Yaya 45

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Sometimes I surprised myself. What kind of idiot would convince their boyfriend to convince his ex to keep their child huh? Me. That's who. I'm such an idiot. Hopefully my idiotness pays off someday. Melokuhle had better put a ring on my finger someday for being such an amazing girlfriend. I deserve it even if I say so myself. Bae and I spend the rest of the night chatting about our holidays and how much we missed each other, such a pity we couldn't show each other just how much but as soon as that cement comes off best believe we won't sleep... which will be 6 weeks to 8 from now. Sucks right? But it's all for the best. I took an uber to my place to go and wash up, as I was coming out of yard about to request an uber, a car pulled up in front of the yard. Ok... the door opened and you won't guess who rocked up out of it. It was my ex... the one that broke my heart? Remember him? The guy that broke up with me because I wouldn't lose my virginity to him. The same guy who posted a picture of us and told the whole world that he was single now and he was ready to mingle in my expense by the way. Yes, you guessed it, it was my asshole of and ex; Zuko. He came over to me and attempted to hug me but I just looked at him.
Last time I saw him; things didn't go so well ey. I actually met him this past holidays and you wouldn't guess what happened. This was how our conversation went
Zuko and I were talking about his suicide thoughts this past year and how the big city was just taking its toll on him. He was depressed no doubt. We had mostly been talking about his WhatsApp statuses and how depressing they were to read. He wasn't happy and it kind of bothered me no lie, I cared about despite our past, I still cared.
Me: You know how to make people happy. There's more to you than that. Don't let depression cloud who you truly are
Him: I know but who's going to save me when I need saving?
Me: you have friends, family
Him: You know I bottle my emotions, I can go out there and make people happy and come back home and when I'm alone I start thinking about my problems and feel like not talking to anyone and turn off my phone.
Me: Zuko
Him: This is not the time and place for all this.
Me: When is the time and where is the place? I'm not being cocky or anything but I think I'm the one person you seem to be willing to actually talk because I understand you. All of you. A lot may have changed kodwa I'll always be here for you. I think I once told you to put your emotions in a song
Him: I'll be ok man, don't make it a biggie.
Me: Its always been a biggie. I don't want you to drown in your emotions. Knowing you, you have someone who is willing to be there for you
Him: It's just a phase Yandiswa chill your tits down
Me: Stop being an ass! Kanene awuqhelanga ukwaziwa kangaka yintombi (oh right how could I forget, you not used to being known this well by a girl)
I knew Zuko like the back of my hand but sometimes he did things that surprised even me.
Him: Nawe stop being too serious.
Me: I can't. This is serious tshii! Ok I'll let you be, on one condition thou
Him: Yes?
Me: Put your emotions in a song. Feel depressed? Write. Feel sad? Write. Feel happy? Write. I want you to put this in your music.
Him: Ayay! Captain. Let's go to my crib, this place is crowded
Me: what? No.
Him: come on Yands please just come through to the crib
Me: Lol no ways. I'm here mos with you, is that not enough?
Him: please Yandi
Me: get laid unintentionally? No thanks
Him: Lol what do you mean unintentionally? Dude.
Me: Lol you know exactly what I mean. You and me behind closed doors... look at the day I lost my virginity
Him: Lol that was unintentional, tomorrow doesn't have to be
Me: Nooooooh thanks I'm good
Him: Yands, please come thru
Me: I'm sorry but no ways dude
Him: You know we haven't had time to be together and bond again, tomorrow can be that day... You and me again
Me: Pleading doesn't suit you. Besides we bonding now
Him: Hahaha I know right, it sucks
Me: You don't have to beg nje...
Him: I do, when I really want something. And that is you to be with me tomorrow
Me: Except it won't happen
Him: Yaya please
Me: sorry bruh
Him: Why won't you come?
Me: You know exactly why...
Him: Because you don't want to get laid? That's it?
Me: No... cause I have a boyfriend
Him: You have a boyfriend?
He asked sounding shocked which only annoyed me really because my Melo is on my Instagram and he was my current profile picture on WhatsApp. Ok the picture looked like it had been downloaded so I don't blame him for thinking it was some celebrity crush because Melo looked the part ey.
Me: mxm!
Him: fine
We had another conversation until we decided to call it a day, that day we didn't chat on WhatsApp or whatsoever, he ignored my texts and I let him be because I really didn't need him in my life and him making me feel bad for not wanting to go to his home with him. I woke up to this text after having rejected going to sleep over at his place
"funny, I heard the most surprising news, that you had a boyfriend which I always suspected... So while I was being ignored all those months you were busy with your new formed love and now everything makes sense. The least you could have done was give me a heads up you know but hey things have a funny way of coming out. You have a life of your own and I don't really blame you. I hope y'all are still together and pushing, he's not bad thou. I saw I picture of you two"
Now I know I shouldn't have been socializing with my ex seeing that I have a new boyfriend and all but he wanted to clear the air and apologize for pretty much everything and like a fool I agreed to meet up with him over lunch. From there on we developed some sort of friendship or at least that's what it seemed like to me until the text and then he blocked me on WhatsApp... how childish can one be right?
So yeah that was the last time I heard from him.
Him: Yandi I am sorry for the way things went between us
Me: I'm over it Zuko. What's done is done
Him: Yandi please just hear me out
Me: no Zuko you hear me out. I told you I had a boyfriend, you've seen that I have a boyfriend but you still played yourself for a fool and pretended that it was me being crazy me as usual. I don't blame you really because maybe I have made you feel that way. This cycle of ours and stuff, you screw up, apologize, and I let you right back into my life. It's been that way and it still was that way but I'm done with it Zuko. Its draining for me. you have a life in Joburg and I have a life here, lets respect each other please
Him: Yandi I can't let you go. You my coconut, always have and always will be
I chuckled in disbelief. Was this guy hearing himself?
Me: was, past tense. You have a girlfriend whom you've been flashing on Instagram and your WhatsApp Zuko, she's your coconut now and not me
Him: can we not talk about her. Yandi you know I love you and I never stopped, I'll never stop. I was childish and stupid and immature, I've grown up now and I swear to you things will be different this time around. No more pain.
Me: funny you should say that because there is no this time around. I didn't understand the emotional pain you put me through but its seemed to pay off. I guess it's true when they say With Pain Comes Love because the guy I am with now will never hurt me the way you did. I aint even mad anymore, I'm just irritated by you and I want to leave
Him: so that's it, you've given up on us just like that
Me: Zuko focus on your girlfriend, it's the best thing you'll ever do.
Him: Yandi I won't give up on us
Me: well then best of luck with that. While you busy not giving up, I should go and see my boyfriend. He's probably panicking
Him: you enjoying this huh?
Me: not really, it's just pathetic
I said with a shrug then requested an uber which came in less than two minutes. I got on and asked he drop me off at the hospital. He was getting discharged today and he was going to his home, Ase was fetching him. I got to the hospital and Mr. was already packed waiting on his sister and me... I hugged him and we shared a kiss
Him: you've been gone for a very long time
Me: on my way out I ran into Zuko
Him: the ex-boyfriend that lives in Joburg?
Me: yep him, he was busy confessing his feelings and stuff
Him: I hope you didn't entertain him this time around
Melo knows I met up with him this past December and he was not so happy about it, he didn't talk to me for hours but he finally gave in, by the time I went to bed he and I were on good speaking terms but he asked that I never entertain him again, he was an ex and he should stay there. We didn't need to be friends.
Me: I didn't babe. He cornered me leaving no option but to listen to his crap, busy asking me for stupid love back as if I would ever get back together again with him
He smiled.
Him: that's my girl. You so adorable when you mad
Me: I'm not mad, I'm irritated by what I had to endure babe
I kissed the side of my head.
Him: sorry babe.
Just then Ase walked in with his prescription and her purse that looked like mine in her hand.
Her: don't you two get tired of each other. You slept here with him every day Yaya
I looked at her and smiled
Him: you'll understand when you start having sex
I couldn't help but laugh. My boyfriend was always ready with an answer; it was annoying if you ask me.
Her: don't tell me you two have been having sex in the hospital
She said looking disgusted.
Him: if I didn't have these stupid things on my arm and leg then we would have. It's probably the only place we haven't experimented
I hit his uninjured arm.
Him: OUCH!
Ase: thank you. I didn't not need to know that Melo. Now I need to count where I seat or eat in your flat
We looked at each other and he flashed me that naughty smile of his that was a major turn on for me by the way.
Her: oh wow! Just wow you guys. You two are addicts
Me: it's all him
Him: sex is a mutual thing honey.
Ase: can we just leave before you guys get any ideas.
She said walking out. I took his bag but my stubborn boyfriend whom I love dearly wasn't having that, he carried his own bag. His car was in for repairs, it wasn't that bad really but lucky him he had the i8 to go with. When he got in an accident he was driving his Aston Martin. We got to Ase's car and she drove off to her home with us. On the way we were busy picking on Ase about her having a boyfriend and her relationship being a long distance one.

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