9. Patients' Blind Faith

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Among several incidents, I am picking couple incidents here, when people showed their blind faith towards Dadaji.

People Brought him With His Skinned Torso

This incident took place decades before my birth, when Dadaji were practicing in Achrol [a small village in Rajasthan (India)] in his early career. The people of that village were so naive that they treated Dadaji like the Almighty and never accepted anyone else as their Doc. Being a government employee, so many times Dadaji got a Transfer order but the villagers, forming a union, always reached collectorate and cancelled the orders by requesting, insisting or by force like blocking his path. So Dadaji had to leave from there out of the blue in midnight, without pre notifying them of his transfer order.

Dadaji used to say several incidents of those people's naivety. Among all, one moment touched me to the core of my heart.

Once, while Dadaji was on duty, there tried to barge in some people in his cabin holding a guy who was groaning with pain. Seeing them intruding straight in the cabin without being asked, Dadaji frowned at them, clearly annoyed. But as instantly he cognized the sensitivity of the moment, he let them in.

There, he saw the man who was brought in a very pathetic condition, was having his torso skinned from the places all around and he was in an immense pain.

"How did it happen ? What caused you to bring in this state ?" Dadaji examined him tensely and asked as he immediately started his treatment.

That guy showed a negligent wave of his hand, stained with blood.

"Nothing !! It's nothing !!" He tried hard to smile but the pain to be sure was more than he could bear.

He continued- "I didn't let that bloody Charas* fall down into the well. Now what happened is up to you."

[Charas*, English name- 'Moat' is an old irrigation method in India. It is also called a pulley system. It consists of a rope and pulley. At one end of the rope, a bucket or leather bag is tied and another end is pulled by the animals to draw water.]

Dadaji got surprised at his statement and showed his concern for him while mending his wounds

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Dadaji got surprised at his statement and showed his concern for him while mending his wounds.

Pointing towards himself, showing his wounds he kept on with what he was saying- "How to deal with it, is your job now."

Actually..  what exactly happened was that the rope of this irrigation system loosened from the other end which is pulled by the animal, causing it to start falling down into the well speedily. He looked around for any help, but no one was there widely to the far away. Finding no other way to protect it, he just encircled the rope around his own body and set behind a tree. One side the weight of bulky bag full of water was too much inside the well, which was having a strong.... stronger... gravitational force, whereas on other hand he was preventing it to slide with the equivalent force of his own body. More he tried hard more her skin got peeled. It continued until someone crossed from there and called others for help. They all freed him from the rope and fixed it to the hook and then immediately brought him to Dadaji.

'How naive those people were. Really adorable yet unbelievable..!!!'


Whom Did You Come Here For ???

This time Dadaji was posted in Renwal Hospital years before my birth and was serving there. Once, a man in his middle age visited to Dadaji for the first time. As usual Dadaji asked him for how did he get to know about Dadaji.

He said his experience of what brought him there -

"I went to my regular Doctor in Jaipur. While waiting for my turn outside there in the waiting area, I had a conversation with someone."

💛  Flashback 💛

"Hi ! I am ~this~."

"Hello ! Myself ~this~."

[*Whatever their names were. I didn't bother to remember. SORRY GUYS !!]

"Where are you from ?"

[That patient was reciting his conversation with that guy in hospital's waiting room, to Dadaji.]

"I am from Achrol." He asked me. "And you ???"

"I'm from Renwal." I replied

"Renwal ?" He shocked.


"Renwal ! There, probably he is working, right ??" He asked about you.

I answered a little confused- "Yeah ! He is there."

"Then, whom you are here to cry for. As we are crying for him from place to place." He just grumbled at me.

💛  Flashback over 💛

"From there I am coming straight to you." That patient declared.

"And your appointment with the Doctor ?" Asked Dadaji.

"I didn't even bother to meet him."

'How blindly people had faith in Dadaji. Moreover Dadaji never failed to strengthen their trust in him. '

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