Melo 12

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Oh mom though. Father forgive her for she knows not what she is doing. In mom's defence, of everything I tell her, I haven't told her about Yandiswa because then she would ask lots of questions and she would play match make and assume that I want her and she would encourage me to pursue her so no. she doesn't know jack shiit about Yandiswa. On a lighter note, Yandi gets hotter by the minute, I know I saw her yesterday but it was as if I was seeing her for the first time. How can someone look that good without any effort? I mean she had zero make up on, not even lipstick and her hair was untied and hanging loose but she still looked amazing, she looked like she had just gotten out of a commercial for some beach shoot or whatever. I needed to hit that! When she walked out of my sister's room looking all kinds of nice, I couldn't help myself. I tried keeping the compliment to myself but the words had already left my mouth.
Me: how the fuck do you always look this good?!
I put my hand on my mouth. Asemahle laughed at me having heard what I just said
Her: excuse me?
Me: I don't have all day. Let's go
Ase: well Yandi here is my flat key, bring me the clothes that still have their tags on ok? And my shoes, Derrick knows which shoes I love
Me: we not there to pack up your whole apartment
Ase: relax. Just bring me nice things only
Her: I bet all your clothes are nice
Ase: don't flatter me boo.
They both laughed. There it was, that laugh that did things to me, it did weird shiit to me!
Me: if you girls are done?!
Yandi: see you when I get back
Ase: Melo behave
Me: excuse me?
Ase: you heard me!
I kept quiet and we walked out. She was super quiet and so I let her be. We got to the car and I unlocked the doors and she got in the passenger seat, I was driving mom's Bentley.
Her: nice wheels
Me: they mom's.
She nodded and kept quiet.
Me: you don't talk much huh?
Her: you not easy to talk to
Me: I've seen you naked, I think that's an ice breaker
Her: like you said, you think
Me: what is your problem?
Her: I don't have any
Me: then why do you hate me so much?
Her: you threatened to hurt me
Me: I was looking out for my sister. You said you'd rather die than be with me
Her: you're an ass.
Me: and you got that from?
Her: your attitude said it all
Me: mmmh
Her: heard you'd like to bang me though.
Oh wow! are we really doing this?
Me: I think you were better when you didn't talk much
She chuckled
Her: I'm curious
Me: ok?
Her: you've been nothing but a jerk to me and rude since day one. What makes you think you could ever "bang" me?
Me: because I was taught to after what I want at a very young age Miss Gxaba and I happen to want your body
She looked outside. What was it about her? She smelled so damn good by the way
Her: well keep dreaming Mr Bess. I meant what I said about rather dying than being with you
Me: you in a car with me. I bet you never thought that were possible but look at us now
Her: what's your plan Melokuhle?
Me: don't call me that
Her: what? Melokuhle?
Me: just don't! I don't see why you should change, you look decent enough
Her: how quick you are to change the subject
Me: is there anything you want at your place?
Her: jewellery
Me: it's not some formal dinner relax!
Her: oh
Me: I buy you a R1500 gift at NWJ and you still go on and wear these cheap Mr Price things that will ruin your skin
Her: who said it ruins my skin?
Me: I know that those aren't hickies
I said pointing at her chest, she was pink in the area where the heart of her necklace sat. she opened the mirror above her and she looked at her chest. She looked worried and scared a bit, bet she didn't know she had a reaction to such.
Me: my sister used to have a reaction too so she switched to real jewellery stores for her neck pieces
Her: not all of us were fortunate enough to be Bess's
Me: yeah but your mom is a doctor meaning you loaded because you can afford Zara handbags and Sportscene sneakers
Her: are you keeping tabs on me and where I shop?
Me: I couldn't help but notice the bag you carrying looks like the one I bought for my sister yesterday
Her: mmmh I see.
She kept quiet and so did I. Metro was on and they were playing mom's song
Her: turn that up please
Me: uhhhm ok
She started singing along. The way she was carefree was just beautiful. After the song was over I turned the volume down
Her: I know I'm a terrible singer but I love that song
Me: I noticed. Stay away from singing though
She laughed and so did I. for the first time I think she and I were actually bonding and enjoying each other's company. We got to La Lucia, my sister and I live in the same complex but different areas.
Her: can your family adopt me already?!
Me: nah. Too many girls already
She laughed
Her: geeez.
We walked up and she followed behind me as we made our way to my sister's room, the stairs were exhausting. No wonder she was that skinny and fit; its these stairs. We got to her place and her housemate was there in the kitchen.
Her: Derrick Melokuhle Bess
Me: Miss Scott
My sister lived with Aunt Karen's daughter Layla Scott, she was 19. We hugged and then I put her down.
Her: wow. could it be that you finally have a girlfriend?
Us: No! we not dating
We spoke at the same time and Lay laughed at us.
Her: could have fooled me.
Me: Yandiswa this is Layla Scott; Layla this is Yandiswa Gxaba
They shook hands
Yandi: nice to meet you
Lay: likewise, For the record, you two would make a great couple
Me: it'll never happen cous. So when are you going home?
Lay: I'm flying tonight actually. Mom and dad have been on my case
Me: does that mean you won't attend our birthday party?
Lay: you know I wouldn't miss it for the world! Where's your twin?
Me: grounded. We actually here to fetch her things, well few of them
Lay: what has she done this time?
Me: drinking.
Lay: been telling her to quit
Me: she's as stubborn as both her parents that one.
Lay: my word! How's Yana? How's the pregnancy?
Me: Mahle didn't tell you? She lost the baby, last night
Lay: my word I'm so sorry
Me: its ayt. Anyway let's get these things and go
Lay: it was nice meeting you Yandiswa
Yandi: likewise, Layla
And with that we went to my sister's room which looked like a replica of the one at home. It was clean shame, if there's one thing you can count on is my sister keeping her room and closet as clean as she is.
Yandi: you guys are cousins how?
Me: we not really cousins as such. Her mother married my uncle Aluncedo, they have a daughter together so she and I are related through her sister
Her: oh... she's pretty
Me: yeah. Well that's her closet, have fun
Her: she sent both of us. I'm not going in there alone
Me: nothing's going to bite you... just so you know
Her: still
Me: why do you always have to be this difficult?
Her: and why do you always be this commanding?
Me: honestly I don't know...
Her: you know Derrick, sometimes you need to be less commanding and ask more in order for things to go the way you wish for them to
Me: you making no sense
Her: respect is a two-way street; you give it in order to receive it.
Me: kind of like going down on someone
Her: if that example works best for you then sure
She went to my sister's closet and she opened it, she went inside and switched the light on. Her closet was so organised, I'm talking colour coordination type thing.
Me: she prefers it the way she had left it... just so you know
Her: and how are we supposed to find the clothes she wants?
I went inside and found her going through a hanger with dry cleaned things
Me: when she said tags, I think she meant clothes that have not yet been worn
Her: fine. You look for them then
She said turning to face me. I was standing right behind her, so close you could actually smell the lotion she put on her hair. Yandiswa was adorably short, she stopped right by my shoulders and she was in heels by the way; imagine if she was in flats like when she was wearing a bikini earlier on.
Me: you in the way actually
She looked up at me and moved aside. I pulled out a rack and found the clothes at the back. I don't know how she thought we would find these.
Her: and how were we suppose to find those?
Me: that's why you here with me. My sister's closet is a complicated on
Her: I see.
Me: the suitcases are in that door. I'll go fetch her shoes
Most of my sister's clothes were imported things, a whole collection for a certain season. Perks of having an aunt who's a fashion buyer slash model, she also bought me clothes. Jen was pretty much that favourite aunt who was unmarried and lived the life of travelling. And then there was uncle Damien's wife Aunt Simmy, she also sent us dozens of clothes and accessories at the end of each season. You could say we were spoilt beyond measure. Uncle Damien's dance academy was doing great, he visited it whenever he could; Layla was a student there.
Her: why so many clothes?
Me: two of our aunts are fashion buyers
Her: yep, your mom can adopt me please
I chuckled
Me: riiiight!
I took out the shoes which I know she wanted and then pulled out her shoe bag and put them in it.
Me: you done?
Her: yeah. We can go
I offered to take the suitcase and she shockingly didn't fight me on it, she let me take it and we headed out after saying our goodbyes to Layla. I loaded the things in the car and we drove off
Her: somethings been bothering me
Me: what?
Her: Lathitha
Me: who's that?
Her: one of my friends. She studies in the same campus as me, says you asked for her number
Me: so what's bothering you about that?
Her: she's a good girl Derrick, she's those type of girls that get in it for the long run
Me: and what type of girl are you?
Her: we not talking about me here. Please just stay away from her
Me: I'll stay away from her on one condition
Her: and what's that?
Me: sleep with me
She coughed, I couldn't help but laugh at her shame. Bet she was never ready for that now was she?
Her: excuse me?
Me: I didn't know she was your friend when I approached her and even if I did, I don't see why that bothers you
Her: it doesn't bother me; I just don't want you to hurt her that's all
Me: aren't you the sweetest friend. Friend of the year award goes to you
Her: I don't get you!
Me: what don't you get about me?
Her: why do you sleep with girls?
Me: should I sleep with guys instead?
Her: you know what I mean Derrick.
Me: I have needs and only girls can satisfy them. Your friend is flames, so are you by the way but if I can't get you then I might as well get the next best thing
Her: you such an asshole
Me: your friend is interested in me and I'm interested in her. I don't see why you should interfere and try save her.
Her: she doesn't need you in her life Melokuhle
Me: did she say that? Did she say she wants to be saved?
She shook her head
Her: no
Me: my point exactly. As a person you can only save people who want to be saved
Her: wow.
We passed by MacD for McFlurry's and then I drove us home. She was suddenly back to not talking to me, the ice cream was a piece offering but nope; she wasn't fazed. Was she mad about me hitting on her friend? Why though? She made it clear that she wasn't interested in me. Yandiswa Gxaba was too complicated for me shame!

With Pain Comes Love Book 1Where stories live. Discover now