ch 3 A Test of Strength: Aeon's First Battle in the Honkai World

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Aeon POV

I find myself walking aimlessly across the vast grassy plains, taking in the breathtaking beauty of this world I've been transported to. The serenity around me brings to mind the question of whether there ever was a time of peace in the Honkai world. Despite my curiosity, I push the thought aside, reasoning that perhaps the "Cooking with Valkyries" series I've heard so much about will show me that there's more to this world than just conflict and chaos.

As I continue walking, I come to appreciate my form as a Husk Nihilius, a quantum type that enables me to keep walking indefinitely without fatigue. Yet despite this advantage, I can't shake off the feeling of being lost and uncertain about where I'm going. Maybe it would have been wise to visit the nearby village first, but it's too far away now, so I decide to continue moving forward.

As the hours pass, I grow increasingly restless. The grassy plains extend in all directions, devoid of any signs of civilization save for the occasional deer or rabbit darting across my path. Doubts start to creep in, and I begin to wonder if I'll ever come across anything significant in this world.

Just as I begin to despair, a flicker of hope arises when I spot a tiny chariot in the distance and feel hopeful that maybe this chariot will lead me to some answers or new discoveries. With a renewed sense of purpose, I move closer to investigate.

I find myself relieved to come across something other than the usual wildlife that roams the grassy plains. But my moment of relief is short-lived as the realization hits me that I have no idea how to defend myself in this world.

I'm about to panic when I remember that I have a sword. It's a comforting thought, knowing that I have some means of protection, but I'm not exactly skilled with it. Nonetheless, I gather my courage and decide to confront the strange creature.

I take a deep breath and try to sneak up on it, hoping to catch it off guard. My heart is pounding in my chest as I inch closer, the grass rustling underfoot. I try to keep my footsteps as quiet as possible, but the creature senses my presence and turns to face me.

Well shit.

I quickly unsheathe my sword, hoping that it will be enough to take down the creature. However, as it approaches, I realize that I have no idea how to fight.

The Chariot charges at me, and I stumble backwards, barely avoiding its attack. I swing my sword wildly, hoping to hit it, but my strikes are clumsy and uncoordinated.

The Chariot circles around me, taunting me with its tiny size. I can feel my frustration building as I swing my sword again and again, but it's no use. I'm too slow, too clumsy.

Finally, the Chariot makes a move, darting towards me with surprising speed. I manage to block its attack with my sword, but I can feel the force of its blow reverberating through my body.

I back away, panting and sweating, as the Chariot continues to attack. But I refuse to give up. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves, and focus on the task at hand.

(Author: dude your a goshdamn robot how do you even sweat?)

As the Chariot charges again, I sidestep its attack and bring my sword down in a powerful strike. To my surprise, the blade connects with the creature, and it lets out a high-pitched squeal.

Feeling a rush of adrenaline, I swing again and again, determined to take down the Chariot. Finally, after what feels like hours of fighting, the creature falls to the ground, defeated.

I stand there, panting and sweating, my sword still raised in the air. As the adrenaline wears off, I realize that I'm exhausted, but also exhilarated. For the first time in this strange new world, I feel a sense of accomplishment and pride.

(Author: again? Why you sweating?)

After the adrenaline of the fight fades, I can feel the weight of my metal body settle in. It's strange to feel both invincible and fragile at the same time. I suppose that's the nature of being a giant robot.

I glance at my surroundings, trying to find a suitable place to rest for the night. The sky is painted with warm oranges and pinks, signaling that the day is coming to an end. The world around me begins to quiet down as the creatures of the night start to emerge.

I spot a cluster of trees in the distance and make my way over to them. As I walk, my footsteps reverberate through the ground, making it feel like I'm causing a small earthquake with every step. I try to move as quietly as possible, but it's difficult when you're four meters and six to nine inches tall.

When I reach the trees, I try to find a clearing where I can lie down and rest. It's not easy to find a spot that can accommodate my size, but eventually, I find a space that will work. I carefully sit down, feeling the metal of my body clank against the ground. It's not the most comfortable position, but it will have to do.

As I settle in for the night, I can't help but reflect on the events of the day. The fight that seemed like nothing was still a new experience for me, and I wonder what other challenges this world will throw my way. For now, I close my eyes and let the sounds of the night lull me to sleep.

Aeon: Actually, I didn't sleep; I just closed my eyes and waited for the next day. But even though I waited, I have to be careful, or else some of the Honkai beasts will jump at me. Maybe it will not happen.




Aeon: What now?

I asked myself in my thoughts as I waited for the next day. After seeing civilization, then what? As a Husk Nihilius, a mechanical Honkai Beast, I am not a human anymore, not on Earth, and I have nowhere to go.

Aeon: Maybe just maybe.

I said as I opened my eyes and stood up. The gears on my legs made clanking sounds as I walked towards a nearby tree. Being 4 meters and 6 to 9 inches tall

(I'm joking but at the same time this is actually his height)

The tree looked small in my view. Nevertheless, I grabbed my sword, raised it, and swung it at the tree, chopping it down with ease. I continued this process, moving on to another tree and chopping it down as well.

As I continued my task, I said to myself

Aeon: This will take a while.

I made sure not to use the trees for firewood, as I wanted to preserve the environment. Instead, I continued to chop down the trees until the next day.

To be continued...

Again very short sorry

I was thinking since thinking in his thoughts

So I took the time to make a video

And imagin this is what hi sounds like

If you cant see the video her is a link:

It meens

"I may not be human anymore, but that won't stop me from protecting what's left of humanity."

Fufu~~ I kinda like it it's not actually my voice I use some voice changer but I did record it and post it on YouTube so yeah

Update: sorry of my bad japanese

Anyway see you all in the next chapter

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