich, she's not famous, she's not from the mafia, just a simple barista I met, and saved her life. God I'm so in love with her. I went crazy . I wanted her even tho she was terrified of me when we met, but I wanted her like crazy." Elie smirked "remind me of someone." He looked at Alessandro. Alessandro rolled his eyes "shut up Elie. You're cousin is like a drug, once you taste her you get addicted to her."

"Brooke is my tribe. She's all I want. She's all I think of. I panic if I see her cry. Dad wasn't really happy, nor my brother. But well they got used to it. I don't care what they thought, whatever opinion they had on her. MY opinion matters, and what I want is what matters. And right now I want Brooke." They all turned to look at the girl talking and laughing together "welcome her to the family." Elie said. Marco smiled "thanks you guys."

AUTHORS NOTE: Tell me if you want a backstory for Brooke and Marco and more information about what happened and how they met.

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