Chapter# 12

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Hira's POV:

Walking briskly to the main road to get to the bus for work, I look behind and release a breath of relief. I thought Zulqarnain will follow me today for sure. He is getting annoying day by day, just like Hassan. He tries to be a part of everything I do. I know that after having a job, I won't be able to talk to him much despite living in his house, because of our routine difference and well, I deliberately avoid him too.

Yes, I miss talking to him and enjoying his stupid and overdramatic chats, but our circumstances are different now. Before we only talk on the phone, no one knew about our friendship and Baba was also there. Now, I have to be extra careful and should maintain distance between us. I am currently living in his house, teaching in his younger brother's college and I am his friend too. Being seen with him would only create hype in the media, which both of us cannot afford.

Life isn't easy...

I sighed looking in the other direction and a smile formed on my face when I see Mashal coming towards me. She is a chemistry teacher in the same college and is two years younger than me. Since the boy of the third year's class mentioned hiring young teachers, I unconsciously start noticing teacher's ages and find most of the female teachers are young. So, I don't get what was that boy referring to.

"Late again." I smile, shaking hands with her.

"Our bus drivers don't seem to understand the meaning of getting late." She said, trying to control her laboured breath. She is very friendly and since we come and go by the same buses, she becomes quite good company. Actually, she lives far away from the college and had to use two buses to come and it is quite favourable to me because I also told her that I don't live nearby.

After a week of teaching, I conclude that teaching is fun if your students are willing to study - something college students don't usually do...

"Mashal, I need your help." I said after she takes a seat on the bus.

"In what?"

"In making upcoming test questions. I know how to make them but still, it would be better if you give it a look."

"Sure, no problem. Besides, our principal will be so happy if you make a tough paper."


"Yep, he likes to push students to the limits when it comes to Urdu, Islamic Studies and Pakistan Studies. He thinks our new generation needs to be given extra attention to these subjects."

"Well, he has a point." I nodded my head in agreement. "Students don't know much about our culture and traditional values."

"You're right. Sometimes I also wonder what our students are doing. Have you seen the girls' uniforms? They are so tightly fitted that I don't understand why they even bother in putting them on."

"I noticed on my first day" I made a displeased face. I really hate how tightly fitted their uniforms are.

We talk about different things until we reach our destination. After getting off the bus, we started walking towards the college when a motorcycle rider crossed our path at great speed, as though he wanted to hit us or scare us.

"What the hell? Was he trying to kill us?" I mumble glaring at the rider's back.

"That guy was... Ahmar. What's got into him?" Mashal said, looking in the same direction as me.

"Who knows? Let's get going before we are late." I told her and we start walking again.

Our suspicion about the bike rider is confirmed when we saw Ahmar standing with his friends, leaning against his bike. Both Mashal and I exchange glances at each other but didn't say anything.

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