Yaya 5

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So my mom rocked up in front of our door step... As usual... she didn't say she was coming or whatsoever, on my birthday she always takes me out. I thought this thing of hers would have ended with me studying in Durban and all but nope, Dr Gxaba doesn't role like that. Of cause I was happy to see her even though we had a session this morning but still, I missed her and she's my mummy dearest. We went out to Gateway Spur for breakfast and the waitress led us to a table for two.
Me: you look beautiful
Her: thank you baby, you not so bad yourself
Me: oh come on don't be like that
Her: you know I don't like these crop tops you wear
Me: but mom jean covers my belly. Chill
Her: fine. Do you know that guy over there?
Me: what guy?
Her: the one that's had his eye on you the minute we walked in
Ok I was suddenly worried. I mean what if it's my ex, the idiot that broke my heart after being together for 4 years. I turned around to search for someone I could recognise and I was met by Melokuhle's gaze, he quickly looked away when he saw me see him.
Me: oh him
Her: he's cute
Me: we are so not doing this
Her: what?
Me: you my mother and I'm not going to discuss boys with you
Her: do you at least know him?
Me: yes. He walked in on me naked this morning
Her jaw dropped
Me: relax. We didn't do anything, he and I don't even know each other well. I met him at my party last night and he's a jerk. This morning he came to fetch his sister at our place and he happened to have forgotten his shades on my dressing table. So relax
Her: I've told you countless times to go with a big towel when you go shower
Me: yeah but I don't do it anyway because I believe in this thing called knocking which he didn't do
Her: still. Whether the room is yours or not, always wrap a towel around your body. You never know what might happen
Me: I'm not making any promises but I'll try it out.
Her: I don't know whose child you are shame
I smiled.
Me: you know exactly who.
Her: whatever.
Our waitress brought our orders and we started eating. I excused myself to go pee and when I got to the loo I met Asemahle
Her: hey you. You clean up pretty well
Me: hey you. Thanks, just tryna keep up with you
Her: so who did you come here with?
Me: my mom. You?
Her: the whole family except my sister
Me: how is she?
Her: not good. This is taking a toll on her
Me: I can only imagine. Again I'm sorry for your loss
Her: no biggie. So where are you and your mom sitting?
Me: actually not too far from you guys
Her: how do you know where we sitting?
Me: I saw your brother
Her: so that's who he's been looking at.
Me: uhhhm ok... I need to pee
Her: this conversation is not over Missy
What's the deal? Why was Melokuhle "looking" at me? He's already seen me naked, what more does he want? I did my thing and then walked out and Asemahle was still there looking admiring herself in the mirror
Me: you still here
Her: I was waiting for you actually. You've caught my brother's attention
Me: yeah well he's the one that walked in on me naked so
Her: wait what? When?
Me and my big mouth. I thought she knew
Me: I thought you knew
Her: I want details
Me: there are no details. He just said I have a nice body, nice boobs and nice ass
Her: mmmmh...
Me: what?
Her: nothing.
Me: right. Let's get out of here before somebody comes looking for one of us
She laughed. She would look at me and just laugh. I was kind of annoyed really.
Her: come let me introduce you to my parents
Me: no way!
Her: yes, way. Come
She pulled my arm and dragged me to their table. Melokuhle's stare was making me very uncomfortable, it wasn't a pervey look but it was that intimidating scary look that sent electric impulses to my body.
Her: mom, dad this is my friend Yandiswa Gxaba. Yandi this is my mother Amahle and my dad Damon Bess
Me: nice to meet you
I shook their hands
Them: nice to meet you.
Ama: you don't happen to be related to Dr Babalwa Gxaba?
Me: she's my mother. How do you know her?
Her: we met at my friend's funeral and again at a conference
Ase: she's actually here with her mom
Ama: where are you guys sitting?
I pointed to our table and she asked her husband to get out to go and greet my mom. I followed right behind her. The two greeted each other like they were the best of friends.
Mom: how are you?
Ama: I'm good. My god it's been forever, you look amazing
Mom: thank you. Not as well as you though
Ama: hahaha don't flatter me. I'm with my family over there
Mom: finally, I get to meet the other Bess's
Ama: sadly, one of them is in hospital
Mom: what happened? Which one?
Ama: Iyana. she had a miscarriage
Mom: I'm so sorry. How is she?
Ama: not good
Mom: I can only imagine.
She got up and they went to the Bess table. I just sat there and logged onto Facebook. I came across a picture of my ex and I, he had tagged our closest mutual friends. He captioned it something like "it's been a great 4 years Yands. Wishing you all the best with you fo.... happy birthday Yands" I didn't even finish reading the caption, I went straight to the comments; it was posted about 30min ago and already it had over a 100 likes and about 10 comments. What pissed me off the most was him publicly displaying that he and I were over on flipping Facebook! I went through my phone and called his friend/roommate, last time I checked the guy didn't have a phone so the only person I could reach him on was his friend Thato.
//Thato: hey Yandi
Me: hi. Can I speak to Zuko?
Him: buddy is everything ok?
Me: please just give Zuko the phone
Him: uhhm ok hold on.
I heard a bit of communication and then "hello"
Me: Zuko what the hell?
Him: Yands oh my gosh. Hey how are you?
Me: I never thought you would stoop this low! Seriously? A public announcement that you free now
Him: uhhm Yands I don't know what you talking about
Me: the picture on Facebook dammit. Remove it!
Him: it's on my Facebook, I don't see where the big deal is
Me: it may be on your Facebook but I am in it. remove it Zuko.
Him: fine whatever. //
I dropped the call. I was so mad. What witchcraft was this? I mean this guy tagged our mutual friends because he knew it would make its way to me somehow. I don't recall hating anyone as much as I hated him at that time. I wanted nothing to do with him and so help me god when we get to Mthatha I am going to show him just how good I am doing without him. I wanted to go home but mom was too busy chatting up a storm with Mrs Bess, trust mothers to do such. I called my partner in crime, Naledi.
//Her: miss me already
Me: friend log onto your Facebook now
Her: why? What's wrong?
Me: its Zuko! He tagged you in a picture.
Her: ok hold on let me find my tab. What did he do friend? You literally spitting fire right now
Me: gosh he makes me so mad!
Her: he did what? That asshole
Judging by her response, she saw the picture
Her: what an asshole! I am going to chop his balls of I swear! After everything he's put you through, he goes on does this?! I can't believe you ever dated this guy.
Me: you and me both friend
Her: at least you never had sex with him so that counts for something. He's a bitter ex friend don't let him spoil your day
Me: I just wish he could leave me the hell alone Naledi
Her: honey Boo I need you to just breathe. Take a deep breath in and let it out
I did as told and I could feel myself getting calm.
Me: thanks
Her: I'm always here. I will deal with him don't worry
Me: nah friend let it slide, I don't want him to know he got to me
Her: yeah well he needs to know that he got to you. What he did is childish AF! Just enjoy your breakfast with mommy dearest and we'll talk proper when you get home ok?
Me: argh if only... that one is busy chatting up a storm with Mrs Bess
Her: Amahle Bess? How do they know each other?
Me: they met at a mutual friend's funeral and then again at a conference
Her: oh wow. Does this mean that you and Melokuhle can't date? Seeing that your mother's are friends?
Me: even if they weren't friends. I told you, the guy is an ass
Her: perfect for you
Me: screw you!
her: I love you honey boo
Me: I don't. bye now, she just remembered she came here with me
She laughed.
Her: you crazy. Enjoy ok
Me: I love you honey boo//
Mom: somebody has a boyfriend
She said smiling like she had just saved a dying patient.
Me: no. I was talking to Naledi
Her: oh
Her expression suddenly changed.
Her: that child is bad news
Me: you the one that made me befriend her thou
Her: when you guys were 5. I didn't think she would turn out like this
Me: losing her father made her like this mom. Don't judge
Her: whatever. Uhhm can I settle the bill or you still want something else?
Me: you can settle the bill, I lost my appetite
Her: so you don't want a doggy bag?
Me: nope
Her: ok.
She waved her hand to our waitress and the girl came over and took away our plates and said she would bring the bill in a bit.
Her: so where do you want to go shopping?
Me: you can always transfer me the cash
I said smiling
Her: nice try. We are going to bond whether you like it or not
Me: I don't mind as long as by 5 we'll be done bonding
Her: what? Why?
Me: my friends are taking me out for my birthday
Her: oh that's nice of them. Where?
Me: some club
Her: don't you get tired of this whole clubbing business?
Me: nope, I didn't get the time to during the year mom
Her: where is your grandmother when I need her
Me: back in Mthatha
I said smiling.
Her: heh, did you know that your Solethu is pregnant
Solethu is my cousin, she's those cousins you have no idea how you two are related but because your parents say you cousins then you automatically become their cousin
Me: I did not know
Her: prepare for a Life Orientation lecture from your granny when you go back home
Me: Jesus Christ! Why should I have to suffer all because she doesn't know how to use a condom
Her: and do you know?
Me: I'm still a virgin Babes
Her: with the lifestyle you leading. I don't buy that one single bit
Me: I may party, drink but I am still a virgin mom
You guys need to understand that I'm lying for her own good, the last thing I need is her picturing me having sex.... Not a good image for a mother to have. On the real though, I lost my virginity last September holidays. Me being a virgin was the reason Zuko and I even broke up. He agreed to ending things all because I wouldn't sleep with him. He expected me to lose my virginity this past April holidays but I had other plans. You'll hear the story proper with time. Oh and the whole "rule" of mine of not screwing people I go to school with, and also I do not date people I go to the same campus with for obvious reasons. My life plans did not include me losing my virginity before I turned 18 but life has a funny way, I think I might as well hoe around this December. Blame Zuko!
Her: if you say so
Me: you don't believe me
Her: it's kind of not easy to
Me: I'm your daughter, you suppose to take my word for it mom
Her: ok fine. Is that why you and Zuko broke up?
Me: what are you talking about?
Her: you and your ex, did you guys break up because you're a virgin?
I nodded
Her: what an asshole!
Me: language mom
We were walking out of Spur and headed to Legit while chatting about this whole thing, I was uncomfortable talking about this with my mom so I changed the topic to her anything but me and she fell for it because we were now talking about school.

With Pain Comes Love Book 1Where stories live. Discover now