x. lost

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"tell nico i'm sorry"

Before they ended up in the middle of the junkyard of the gods, the quest mates— minus Percy, were sitting in the taco restaurant eating tacos and drinking soda.

Until Cassandra passed out.

She slumped to the side in her seat looking as though she were sleeping. And technically, she was.

Her eyes opened to find the familiar face of Aphrodite sitting on white leather couch, painting her nails. She looked over at the girl with a smile.

"Cassie!" She said happily blowing on her nails to get them to dry faster.

"Aphrodite" She said.

"I told you to call me Dite." The goddess corrected staring at her nails and shaking her head before repainting them

"Fine, Dite. What's up?" Cassandra asked crossing her arms and legs.

"How have you been?" She asked.

"Besides the fact that I'm on a quest where two of us will die, my prophecy is starting soon, and Artemis is missing, I'm great." She said sarcastically examining her own nails before grabbing one of the polishes from the case beside her.

"Well that's wonderful. And use this one. It matches your eyes" She said handing her a shade of blue.

"So what do you want?" Cassandra questioned.

"Well I'm meeting with Percy right now so I wanted to meet with my lovely granddaughter as well."

Cassandra raised her eyebrows "Sure. What do you really want?"

"Well I needed to discuss your love life with you. Obviously" She explained and Cassandra rolled her eyes.

"My love life is non-existent" Aphrodite laughed.

"I see your still in denial" Aphrodite noted.

"Denying what?" She asked.

"That you my dear want something beside eternal maidenhood."

Cassandra shook her head. "No I don't."

"It's ok, Cassie. Every girl dreams of love and having a family. You, my dear, are no different."

Cassandra frowned. "That was the old me. Now I understand that love is foolish. No offense."

"You will see soon. But it is reassuring to know that I have something to work with." Cassandra switched to paint her right hand.

"You aren't working and even if you were you would be starting from below Tartarus" She denied.

"Well of course I'm still putting a lot of faith in Per—" Aphrodite paused.

"Were you going to say Percy? What do you mean, put faith in Percy?"

Aphrodite shook her head. "I didn't say that. Unless you want it to be, Percy?" She asked looking up innocently.

"This is your great plan? Me and Percy Jackson?" Cassandra questioned.

"I have no great plan. But as your grandmother I feel the need to help you realize that this is not what you want. Percy will just help you realize."

"I thought Percy had nothing to do with it?"

Aphrodite covered her mouth. "He doesn't."

"If you're planning for me and Percy to fall in love you're going to be disappointed. Nothing will happen between us. Nothing will happen between me and anyone. I will be eternally maiden" She said almost as if she was trying to make herself believe it.

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