Melo 16

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Normally I'm not this excited to get a girl's number but with Kate it was different, it's like I just couldn't wait to finally talk to her after the long day I've had and the weekend that I've had. I was actually interested in talking to her and hearing her voice again, unlike the other girls I call for a random hook up. Wait could I be falling for her? I decide to FaceTime Kate, I was bored and nothing interesting was playing on tv oh and I was super tired from today. I sat on the couch and logged into the Wi-Fi and got onto FaceTime and searched for Kate's contact and found it then called her
//Me: Hey you. Since you don't know my name, its Derrick but you can call me Melo
Her: as in Marshmallow?
Me: no! as in Melo
Her: why Melo?
Me: its short for my name, which I won't tell you so don't ask
Her: is it that embarrassing?
Me: no. just that mom calls me by it when she's mad at me
Her: but I want to call you by my own special nickname
Me: which is?
Her: Marshmallow
Me: call me that and I'll call you Jelly bean
Her: hell NO I'm prettier than those things
Me: then come up with something better
Her: Mr Rolex
Me: why that?
Her: the watch you had on when we met
Me: ok fair enough. how about I call you body hugging
Her: you noticed the dress I was wearing?
Me: only because you noticed me first... stalker
Her: the restaurant was full ok
Me: whatever you say Miss Chatty
Her: what?
Me: I called you Miss chatty. You talk a lot, thought you never stopping
Her: what? No that's not true
Me: it's not a bad thing because you have a nice voice
Her: he gives compliments... ow wow!
Me: that's cause you not boring so chill out
Her: Lol I know right?!
Me: let's not get cocky now
Her: Hahahaha I know the boring part did not even once cross your mind. Oh yeah you kind of cool too Mr
Me: hahaha... thank you but I know I'm cool. Most people think that I'm cool Because I'm so cool....
Her: Feeling Cocky aren't we?!
Me: always. What are you up to?
Her: I am watching a movie... and what are you doing?
Me: Owh nice, which one...!? I'm about to cook
Her: The Perfect Match. You can cook?
Me: why do you sound so surprised?
Her: you don't strike me as somebody who cooks
Me: you don't strike me as a sucker for romance but here we are
Her: it's a nice movie
Me: what's so nice about it?
Her: everything. The way he falls in love with her and yet she's getting married to another. It's cute
Me: that is mean. I'm starting to question the kind of lady you are
Her: stick around and you'll find out
Me: you not engaged are you?
Her: I'm only 18. Chill
Me: so what course are you studying?
Her: I'm studying Radiography at DUT Ritson
Me: nice. Beauty and brains
Her: I hope you aren't burning anything on my account
Me: I haven't even started. You too talkative for me to cook
Her: I knew it. you can't cook
Me: stick around and you'll find out
Her: are you flirting with me?
Me: are you flirting with me?
Her: typical black person. Answering a question with a question
Me: who said I was black?
Her: who said you weren't?
Me: and you say I'm the typical black here
Her: oh wow! so what are you going to eat tonight?
Me: how about I have you
Her: oh my god! No!
Me: relax it was just a joke. I'll order pizza or go eat at my mom's house
Her: somebody is a mama's boy
Me: you can tell a lot about a man judging by the relationship he has with his mom
Her: mmmmh....
Me: yeah. So how's your movie?
Her: I stopped watching. Thanks to you
Me: I don't hear you complaining
Her: I'm enjoying your company
Me: I'm flattered. So what's your full name?
Her: its Kate Romer.
Me: is that your Facebook name too?
Her: I deactivated that a long time ago
Me: wow me too.
Her: you don't have to say that to impress me
Me: what? Girl please. I know you already impressed
Her: you too cocky
Me: have you watch "The Revenant"?
Her: what's that?
Me: the movie that actually made Leonardo win his first Oscar
Her: Hahahahaha I'm laughing cause I'm thinking of all those jokes about him not winning an Oscar... and now that we had all lost hope, he suddenly wins one. That is just sad and depressing... it must be a Great movie
Me: hahaha well you silly.... yea, it's too nice. I was watching like with my jaw dropped the whole time. I knew he'll win it someday, it's just that his time to win it was long overdue
Her: Except he almost did not win it thou...
Me: Did is better than almost thou
Her: Lol yeah you right...
Me: so miss noticed me
Her: come on are we really still on that?
Me: I can't drop it. a pretty lady hit on me. Normally it's the other way round
Her: hahahahahahaha When last did I laugh this hard‚ you are entertaining you know that
Me: hahaha let's face it, you can't win the cockiness game with me, I'm cocky in real life. I know, right!?! Too entertaining. You fun too, haven't enjoyed chatting with someone like this in ages, people be boring AF
Her: Hahaha sweetheart I'm only letting you win because I'm sleepy now and I have classes tomorrow morning... school is a drag
Her: As for me being fun... it comes natural. I was born like this... I have to stand out from these boring people you associate yourself with
Me: Well, I'm sleepy too actually, pretty sure I got sleepy before you did but didn't want to get you sad with the bad news.
Her: hahaha it's not a competition Mr Cocky. Plus, you still haven't eaten
Me: I know you don't want to sleep coz I'm too good to be true, feels like a dream talking to me already
Her: oh wow!
Me: stay with me until I finish making a sandwich at least?
Her: now you just being a cry baby
I put the phone and speaker and switched to call mode while I prepared my sandwich
Her: a warning would have been much much better
Me: oh I'm sorry. I didn't think you would mind
Her: one minute we face timing and the next you switch to audio, not fair
Me: I'm sorry
Her: whatever. So what are you making?
Me: hotdogs. Want some?
Her: sorry, I'm still full
Me: from the lunch you ate around 12. Quit tripping
Her: are you always like this?
Me: how?
Her: crazy
Me: you bring out the crazy in me
Her: owh wow
Me: done making my super.
Her: finally
Me: yeah. You can go to bed now
Her: you suck!
Me: Goodnight....
Her: Goodnight Cocky
Me: goodnight Miss Cocky//
The call left me in a very good mood. The time was only past 7 and she was calling it a night? I guess radiography is a bitch huh? Anyway after the call I decided to hit the shower, as I was about to shower there was a knock on the door. I went to go get it and it was Siya and Lucas with pizza and some booze.
Me: really guys
Luc: your ribs are not attractive. Go put a t-shirt on
They pushed me out of the way.
Me: I think there's a law against this sort of thing
Siya: what thing is that? Visiting a friend
Me: no. rocking up unannounced at a guy's place. What If I had a girl over?
Siya: well do you have one over?
I was defeated. I shook my head
Luc: if you had one, you wouldn't have answered the door
Siya: or you would have answered with a boner
Me: screw you guys! Can I at least go take a shower and meet you guys in the lounge?
Luc: just as long as you cover those ribs up
Me: this is what a 6 pack actually looks like cousin. But you wouldn't know
Siya and I laughed at him.
Him: screw you Bess!
With that I walked up to my room to shower and wear comfy clothes. When I was done I went to join them and they were playing Fifa. They came over to my place to flipping play FIFA? I hit them at the back of their heads
Them: what the fuck?
Me: you come over to my house to play FIFA?
Luc: you got the best TV
Siya: I see nothing wrong with that
Me: of cause you wouldn't. been telling ya'll asses to move out of ya'll parents' house
Siya: why waste money when they live in the same town as you
Me: until then, you crash here right? this is not a hotel
Luc: it looks like one. Grab a beer and join us
I took a beer and joined them. I logged on WhatsApp and started a conversation with Yandiswa, I was bored and Kate was not online.
*/me: Hey there
Her: uhhm hi?
Her responses weren't so quick and it was annoying, I'm a fast texter and a fast responder so I don't like to be kept waiting when I don't keep people waiting
Me: don't tell me you never saved my number? To block it at least
Her: uhhm not to be rude but who's this?
Me: Mr DMB
Her: Melokuhle?
Me: the one and only
Her: why are you texting me?
Me: because I'm bored and you're online. Why do people text other people?
Her: sorry I just wasn't expecting a text from you that's all
Me: like I said, I was bored and you're online. What are you up to?
Her: cleaning actually
Me: at this time?
Her: there was an accident
Me: if you killed someone I don't want to know
Her: what? No! ok maybe Naledi killed someone
Me: what do you mean?
Her: Naledi stabbed Bonke in the balls
Me: Bonke?
Her: Anita's boyfriend
Me: what? No fucking ways. Why?
Her: he's been sleeping with our other friend Emelie
Me: how many friends do you have?
Her: about 7. Anyway you missing the point. Could she get arrested for that?
Me: well if he pressed charges but she would be granted bail. The guy is not dead right?
Her: yeah but he can never have kids...
Me: your friend is hard-core! She's a G
Her: he provoked her
Me: what did he do? I mean nobody deserves to get their balls stabbed
Her: he hurt Anita!
Me: you virgins are complicated I swear!
Her: yeah whatever. What are you doing?
Me: I'm chilling with Siya and my cousin Lucas
Her: tell em I say hi
Me: oh wow. quick response, does that mean you done?
Her: I've been done actually, you just not the only person I'm chatting to
Me: oh wow. real nice
Her: what?
Me: it's like roles are reversed and I'm suddenly the nice one here
Her: did I hurt your feelings? Do you want a hug?
Me: sarcasm looks terrible on you by the way
Her: right back at you Melokuhle
Me: could you please stop calling me that!
Her: knowing that it annoys you gives me joy in my heart
Me: if I didn't know any better I would say you want me
Her: good thing you know better
Me: why are you so mean to me?
Her: I'm sorry, this is just how I am... not a nice person
Me: my family would disagree, even I would disagree
Her: oh?
Me: what game are you playing at?
Her: there is no game
Me: yeah there is. Things are better for you when we... I don't know, at each other's throats?
Her: why are you being so emotional? I'm just playing with you Melo.
Me: could have fooled me
Her: I'm sorry. Let's start over
Me: how about lunch? Tomorrow
Her: any day but tomorrow
Me: why?
Her: I have a job interview
Me: oh wow that's great. What kind of job?
Her: to photograph a party this Saturday
Me: I hope you get the job
Her: me two. Fingers crossed
Me: fingers crossed.
Her: anyway. We'll talk again tomorrow, it's been a long day
Me: goodnight then
Her: nighty night Melokuhle//
I logged out. Maybe Yandiswa and I can be good friends after all. She's not such a bad person. The guys were still playing their match and I was super tired so I called it a night, I prayed for Yaya to get that job before sleeping.

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