14. Caring Dadaji

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College Last Day

"Dadaji ! It's our last exam and we don't know when we will all meet again in life. Who knows where we are destined to be settled in the future. That's why we were planning to spend the whole day all together, after the exam overs. MAY I ? IF YOU ALLOW ????"

I asked Dadaji to stay behind in college and to spend the rest of the day with friends as it was our last day of college together for being University final year students.

"What are you planning to do ?" Dadaji asked smiling.

"Nothing special, just moving around in alleys., gossiping in a garden., having junk food.. ice cream.. Etc." I said casually as we really hadn't decided anything specific yet.

"Which garden ?"

"I don't know."

I really didn't know much about there for it was another town a little away from our village.

"You must visit THAT garden....... It is situated there.... behind... " Dadaji suggested me a location as he had serviced there in that town for years and knew everything about it.

"Okay !" I smiled ecstatically.

"Ain't you planning to go to any cinema ?" He further asked. [Dadaji had a British Indian accent of English, so he used to say 'cinema' instead of 'movie']

"No ! It will consume a lot of time. Almost the whole. We wanna enjoy our day to the fullest while talks."

"You may go. But don't visit any particular friend and spend your time there." He allowed smiling. "You'll need money for that." He added.

"The pocket money I have will be sufficient, I think." I denied politely.

"Okay, enjoy your day. But forget not to be back by 7:00. If you find it getting late, stay there at Taai's (Elder aunt) home for the night."

"Sure." I cheered and went to my room to get ready leaving Dadaji behind who was watching me with a smile on his face. I know he was happy seeing me happy. This was the real him.

Before getting ready I counted the money I had. But found it not enough for the possible expenditures. I thought about whether to ask Dadaji for more or not and decided not to ask. I recalculated and estimated that money which seemed to be sufficient after reducing some unnecessary spending.

'Okay, now it's enough.' Satisfied I thought, putting the money into my blue denim tote bag. I changed into my college uniform. Yes ! we had uniform in our college.

'My phone ?'
'Yes, it is.'

'Bag ?'

'My Admit card ?'
'Yes, it's inside.' I checked.

'Okay.' I looked into bag pocket.

'I must leave now.' I thought grabbing my stuff. As I moved I saw Dadaji coming to me in the room, holding something in hand. It didn't take time for me to get what it was. Before I could ask anything he handed me some cash.

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