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Thought or Dink

'Mumbled or whisper'

*movement or action*

<digital or robot or digital communication voice>


I studied science yesterday, and over the next five days, I'll be busy conducting fundamental experiments like seeing plants develop or making soap float in water. On the sixth day, I begin manipulating some honkai energy with small rodents by dipping my enormous chopsticks in the honkai blood, which produces wonderful results. They grow larger, whiter, paler, and more ferocious, with red eyes. Why do I dip the rat in Honkai blood? Well, I would like to extract the rats' DNA and try to understand it, so I grab my makeshift microscope and examine it. Well, it's tough luck for me because I don't get it. I mean, I can see the cells moving and duplicating, but that's it.

In the afternoon, I spent more time observing the rat's behavior to see if I could gather any data on it. So far, I've only gotten a very aggressive rat, which I killed with an SMG. Surprisingly, the rat's blood is nearly identical to that of the Honkai beast.

Y/N: ... well I guess I can make more honkai blood.

On Day 7, I was out for a stroll when I came across a zombie minding its own business, and then I came across a frikkin Honkai zombie, but the design of the clothes was similar... wait a minute, that's Carole's outfit! *Gasp!* Carole!!??

Carole: *growlls*

Y/N: Dear God...

So I quickly grab her and bring her to my factory, where I carefully tape Carole to a wall; now she's stuck to the wall, ugh! If only I could know how to make the cure that Himeko and Tesla found in Shicksal, or maybe Su Since they made a - wait a minute -

Y/N: VA, Cure for honkai

The red VA changes into a holographic book and begins flipping pages. It will take me a while to read this.




Okay, so I have four options.

1. do exactly how Su made the cure, but this cure is very expensive as it requires the antibodies of 1,000 people to cure one person. and I can't just grab a human and get all their antibodies... Perhaps if humans are like thugs and rapists, maybe... However, the following is!

2. I checked her brain, and if I could make a machine to transfer her mind into a droid or software, it might be possible, but the risk is too high, especially if she becomes a zombie, which triples the percentage risk.

The third option is to gradually weaken her and feed her antibodies without using 1,000 people's antibodies; a small dose will suffice. The third one sounds very revolutionary, and it could work; the problem is, how the fuck can I even weaken it? I mean, it's not like I can punch her, nor does a potion of weakness exist. Maybe making a sleeping drug counts? like a tranquilizer? hmmmm, maybe.

The fourth option is to create holy blood. According to the Holographic Book VA, these materials that are listed here can actually be found here in this era, but I don't know where to start. The holy blood is like the most powerful cure since it can neutralize honkai in the body without using the antibodies, though being neutralized doesn't mean you are safe from very heavy honkai radiation areas. However, it is the most effective of all. It might be possible to replicate it if I have void archives with me.

Y/N: Holy blood it is then

I said that in a very serious tone.

Before I set out for the ingredients, I grabbed my tools, then grabbed some scraps on the side of the factory and started making a little sci-fi Barbie doll room. And when I said "Barbie doll," I meant a normal room that acts as a Barbie doll. I put Effor in the design, bring out the bigger tools, and start welding it together. It looks like a soldier's room.

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