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Thought or think

'Mumbled or whisper'

*movement or action*

<digital or robot or digital communication voice

General POV

1: 45 am

Y/N: *huff* *huff* dear God that was close!

Hyperventilating even though he doesn't needed for breathing cause he is a machine now, but still expressing it. He was able to hide a bit further away from the Mantises. He was glad that he is alive but he can't celebrate now, as he lean his head enough for his eyes to see the view of the city streets, he then see smoke far of to the distance it's close to the wall. He then got curious, scratches his metal chin with his left arm. He knew his body's condition is in critical state, he could just escape and just skate up to the wall because of its stupid ramp design.

Y/N: he, I knew that it's a stupid design.

But what's that point of him escaping after entering and got beat up?

Y/N: however... I don't think this is part of the story but then again... I am here so I guess this wasn't supposed to happen, probably timeline change a bit with me around.

Sure it's the more logical idea, however because of his fragment of his humanity, his curiosity still bested him and slowly speeding his rollerblades, checking what happened.

Meanwhile at the dome the people are safe... For now, But before that happens. People are still safe but of course they are still some nervous and scared, crying babies, cowards, people praying. A little child on the arms of a mother, accidentally drops her teddy bear but one girl with pink hair with a line stroke of red on her bangs and figure on her teens, wears a red sailor uniform, her name is Rin, Yae Sakura's little sister grabs the teddy bear and gives it to child with a smile.

Rin: here

Child: thank you onee-chan!

Rin giggled but was interrupted from something on her pocket skirt, why the skirt has a pocket? I don't know... Well I think I saw something on pinterest so yeah but anyway back to the story! She grab it inside her pocket skirt and pulls out an ear piece beeping. She put it on her ear and a presses a button. This is an ear piece specifically meant for Rin, a gift from her big sister Yea Sakura.

Rin: Sakura-san?

(Author: it's correct right?)

Rin hearing her sisters voice through the earpiece.

Yea Sakura: <Rin! You need to evacuate to another dome immediately! There is a wave of honkai beast coming straight towards that dome you are in! But don't worry I'll be right wi->

But it was cut off as the dome was destroyed by honkai beast breaching the dome and rocks fell hitting some of the people including Rin as she was knock out by a falling broken brick from the rubble hitting the ear of Rin the ear piece destroyed and she was passed out. On the other side Yea try to call to rin but it was cut for unknown reason however she know the reason as she look at the done that has a hole on the side of the dome, Yae panicked and speed up her pace.


As Yae reach to the dome she quickly roams around while killing honkai beast and shouted her sisters name.

Yea Sakura: Riiiinn!

She calls to her name again and again.

Rin: Sakura nee-san!

Rin is in the rubble of rocks, unable to flee. Once Yea found her she sprint through the hordes of honkai beast and help her little sister.

Yea Sakura: Rin, don't worry, I'll get you out of their.

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