Melo 42

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Amsterdam went as planned, dad and I came back after two weeks as planned. I must say it was good to be back. Yaya and I spoke every day, called each other on a daily and we didn't get tired of each other. Oh did I mention that she passed all of her subjects with 75 and above? Yes, she passed cum laude. I passed all my subjects, but not cum laude though. She and I would exchange pictures everyday even and it was great. We did this thing where we would send each other a picture of the other every morning just to remind them of what they missing, this was going to go on until we see each other again and I must say her pictures were torturous. I'd get a hard on just by seeing her, every time she sent me a nude you would swear it was my first time seeing her body. It was so perfect. Her boobs, my word! How could someone look that good? I came back this afternoon; I was at the Bess mansion. I woke up and checked my texts and a name I haven't seen in ages had sent me a picture, it was from Kate. It was a picture of two pregnancy tests both positive. I called her same time.
//Me: Kate
Her: hi
Me: I just saw your message now
Her: yep
Me: where are you now? can we talk?
Her: I'm at res.
Me: can I come over?
Her: sure
She was crying, judging by the sound of her voice.
Me: be there in 30 min//
She just cut the call on me. This was the last thing I needed right now, Yaya and I were happy to that level of happiness and now this? she was going to dump me straight up. I took my phone, wallet and car keys and drove off to Kates res. I got there after an hour because of festive traffic, I parked my car and locked it then went to Kate's room, I knocked and she answered after a while. She had puffy eyes almost like she had been crying for some time. I pulled her to my chest, it felt like I was cheating on my girlfriend but Kate needed me. I closed the door behind me. she broke the hug.
Me: how far are you?
Her: I don't know, a month and some week's maybe
Me: So what we going to do now?
Her: I don't know
Me: Let's go to the doctor Kate
We were sitting on her bed, well I was at the edge of it and she was sitting in the corner starring into airspace.
Her: Can I just process this first then then we'll talk about the rest tomorrow. I took the test this morning...
The time was just after 2pm, we arrived in SA this morning around 10am.
Me: oh cool.
I buried my face in my hands. This was really the last thing she and I both needed, she had school to finish and I still had my articles and stuff to do. We sat there in silence
Her: This is freaking me out
Me: It's also freaking me out
Her: please just leave. I want to be alone
Me: Kate come on
Her: Derrick please just leave. we'll talk about this later on or tomorrow, I just want to be alone right now
Me: please don't make any hasty decisions without talking to me first.
Her: sure.
I got up and headed for the door and so did she, she waited for me to walk out before locking the door behind me. What have I put myself into? What am I going to do with a baby? Yandiswa is not like my mom, she wouldn't be so forgiving about the situation even though it happened before her and I. we've once spoke of this and she told me flat out that she wasn't cut out for baby mama drama, said she was way too young for baby mama drama so this, this was going to be the end of us no doubt. I got into my car and drove off to my place. I needed to do some thinking. I needed a drink. I needed sex! I got to my apartment and poured myself some scotch and went to seat in the lounge and blasted my stereo. I had a dozen missed calls from Yaya, mom, dad and Ase but mostly from Yaya but I didn't pick up any of their calls, Yaya didn't give up of cause. This was a lot for me. I drowned my sorrows in some scotch.
How could I have been so stupid? Who sleeps with someone without using a condom? Who is so dumb enough? to top it off the father is Melo Bess the player. Mom was going to kill me no doubt! After Melo left, my friend Sanele whom I sent a picture of the same test to came over to my room. The first thing she did was hug me tightly which only made me cry harder. Mom did not need this, reason I say mom is because as much as Melo has the means, the baby wouldn't be his to take care of, it would be my responsibility and it would hold me back from school. It's bad enough that I'm only doing my first year going to do my second this year and then there's my little brother in a private school who is also mom's responsibility alone so this baby was unneeded baggage. Mom is a lecture and she pays 25% of my fees via subsidy but even that she's still paying something and she's struggling as it is. This was just bad. Sanele took me to the bed and we sat down. she took my hands into hers.
Her: did you tell Melo?
I nodded
Her: and what did he say?
Me: we didn't really have a heart to heart conversation about this, he was as stressed as I am. He has a girlfriend now and this is the last thing he needs
Her: either way, this is his child
Me: I know but it's a child I do not want, it came at the wrong time
Her: so what are you suggesting?
Me: I can't keep this baby!
Her: Kate are you sure about this? I understand you not ready for a baby but abortion?
Me: Sanele I can't keep this baby; I wouldn't be able to get over the disappointment on my mom's face. This would kill my grandmother Sanele
Her: Kate both these people love you, at some point they will forgive you
Me: I can't do this to them Sanele, you have to understand
Her: I understand babe, can't you at least sleep and think about this properly before you make a decision you'll end up regretting for life
I sighed.
Her: just think about this proper babe, I know you scared to disappoint your mom but babe imagine the disappointment you would get from her if you aborted
She had a point but I wasn't from Durban originally, my family is from Kokstad, mom came here for work and I came here to study and get my degree. How would this even work? I tried to sleep but with no luck, I couldn't stop thinking about this pregnancy. it was past 8 now, still couldn't sleep and still no word from Melo, I can't say I wasn't worried about him but he wasn't my problem. Just as I was in bed like that, I got a call from Melo.
//Him: hey
Me: hi
Him: you still awake?
Me: I can't sleep
Him: Maybe it's because you thinking of a lot of things. Listen to music. It helps a bit
Me: How can I not overthink? And you, you just seem chilled with everything. How am I the only one panicking here Derrick?
Him: You right, I seem chilled but I'm actually not. Having us both Panicking won't help
Me: I'm not ready for a baby
I said with tears flowing to my pillow, just the thought of this made me cry, I cannot imagine having a baby. I'm only turning 18 this year so a baby is a NO NO!
Me: What will I say to my mom? How will I even tell her?
Him: Let's first be 100% sure that you pregnant first and for how many weeks then we'll figure it out...... let's not think about that yet....
Me: Both tests are positive and apparently they are very much accurate... what are the chances of me not being pregnant?
Him: Geeeez, I don't know. That's what I'm tryna figure out
Me: I'm scared
Him: I'm also scared Kate, but we'll get through this...
Me: is that a promise?
Him: Yes, of cause it is......
Me: you can't be making such promises Derrick, you have a girlfriend
Him: can we focus on the matter at hand please
Me: You do realize I'm from Kokstad right...
Him: Yea I do, and...?
Me: How would this work out?
Him: The baby or this sudden relationship?
Me: Both
Him: Ummmh, I don't have everything figured out yet. But my best hopes are to try making it work. It can be you schooling part time, and getting a good paying job, I'll give you a car to make travelling easier so that distance won't be an issue. I don't know yet Kate. I don't have everything figured out.
Me: Goodnight
Him: Goodnight//
I think the pregnancy hormones were also playing a role in my mood swings. I was annoyed by him really. I decided to try and catch up on some sleep but nothing, the one time I actually needed the sleep it was nowhere to be found. This sucked really.
I wasn't drunk, I couldn't bring myself to. my phone wouldn't stop ringing. It was Yaya. I finally decided to answer her call, I've avoided her long enough anyway.
//Her: Melokuhle what the hell? Have you any idea how worried I've been? Even your mom called me asking about you. Why weren't you answering your phone? Is everything ok?
Me: everything is fine Yaya. I was sleeping
Her: you lying, you not that deep of a sleeper Melokuhle
Me: right.
Her: What am I missing? Did I do something? what is it exactly Melokuhle?
-Kate is pregnant that's what you missing-
Me: it's nothing, I just miss you that's all
Her: and I'm supposed to believe that it's you missing me that's making you all grumpy and not taking your mothers calls?
Me: it's been a long day babe. How are you?
Her: I'm fine
Me: I'm also good thank you for asking
Her: you shutting me out and I don't understand why
Me: I'm not shutting you out. Why would I do that?
Her: I don't know, that's exactly what I'm trying to understand Melokuhle
Me: I'm sorry you feel that way
Her: ok. goodnight
Me: haibo Yaya
Her: it's no point trying to have a conversation with someone who doesn't want to talk to you Melokuhle. It sucks
Me: I'm sorry
Her: sure
Me: I'm back in Durban
Her: great
Me: could you sound a little excited please
Her: for what? You not excited to be talking to me
Me: you know I love talking to you
Her: good night Melo//
She dropped the call on me just like that. She was mad at me, as much as I was in no mood to beg her she was my girlfriend and I stand a great chance to lose her over this so gathered all my strength and dialled her number and called her. she was hesitant to answer my call; I know her all too well. She was probably watching her phone as my picture was flashing on her screen. Eventually she answered.
//Her: What?
Me: babe please
Her: what is it Melokuhle?
Me: I'm sorry
Her: what is it Melokuhle? What's bothering you?
Me: it's nothing babe, I just had a bad day that's all
Her: you still lying to me Melokuhle!
-how did she know?
Me: I want to tell you but just not know ok, please just trust me on this
Her: why won't you tell me now Melokuhle?
Me: it's not something to be said over the phone Yaya, I need you to understand
Her: call me when you ready to tell me what this is Melokuhle//
Yandiswa could be so difficult for nothing when she wanted to yeses! I decided to let her be and try get some sleep I had one last drink before hitting the sac and I slept like a baby. The next day I woke up to screenshots from Kate, it was screenshots about Abortion, costs and all. I called her.
//Me: morning
Her: morning
Me: are you ready to talk today?
Her: yes. I'll come to your place
Me: what time?
Her: around 10.
Me: sure
Her: bye//
I checked my phone and there was nothing from Yaya. I texted her but nothing, she blue ticked me. I called her but nothing. personally I think she was being childish! I went to shower and went to go buy food, my fridge was empty. I came back before 10, a while later there was a knock on my door and it was Kate. She looked beautiful. I let her in.
Me: can I make you something to eat?
Her: I'm not hungry
Me: you have to eat something
Her: I had an apple on my way here
Me: sure.
I decided to make us sandwiches. When I was done I went to put the plates in the lounge with glasses of juice.
Her: no thanks.
I didn't respond.
Me: Abortion?
Her: what other option do we have Melo?
Me: keeping it maybe.
Her: that is not an option Derrick.
Me: ok fine. When are we going to the hospital to enquire then?
Her: Sanele and I went there this morning and from what we got it was said that 9 weeks and below the pill is R1000 and the surgical procedure is R1375...
Me: but you do you think it's been more than 9 weeks?
Her: I doubt it, it's probably 6 weeks
Me: which hospital did you go to? it better not be those shady places
Her: we went to Marie Stopes
Me: I would prefer you go to a hospital
Her: I don't have money for a hospital
Me: I'll give you the money then. Just go to a hospital and find out what they say
Her: cool.
Me: do you need me there?
Her: nope. Sanele will do this with me, this pregnancy changes nothing
Me: Kate I am sorry. I don't know what more I need to say to you. I screwed up, I know and no amount of I'm sorries will fix things or undo the pain I've caused you
Her: what's done is done Melo. Let's move on, you have
Me: Kate please
Her: look, I'll go book an appointment and get back at you
With that she stood up and headed for the kitchen, she didn't even touch her sandwich or anything. I didn't want love back or anything like that, I just wanted her and I to be on good terms for the sake of peace. I went to close the door behind her and went back to the lounge to eat of which I didn't have an appetite. I needed Yandiswa here with me. I took my car keys, phone and wallet then headed to my car locking the door behind me. I called dad and told him I wouldn't be available for work the whole of this week, it was on a Monday by the way. My trip was headed to Mthatha, yes I was going to see her. I needed her, I needed to see her, talk to her, feel her touch and just be inside of her. I called her but she was ignoring my calls, I kept trying but still nothing. I didn't give up until she answered.
//Her: what do you want?
Me: Yaya I'm sorry
Her: for what Melokuhle huh?
Me: everything... listen, I will tell you everything when I see you
Her: why can't you just tell me the truth Melokuhle huh? or am I not worthy of it? I thought we were a team here. You and I were supposed to have a truthful honest relationship but I don't see that happening.
She was on loud speaker as I was driving. The trip from Durban to Kokstad was the longest, the stop and go's were a drag. I was past the toll gates and headed to Shepston
Me: Yandiswa I will explain everything to you when I see you ok. please just calm down
Her: you making me worry Melokuhle, you go to Amsterdam and come back not answering your phone the whole day and still expect me to be cool and calm with your behaviour. You really making it hard not to think of the worst
Me: if you implying that I've cheated on you Yandiswa please get it out of your mind because I would never do that to you
Her: you not giving me much of a choice here Melokuhle. What am I supposed to think?
I took my phone from the phone stand but it fell... just great! I tried picking it up and when I had finally grabbed it a car was already swerving into me. I don't know how or what happened but next thing I knew it; it was lights out for me, well not really lights out as per say because I could hear a lot of noise and my head pounding. I tried to get up but my head was too heavy and sore. Minutes later I heard ambulance noises and police sirens. Just great, an accident was just what I needed now of all times?! I don't know when I lost conscious but when I woke up I was in what seemed like an ambulance on the inside and two guys asking me to some questions I couldn't really answer. It clicked to me, I was talking to Yandiswa, where the hell was my phone? I asked the guys where my phone was. I wasn't badly hurt or should I say I didn't feel like I was badly hurt, my head hurt and so did my leg but that was just about it. I didn't need a hospital. I needed to get to my girlfriend.

With Pain Comes Love Book 1Where stories live. Discover now