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Dedicated to @FabMe994

Happy New Year in Advance to everyone,
Happy Christmas to all Christian around the globe,
Ahliyan-e-Pakistan ko Yom-e-Quaid Mubarak ho, (Allah un ki maghfirat kre)
Shukr us Khuda ka jis ne apne bande ke zerye humain Azaadi jesi nemat se nawaza :)


Ahmar's POV:

"What do you want?" I asked rudely as soon as I saw the big brother of mine coming into my room.

"I need to talk to you." He answered.

"I don't have time." I said and turn back to my phone. But instead of going back, he strides towards me and stands beside my bed.

"It's important." He said, giving me a serious stare of a typical Pakistani big brother, as he stands with his arms folded on his chest.

I rolled my eyes and sit up, "Look, if it is about a friend of yours, then stop before even starting. I am not interested in listening to you after Ami's huge lecture and the embarrassment I had faced before my friends."

"Ami gave me a huge lecture before our second day of tuition, about how she is struggling, her tragic life and I shouldn't create problems for people who are alone and going through hard times and this and that. But later she insulted me in front of my friends saying that I am stupid and don't understand the sensitivity of her situation and that they are more MATURE than me, so they should also be more careful with her and keep a close eye on me too." I gritted my teeth.

Why does every mother love their children's friends more than them???

After hearing the story, my big brother didn't say anything for a while, not because he was sympathising with me, but because he was trying to hold his laughter.

"Okay, I admit it, Ami shouldn't have said this to your friends. But you also shouldn't say over exaggerated things. Ami would never use the word 'stupid'. It's like you want others to see Ami as a villain."

"I never said that and don't you talk to me in that filmy way of yours. She called me naive, there is no difference between naive and stupid."

"I don't know what dictionary you used to look up the meanings, but there is a huge difference. Anyways, I am not here to talk about dictionaries, all I want to say is that I am going out of the city and Ami wants you to accompany Hira to her friend's wedding, to represent our family."

"Huh? Why do I have to go? She is your friend, you go."

"I would do that if I wasn't busy."

"Then don't be busy, cancel your tour."

"It is my work, not some holiday."

"It's the same. Whatever, I am not going with her."

"It's Ami's decision, not mine. So complain to her and DAD." He emphasized the word 'dad' because he knows that arguing with him isn't the easiest thing. And before I could say anything, he turns back to leave.

Idiot brother...

"Fine. I will go with her. It wouldn't be a waste as I would get the chance to look at her nicely dressed. According to Tahir, she would look super hot if she's dressed formally." I said, leaning on my bed's head post and as expected, his steps halted. He turns back to me, probably glaring, but I pretend to be busy with my phone and only raised my head when he left.

Take that, big brother of mine...

Happy sulking season...

I smiled and start scrolling on my Facebook.

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