iii. inspections

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"eventually we're all going to die"

The last time Percy had a dream about Cassandra's past had been when they were travelling west on the quest to save Artemis almost two years ago.

Today marked another dream.

The familiar white marble walls of the castle of the North appeared, along with the noise of sniffling as his eyes focused on the blonde girl, who was taking clothes out of a dresser and shoving them into a backpack.

Tears ran down her face as she tried to hold back sobs.

Soon, a knock sounded on the marble door.

"Go away!" Cassandra yelled, closing the drawer.

Whoever it was, decided not to listen as the door swung open anyways. Percy almost had forgotten who the woman was, but remembered that it was Cassandra's mother, Khione. Her black hair and brown eyes contrasted greatly from her daughter, but they had the same facial shape and pale, almost translucent skin.

"Don't tell me you're actually leaving" Khione said, motioning to the bag she was packing.

"Well I'm definitely not staying here" Cassandra replied, zipping up the bag.

"Your journey will not be an easy one" The goddess warned, her eyebrows furrowed. "I truly thought you were smart enough to not leave during the wintertime."

 Cassandra's expression was filled with fear, clearly understanding the underlying threat. "Are you really going to take away my immortality?"

Khione crossed the room to where Cassandra was standing and looked at her with sympathy. "You were never truly immortal" She stated, wiping away another tear that had fallen onto Cassandra's face. Percy thought it was a comforting motion, until he saw the way Cassandra tensed.


"Yes, you were unable to age but you are still so fragile" It sounded more like she was holding her fragility over her head, rather than comforting her. "Injury and sickness still loom over your head."

Cassandra took a deep breath, "I love him, Mom" She whispered. "Why can't you understand that?"

"Honey, you know better than to ask me that" Khione said. "Love is foolish. I am only trying to protect you."

"But I don't want to be protected anymore" She squeezed her eyes closed for a second. "I know that he won't hurt me. He loves me just as much as I love him."

The goddess laughed, "That's what he wants you to think, my dear. No demigod will truly love you" Percy could hear the manipulation in her voice. "You will see. Heroes will use anyone and everyone to get what they want."

"He's different" Cassandra muttered.

"Well, finish packing" Khione instructed, taking her hand away from Cassandra's face. "Your silly little boyfriend is waiting at the gates. I'd hate for him to leave you."

Cassandra stepped away from the woman and shook her head.

"I want to remind you Cassandra" Khione began, "once you leave, I will not welcome you back here. Do not try and call on me or your grandfather for help, as neither of us will answer your calls. You are on your own from now on."

"I know" Cassandra muttered.

Khione stood there shocked for a minute, clearly expecting for her daughter to stay. "Goodbye, Cassandra. Have fun on your adventure."

Cassandra didn't acknowledge her words, instead slinging her backpack over her shoulder.

The goddess glared slightly turning into a blizzard and flying off through the castle, leaving Cassandra alone.

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