Chapter # 20

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Hira's POV:

"Just a girl, huh?" I narrowed my eyes on him as soon as Auntie was out of our sight and Zulqarnain's head snapped towards me.

"Look,...there is no need to get annoyed. The news just startled me. It- I wouldn't be like that if you informed me before. You know..." He tried to explain.

"It wasn't news." I deadpanned.

"It wasn't?" his eyes widened, "Then what was Ami talking about?"

"She was just saying that she would marry me off like her daughter." I kept glaring at him, as I slid down from the sofa to the rug near the table.

"But you aren't her daughter." He blurted out.

"Thanks for informing me, I didn't know that before." I said sarcastically as I am serving him tea.

"Wait, I didn't mean it that way." He exclaimed.

He is behaving rather strange... Did he hit his head somewhere?

I didn't say anything else and turn my focus onto my tea.

"By the way, who is coming?" Zulqarnain asked after a few moments of silence.

"My students." I answered.

"For what?"

"For tuition."

"Oh! Which students?"

"Zaid, Tahir, Faiq and Ahmar. I am going to tutor them from now on."

"WHAT?" He nearly shouted, making me jump a little in surprise.

"Why are you tutoring them? They don't need any tutor and if they do, why does it have to be you?"

"Why do you always have a problem with everything, Hero?" I scowled.

"Not everything, just them."

"Really, so why were you opposing the idea of my 'marriage' a few minutes ago?" I said, making inverted commas with my hands.

"I was genuinely concerned about your well being."

"Hero, I am not a kid." I said with my jaws clenched.

"But you are a girl and you should be more careful about what you do."


"Fine then." I said and got up, taking my cup of tea.

"Where are you going?" He asked as soon as I turned to leave.

"To my floor."

"What? Why?" He frowned.

"Because I am a girl and I should be more careful about what I do. Therefore, I am leaving. A girl shouldn't sit alone with a boy. So, we will only talk when others are around. It was nice talking to you, Mr Muhammad Zulqarnain Shah." I said and leave, while he sat there calling out for me.

Lie down on a railway track as I would listen, you shouldn't have underestimated me.....


Zulqarnain's POV:

That girl is so stubborn...

I watch Hira as she went back to her floor with slow steps, making it more obvious that she is rubbing my words on my face. I don't remember when was the last time I was mad at my friend.

This girl just doesn't listen to me and continues with her reckless behaviour. She loves to put herself in difficult situations and put up all brave acts. Can't she understand how frustrating it is to watch her dealing with those boys who were the reason for her being hospitalized???

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