Finale - Melo 50

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Finally, breakfast was served, Iya didn't eat. She went to help out her ex with his mother's funeral arrangements... well I suggested that she helps since she and that woman got along all too well and mom backed me up. We were sitting there in the lounge, just me and my mom bonding if you can call it that. Dad was at work, men like him don't take holidays. A while later Aunt Jen came in, didn't even know she was in town. You can never keep up with that one ey. She greeted us all
Her: I didn't know you were this bad
Me: I'm on bed rest for 6 flipping weeks' dude. How am I supposed to survive?
Mom: you surviving now, aren't you?
Jen: the kid doesn't mean that... at least it's still functioning
Me: she respects mom and dad too damn much. She would never agree to it under their roof
Jen: OUCH! You really got yourself an Amahle here
Me: tell me about it
Mom: it's a good thing!
Jen: whatever... you never knew how to live anyway
Mom: why the shade? I'm friends with you aren't I? that counts as living
Jen: you have a point. Ahhh but my friend you have lived ey... remember when you beat the shiit out of Aya?
She said laughing. Trust Aunt Jen to make fun out of such, Aya died and Jen and her weren't buddies even thou they shared a bestie. It was weird really but they never got along
Mom: I was pissed okay. Besides, it's wrong to speak ill of the dead
Jen: I aint speaking ill of Aya, I'm just laughing at how I missed seeing you beat the shiit out of her because my brother decided he was tired of being able to walk on his own
Jen's brother, aka Dad's Best friend Andrew had an accident years back and it ruined his spinal cord making him get an artificial one. As much as the spinal cord is doing its job, he's still not able to do other things he was able too.
Mom: it was not a choice. Anyway what brings you here?
Jen: my ex f*ck buddy has an exhibition next week so I'm here to attend that
Mom: which one? There's too many of them?
Jen: Taylor Meier. From Joburg, the street artist and now the world's best artist
Me: you know Taylor Meier? What am I even asking? Of cause you know the guy. My girlfriend worships him!
Jen: he sent me tickets to his exhibition, he'll be featuring one lucky student's pictures and that lucky student gets an opportunity to study abroad. Did your girlfriend send in her portfolio? This week Monday was the last day to send it in.
Me: I don't even think she knew. Too much has happened this past holiday. So where can one buy the tickets?
Jen: probably on computicket... I don't know really, they were delivered to my place the other day
Mom: woah tiger... slow down. You on Bed rest
Me: mom I have to go; I have to take Yaya to meet him
Mom: you haven't healed properly Melokuhle!
Jen: come on Amahle don't be a spoil sport. Let the kids be. I'll hook you up with tickets
Me: I could kiss you right now
Mom: you not having your own children is really starting to get to me!
Jen: it's just going to be for a little while
Mom: Derrick broke a bone ok. That's why it is still painful for him to stand or walk, if the doctor says he should be on bed rest then he should. His injuries aren't just minor, they are serious Jennifer
Me: mom come on. I'm not 5, you can't keep dictating what I can and cannot do
Her: you under my roof now and you do as I say. You not going to Joburg until you all better
With that she walked out and left me with Jen who just shrugged. I don't understand why mom was being like this all of a sudden.
Many might think I'm the worst mom right now but I almost lost my son a few days ago. I've lost way too many people in my life and I'm not ready to add him to that list too. Yes, he's just going to an exhibition which will be for a day or two and then come back, I get that, but what if something happens on his way there or on his way back huh? Then what? My parents died in a car crash, my grandparents also died in a car crash, I almost lost my son to the same, the last thing I want is this. Flying on its own is also not safe. After my in-laws died in a plane crash it was hard for me to fly again, I kept having flashbacks of when the plane went down, the scream from Lilly in the restroom, my father in law telling me to hold on and that everything was going to be fine when really nothing was going to be fine because he's not here today, I lost my child that day. Nothing is more scaring than a miscarriage, in my case this is both figuratively and literally because I still have the scar where that piece of metal went through on my stomach. It's a constant reminder of the day I lost my in-laws and child I didn't even know was growing inside of me. Its been years but I'm still not over it, yes I do fly but it doesn't mean I'm over everything that happened. Even driving on its own is still a traumatic experience for me so no. I can't have Melo going anywhere until he is fully recovered. All my life I've lived for my kids because I've come to learn that life is too short. I'm this over protective boring mom because I'm scared to lose them, I'm scared that if I were to lose any of them, I doubt I'd ever function again. I was in my room standing by the balcony when I felt someone touch my shoulder and wipe away a tear from my cheeks. I didn't even know I was crying. It was Jen
Her: what were you thinking about?
Me: everything that's happened in the past years. The pain my family and I have endured over the years
Her: you scared that Melo will die the same way your parents and your grandparents died
I nodded involuntary.
Me: I almost lost him Jen. I can't imagine losing my son too after all the people I've lost
She pulled me in for a hug. I was now in tears
Her: you not going to lose him Babe. Its ok to worry, its ok to be scared but Melo is not going anywhere any time soon. I will be there to make sure that he takes it easy. And we will be back straight after the exhibition.
I got out of her arms
Her: I understand your pain; I was there through it all. Your children have become my children and I would never put them in harm's way. Let Melo go with me to the exhibition and I swear on my life that nothing will happen to him. Please
I trusted Jen with the kids, she was like a second mother to them and knowing her, she meant every word. Yes, she was a bit lenient on them but she was still motherly and did what was best for them. I nodded.
Me: please Jen.
Her: I promise. Besides, he has that girl right?
Me: yes...
Her: if Yaya really is like you then you can best believe that your baby will be well taken care off.
I smiled thinking about what an amazing person that child was. Now I know she wasn't all innocent but she was a good person. Melo was not a troubled child as per say but he has been through a lot, when I found out about my parents I was with him, he held himself together for me, he only cried on the day of their funeral. Melo and I have always been buddies... if I can use that word, I know things about him even his father doesn't know, like him losing the one girl he ever really loved to suicide. I didn't think Melo could find love after her but life proved us otherwise. The pain Melo has been through was not for nothing, it came with Love. Yandiswa is love. And I hope and pray every day that they end up together and hopefully not face some of the challenges I faced with my husband.
Me: that child is a blessing
Jen: your smile says it all. Come let's go tell Melo the good news.
We walked out of my room in a much lighter mood.
Thanks to Aunt Jen, mom was ok with me going to Joburg with her next week. As for Yaya, I wanted this to be a surprise. My sister came back and turns out that they had lots of fun with Ledi who rocked up at their breakfast/lunch thingy. Yaya called me after the dinner with her newly founded family and she slept there apparently. It was Friday and Kate was going to Marie stopes. I woke up nervous as if I'm the one who's going to spread my legs in front of some doctor and have them suck the life growing inside of me. I called her but she wouldn't answer any of my calls, I needed to know if she was ok or not. Eventually I gave up and tried to sleep but I couldn't so I got on WhatsApp and had some chats with a few people. I got a call from Yaya.
//Me: morning beautiful
Her: morning sexy. How are you?
Me: nervous... how are you?
Her: I'm ok.... Have you called Kate?
Me: she's not answering my calls... probably thinks I'll try and convince her not to go through with it
Her: I'm sorry you going through this
Me: I'm a big boy. these things happen
Her: I guess
Me: so what's bothering you?
Her: nothing's bothering me
Me: don't lie to me. how was the dinner?
Her: it went great actually. His wife is an amazing woman
Me: what about him?
She clicked her tongue
Me: what is it?
Her: he told me to keep my distance from you. Says you not right for me and that I should get with someone from the church
Me: and what did you say?
Her: I lost it. Told him he can't just rock up in my life and think he's going to play father on me when he hasn't done that for 19 years. I basically told him where to get off
Me: so you think I'm right for you?
Her: of cause you are. I wouldn't be with you if you weren't
I felt my cheeks getting red. This girl was making me blush.
Me: riiight
Her: babe
Me: yeah
Her: if you were offered a better job somewhere outside South Africa, would you take it?
Me: my whole life is here. There's a lot I'd have to consider first but I think I would take it. It's an opportunity to grow... but my girl would have to be by my side
Her: but she has school
Me: we can get her a school there... it's no problem mos
Her: I hear you
Me: why do you ask?
Her: nah its nothing. My friends and I were just chatting about what would happen if your left SA, where would it leave our relationship
Me: it's not about the distance, it's about two people who love each other. If you and I are meant for each other, not even distance can stand in the way of what is meant to be
Her: ok I hear you babe
Me: you sure you ok?
Her: of cause, I'm just worked up but what my father said that's all
Me: I'm sorry
Her: its ok babe. Anyway let me go and wash... I will see you later on ok
Me: ok babe. Bye//
With that I dropped the call and continued chatting with people on WhatsApp. A while later my sister came in my room chatting. She was going to meet Kate who was going to give her my card after. I headed to the lounge after washing and turned on the TV, Yana walked in.
Me: how you feeling?
Her: like a bus ran over me.
Me: I'm sorry
Her: its ok
Me: so how are the plans?
Her: everything is sorted; he didn't really need my help much. Today we going grocery shopping
Me: Yana
Her: yes
Me: would you two get back together given the chance?
Her: I don't know. At this point there's no telling. I'm just worried about him that's all
Me: but the guy loves you
Her: and I'm not in love with him. I just care about him; I think I was with him because he saved me you know. He was there when I thought I had no one
Me: even though you had us
Her: yes, I did but your mother didn't die giving birth to you, she didn't seduce your father because she was jealous of her best friend
Me: yes, but a beautiful thang came out of it all.
She smiled
Her: I guess
Me: you are our sister despite everything that happened in the past. Wait, what's all this got to do with you and Ngawo?
She laughed and so did... just then mom walked in fuming.
Yana: and then?
Her: where's Asemahle?
Me: she went to fetch something in town... why?
Mom: and that something happens to be at Marie stopes right? Derrick is your sister pregnant?

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