I am sorry

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Salaam and hello everyone!
Apologies for my disappearance and thank you for all your texts and the love you sent me. But unfortunately, in return of this love I am unable to give you guys anything.
Here, I want to tell you guys that due to some personal reasons I have stop publishing my work for now. Because all of the work I have been doing is incomplete and I know I will be unable to finish it anytime soon.
However, I won't be stop writing, so one day Insha'Allah you guys will see many chapters getting published at the same time. But for now I need prayers that I will become a good mother of my new born baby and God give me strength to manage my time and health so I could continue my writing.

Hope you guys will have a wonderful journey of life 💕

Take care 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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