xiv. mercy

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"mercy has no place in this war"

Cassandra's eye widened, in shock.

Why would he want to fight her? She didn't know him. He didn't know her.

Percy tensed, his fist clenched. He looked even more prepared to fight.

Antaeus grinned, "You want to fight the girl?"

The demigod nodded, "Yes."

"Nakamura!" Luke interrupted. "She is the one who will raise our lord. She cannot be killed!"

Antaeus raised his hand, "Then she will prove that she is worthy of her fate. I say we let her fight. Untie the girl!" He ordered.

The giant removed his hand from her mouth and cut the ties around her wrists. One of the dracaenae forced her forward at javelin point while the other forced Percy back who was yelling in protest.

"Weapons?" Antaeus questioned.

Cassandra rolled her eyes, "My sword and my dagger."

The crowd howled with laughter as she held her hand out for her dagger. The dracaena passed it over hissing in amusment.

She flipped the dagger before sheathing it and tapped her charm bracelet, which had returned to her wrist earlier.

Most of the crowd stopped laughing at the sight of the sword. The tiny moons and stars glittering from the arena lights. Cassandra tied her hair back in a quick ponytail and stepped into a defensive stance.

"Who are you?" Cassandra asked, through gritted teeth.

"Ethan Nakamura" He answered. "I have to kill you."

"Why are you doing this? And why do you want to fight me?"

"Hey!" A monster called from the stands. "Stop talking and fight already!"

The other monsters joined in on the yelling.

"I have to prove myself" Ethan said. "Only way to join up."

And with that, he charged. Their swords met with a loud clash, the crowd roaring in excitement.

Cassandra didn't want to kill this demigod. He was being brainwashed by the Titans, but if she needed too, she would.

Ethan pressed forward. Cassandra would admit that he was good. But she had been training for two millennia. She was better.

She had to be better.

He parried her strike and tried to slam her with his shield, but she jumped backwards. Ethan slashed and she rolled to one side, and sprang back up quickly.

They exchanged thrusts and parries, trying to get a feel for each others fighting styles.

Cassandra tried to get on his blind side, but he must've had years of training it. Although, she was a better fighter, she was holding back.

Ethan wasn't.

"Blood!" The monsters cried.

He glanced up at the stands. Cassandra realized that that was his weakness. He had to impress them. She just needed to safely get her friends out.

He let out an angry battle cry and charged her again, but she parried the blade and back away, allowing him to come to after her.

"Booo!" Antaeus shouted. "Stand and fight!"

Ethan pressed her, but she had no trouble defending, even without a shield. He was dressed for defense, with heavy armor and a shield, which made it tiring to play offense. She was a softer target, but lighter and faster.

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