Melo 2

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Seeing that I wasn't winning with my sister who drinks to the point of no return, I decided to stay at this party. It wasn't my scene but I was enjoying myself. These kids sure knew how to throw a party. My sister was chilling with Siya, Athi, Yandiswa and a group of other guys I did not know, they had hubbly in the middle and they also had drinks. Yandiswa was beautiful no doubt, there was just something about her that made you want to know her but there was also something childish about her and I don't do kids. I am Melokuhle Derrick Bess, son of Amahle Ngesi Bess and Damon Bess. I am turning 20 this December and let me take you through the life of the great Amahle and Damon Bess's son. It's not as pretty as it looks you know but we deal anyway. I am a law student at UKZN Howard, the same place where my father studied his law and obtained his degree. I didn't study law because I wanted to but being the only boy amongst girls, I had no choice because who else is going to run BESS when my father dies? The surname Bess comes with dozens of burdens such that on my Instagram I am Melokuhle Ngesi to avoid any media interactions. My sister was not always a heavy drinker; she became this person after we lost our grandmother Bomi to a tragic death. She and grandpa Daniel died in a car crash on their way to Mthatha after Iyana's birthday dinner, they died on the spot and things haven't been the same for me my siblings ever since. Mom didn't take it well but then who could blame her? She locked herself up until the funeral. It was very bad witnessing her go through that. The rest of my life you will hear as time goes by. I went inside to chill by the bar and minutes later I was joined by an old friend, Bonke.
Him: hey buddy
Me: hey what's up?
Him: I should be asking you that. You the one wearing shades indoors
Me: the son of Damon Bess needs to keep a low profile at all times
Him: your low profile will be the reason you die single and alone asshole
Me: hahaha how's the Mrs?
Him: she's great actually. Annoying at times but great. When is the mighty Melo getting into a serious relationship?
Me: now I know you drunk when you start asking me shiit like that
He chuckled.
Him: what is it with you and relationships?
Me: look at the life you living and tell me that you really happy with the way things are
Bonke and Anita have been together for a year now and he has not once hit it, I say Anita has issues but my friend here loves her the way she is and funny enough; he has never not once cheated on her.
Him: I'm happy. I'm with the girl of my dreams
Me: and sex?
Him: sex is not that important in a relationship
Me: you only saying that because you not getting any. Any way things are working for you the way they are buddy, let them work for me as they are
Him: I rest my case.
I laughed at him as he raised his hands up as a sign of defeat. This guy was rare to find; I hope Anita knew how lucky she was to have him. Bonke and I met at a club last year and we've been friends since. I like to keep my circle small meaning that I have a few friends and I don't do social networks, well I have Instagram and my account is private. Having seen what, the media has put my parents through, I decided to limit my contact with the world. My only real friends are the people I grew up with; Siyabonga Nkohla, Lucas Bess (my cousin and partner in crime) and my siblings and other cousins. While we were drinking and talking Anita came to us, well her boyfriend.
Her: hey baby
She kissed him on his cheek. And then waved her hand at me and I waved mine back
Him: Melo this is my girlfriend Anita; Nita this is Melokuhle
Her: nice to finally meet you Melokuhle
She said pulling her hand out and I shook it
Me: call me Melo. Everyone does
She smiled. Anita was a dark beauty, flawless skin and all. She was a straight up 10 and I did not even need alcohol in my system to notice that. They looked happy, for a split second I actually wanted what they had together but then again it disappeared when ii reminded myself of the things he wasn't getting in the relationship.
Him: what's up babe?
Her: I came to tell you that I am off to bed. These heels are killing me
Me: why do you girls wear those anyways? I mean this is your house right?
She nodded
Me: why not party in sneakers or something
BK laughed and so did she
Her: the aim is to look good at all times. In school my girls and I have a rep and we would like to maintain it at all times
Me: girls
Her: look at you. You indoors and you wearing shades
Him: that's because the might Derrick Bess wants to... uhhm what's the word again? Keep a low profile
Her: you Melokuhle Derrick Bess?
Me: you sound surprised?
Her: I am actually. What are you doing here?
Me: I don't understand
Her: you that guy
She clicked her fingers trying to think of a word to use
Me: rich guy?
Her: not the word I was looking for but it also works. You the kind of guy that attends serious parties and is always in the VIP section
Me: I have no idea where you got your information
Her: I don't mean it like that but I hope you get my point. This is a house party
Him: hahahaha she has you cornered bro
I chuckled. This girl was too hippy, in a good way. She looked all innocent and without sin, I didn't understand how her and Yandiswa were even friends.
Me: BK here invited me to come over and I figured why not?! I actually prefer house parties over clubs because at house parties' girls aren't trying so hard to get laid or trying to get niggas buy them alcohol
Her: wow.
My vibrated in my pocket.
Me: not to be rude but point me to the bathroom please, I need somewhere quiet
Just then this Yandiswa chick appeared and came straight to Anita followed by my sister.
Her: honey bubu can I have my room key please
Anita gave it to her
Nita: Yandi please take Melo to a quieter place
She looked at me from head to toe before responding I could follow them. My sister was super sloshed, she was blabbing and saying things that made no sense at all. Yandiswa was quiet this whole time. We got to this room and she opened the door and led my sister to bed. The room was pretty actually with mirror closet.
Her: well the bathroom is over there
She pointed at a brown door, I thanked her and went inside. My phone had stopped ringing by the time. It rang again and I took it. it was mom which only made me worry
//Me: Boobie
Her: honey where are you?
Me: at a party. What's up?
Her: it's your sister. She's at the hospital
Me: what do you mean? Mom what are you talking about?
Iyana is engaged to this guy she went to school with and she is 4 months pregnant, she works at mom's company and she loves it there. Her future husband is an engineer. I was hoping and praying that my sister and her baby were ok. This is the last thing the family needs.
Her: honey please just come to the hospital and come with your sister if you can. I've been trying to call her but she hasn't been answering her phone
Me: on my way mom//
I was worried about Iya. When she was 18, we learnt that her mother died while giving birth to her and that her mother sort of kind of raped our father. She didn't take it so well shame but she recovered with time and the right guy in her life. It did kind of put a dent on her relationship with our parents but eventually things worked out for the better because mom loved her regardless of how she came about. Having heard what mom and dad have been through together, it's the reason I figured relationships weren't for me. My surname is a blessing and a curse, it carries a lot of friends and a lot of enemies too and I wouldn't want to put anyone through that, hence I keep a low profile and stay away from relationships. I washed my face and then walked out of the bathroom. Yandiswa was sitting on top of the bed.
Her: everything ok?
Me: yeah. I have to go
Her: you sure everything's ok?
Me: just look after my sister please. I'll come fetch her in the morning
Her: rude much
She said rolling her eyes and opening the door for me and then she locked after me. I left her upstairs and rushed to my car and drove off to the hospital. When I got there mom, dad and Kungawo were in the waiting room looking all restless.
Me: where's Iyana? is the baby ok?
Dad: where's your sister? I don't know. I tried calling her but I couldn't reach her
Mom got up to hug me.
Her: you've been drinking
Me: one or two beers
Her: you could have been arrested Melokuhle!
-here comes trouble-
Dad: we'll talk about this at home
Me: I'm sleeping at my apartment dad
Him: don't test me Derrick
Dad only ever called me Derrick when he was mad while mom called me Melokuhle and spoke in Xhosa when she was mad. I didn't understand why they were being so dramatic because I made here alive. I knew better than to argue so I just kept quiet and sat next to Ngawo
Me: she's going to be ok
Him: thanks
Just then a doctor walked up to us.
Him: uhhm hello everyone. I am doctor Mishka. I have just sedated your daughter Mr Bess; she should wake up fine
Me: and the baby?
Him: I'm so sorry. The baby didn't make it
Dad: what do you mean?
Him: she lost a lot of blood Mr Bess. There was nothing we could do to save the baby
Me: but what could have caused her to miscarry. I don't understand
Him: it could have been stress or other things such as strenuous activities...
Mom: but we came for a check-up just last week and you told us that everything was normal and in place
Him: I'm sorry Mrs Bess but there was really nothing I could do
Ngawo: can I see her?
He said softly with his voice breaking.
Dr: she's sleeping
Dad gave the guy that scary look of his that's almost compelling and the doctor added
"please come this way"
He left with Ngawo and I was left with my parents. Mom just sat down feeling hopeless and dad went to sit next to her to comfort her.
Her: they were doing so well, the baby was healthy and so was she. What went wrong Damon?
She said in between tears. You see my mom once had a miscarriage on the year my Bess grandparents died and she didn't take it so well, she needed therapy to get through the horror so for her daughter to go through what she went through; it was heart breaking. Mom has lost way too many people in her life, she has lost parents, grandparents, step parent, her in laws, her unborn baby, her best Friend-Iyana's mom and her high school friend Alex who died giving birth to her baby and they both never made it. so you see what I mean when I say she has lost a lot of people?! I applaud that woman because she is very strong.
Dad: I wish I could answer you Boobie. I really do
Her: Iyana is not strong enough to handle this Damon
Him: shhhh. We will help her get through this ok?
I was just sitting there not knowing what to do or say. I just wanted my sister to be ok, mom wasn't lying about Iyana not be able to handle this, Iyana is the same person who was once diagnosed with depression after finding out about her real mother so this was going to slip her right back into that dark phase of her life.
Me: we need to be strong for her mom
I brushed her back. She got out of dad's arms.
Her: and where the hell is Asemahle! Dammit!
I couldn't bust my twin; I know I was wrong but she was going to be in deep shiit if they knew where she was. It's not that the parents didn't want us to party or anything but they wanted us to take it down a notch. Nothing that would taint the family name or embarrass any of them. After grandma and grandpa Hlathi's death, Melody was once diagnosed with alcohol poisoning and from thereon mom and dad told us to lay off of the booze. My sister on the other hand is the rebellious one, but as much as she can be rebellious, she doesn't drink on school days, she drinks heavily during holidays. We sat at the hospital until we were certain that Iyana was ok, well dad suggested that we come visit her tomorrow morning. When we got home everyone was too drained to argue-thank god-we all headed to our rooms and I went to pack up Asemahle things to change for tomorrow. I wasn't going to go with the parents to the hospital, I was going to make up a lie so that I can take Mahle's things to her before we head to the hospital.

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