CH 14 Unspoken Gratitude, Unspoken Offering, Unspoken Storm

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Hello everyone, it's been a long time since i updated this, oh boy.
I read the whole story so i can have a refresh
After the i left for a break and practice, i check my short list of ideas for future chapters and i felt i will do some changes for what will be for the upcoming chapters later
This is gonna be fun
Thank you for the patience!

CH 14 Unspoken Gratitude, Unspoken Offering, Unspoken Storm

Elysia and her friends, Eden and Aponia, ride on Elysia's pink motorcycle, skillfully maneuvering through the thick and dark forest, dodging trees with ease. Though the forest is dense, sunlight manages to filter through, casting faint rays.

"Okay, this is our stop," Elysia announces, driving the bike toward a wall of trees. Eden and Aponia look a bit confused, and Eden asks, "Elysia... Is this the right way?"

"Yup!" Elysia replies excitedly. They pass through the wall of trees as if it wasn't there. Eden and Aponia close their eyes, expecting a collision, but to their relief, nothing happens. They slowly open their eyes to see a large base before them. Aponia is left speechless, while Eden exclaims, "H... Holy... Goodness..." The passes through the camouflage barrier that they just pass through.

Elysia smirks cutely and drives the motorcycle toward the entrance—a massive metallic sliding door that resembles a garage entrance, only much larger.

Elysia stops the bike and parks it in front of the door, telling her companions, "Alright, hop out, girls!" Elysia jumps out first and happily sways her body toward the metal ramp leading to the door. Eden and Aponia follow, with Eden looking around a bit nervously, though she manages to maintain her professional composure. In her mind, Eden wonders, "I have to present myself well. After all, it's her uncle. And this place is huge... Is her uncle a scientist?" Eden imagines a man in a lab coat with pink hair.

Aponia also hops out, still unable to say anything. She looks around the front of the base, calmer than before, and clasps her hands together in prayer, her eyes moving slowly in a dim and lifeless manner.

Elysia reaches the door with a smile and sees the doorbell. She presses it, and Eden and Aponia stand atop the ramp, waiting for a response. After a few seconds, a large CCTV activates and focuses on the three of them with a red glow. Elysia smiles wider and waves at the camera, saying, "Hi~ uncle! I brought my friends along. You said it's alright to bring them, right? Right?" Elysia cutely shows her affection on the CCTV.

The mysterious uncle chuckles in a low and mechanical tone, which frightens Eden slightly, causing her to flinch, and sharpens Aponia's eyes a little upon hearing it.

"Alright, bring them over. I'll ready a cup of tea then..." The CCTV turns off and hides back into the wall, becoming unrecognizable. Elysia excitedly hops in place, and Eden calms her nerves by patting Elysia's shoulder, asking, "Elysia, you seem quite excited. Do you really like your uncle?"

"Of course I am~! I can only come here every few days or perhaps even weeks! I think I was able to see him after a month from one operation~" Elysia then pretends to look sad and whimpering before returning to her happy expression. "So yes, I miss him~"

Aponia smiles slightly and nods. "Ah, having someone in your family you can reach out to. How lovely. Your uncle must be very dear to you."

"It sure is~" Elysia says as the lock of the large metal door makes a clunk sound, followed by small clanking noises. Slowly, the door unlocks and slides wide open. Elysia looks back at Eden and Aponia and cheerfully says, "Come on~ Uncle is making tea for us! Oh! And He's such a good cook! Come, come!"

They keep walking as the unlocks; it was huge. Elysia hums playfully and happily. It is quite dark at first, but the lights turn on once the three ladies enter. Aponia feels uncomfortable with all the silence, and Eden feels a bit uneasy as well. The lights turn on as they fully enter, and the door is shut behind with a low hum, and air closed in tight shut. Elysia's footsteps can be heard joyfully, with each step accompanied by a metal clang sound. So do Eden's and Aponia's footsteps with each clanging sound of the metal floor. It is a very spacious hallway, enough for large vehicles like trucks or even taller and wider than that.

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