Wild Fire

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"Jay, move!" Kai shouted allowing Jay to dodge the person that were fighting just in time

It was some new criminal they didn't care to know the name of who would carve an X into his victims chests with his katanas and then dismember them

So obviously they quickly went to stop him

"Kai! Control your fire!" He heard Lloyd shout

He was struggling with his fire. It wouldn't go where he wanted and was quickly growing to big for comfort

Finally he lost all control of the fire and it spread out of control

He heard screaming but couldn't see much through the fire

He felt metal slice across his chest and saw the katana guy run past him before he fell backwards onto the concrete

He was being enveloped by fire and was bleeding out

He didn't know how far the fire had spread now but it had to have been far.

'Hopefully my team made it out okay'  That was his last thought before blacking out


Kai breathed a sigh of relief as he finally made it to the door of the monastery.

After the fire was put out he was found and brought to the hospital

He was now covered in scars

His entire left arm was burned and so was his right from his hand to his elbow

His right leg was burnt to mid calve and his left was up to his thigh

He had to large burn scars going from his cheek across his eye to his forehead on either side of his face as well as partway down his neck

He also had a large scar where he got cut.

The hospital told him it was a miracle he was even alive right now

If not for being that fire ninja and having a large resistance to fire... He probably wouldn't have been

As limped inside in his newly repaired gi he was met with glares from all the ninja except Cole and Zane

Cole only glanced at him and Zane was busy bandaging wounds

Nya was the first to speak to him

"Where have you been?!" Nya screamed


"No. You know what. I don't care, it's probably something stupid."

Kai had pulled his hood over his head so they couldn't see the scars on his face and the rest were covered by the rest of his gi so it made sense that she didn't notice them

"But I-"

"No! You could've killed us! You need to be more careful! Just because you're immune to fire doesn't mean everyone is!"

He wasn't immune to it. He just had a higher resistance than anyone else. The newly acquired scars were proof of that

"Hey, calm down! He couldn't control it!" Cole defended

"He couldn't control it?!? He's had his power for ages and he's been able to control just fine! Why wouldn't he now?!" Nya yelled indignantly

Kai wishes he knew the answer. His fire was never enough to burn him before no matter how much there was. What changed

"Nya's right. Kai has made too many mistakes lately. He needs to learn not everyone will always be on his side." Lloyd said

It was almost like they forgot Kai was still here and listening

As they kept arguing Kai walked off and into his room

He pulled his hood down and looked at the bandages on his face.

He was a monster.

He was covered in scars. He had given his teammates scars

Lloyd's leg was burnt, Jay's face was burnt Cole's arm was burnt as well as Nya's.

He changed out of his gi and into normal clothes

He packed some things into a duffle bag and looked out the window

He listened to his team argue in the other room before making up his mind and flinging open the window and jumping out

He made his way over to the stairs and began his decent.

Kai could hear the team arguing even from a good way down the stairs

"The team". It hurt to say. The team instead of his team. But it was true. From this day on he was no longer a ninja


Kai made his way into  Ninjago City (or technically New Ninjago City, but who cares) wearing a mask and sunglasses to both the scars and his identity in general

He walked around a bit, taking in the city.

He had been here before but never really taken the time to appreciate it

He walked into a alley and laid down behind some dumpsters

He'd need to find an apartment or something but this would have to do for now.


The ninja had finally calmed down and went back to tending to their wounds both burns and from the criminal whom they had managed to capture while he was escaping from the fire

Once they were finished and Zane left to make dinner Cole walked up to Nya who was sitting reading a book with Jay

"You know Nya, you should really go apologize to Kai."

Nya looked up at Cole

"You're probably right. I feel kinda bad after saying all that." Nya admitted

She got up to go to Kai's room and apologize

Nya knocked on the door

"Kai? Kai I'm so sorry for everything I said, I was just so angry and I wasn't thinking straight. I was upset that you put our team in danger, I've realized it wasn't your fault and I'm so sorry."

There was no answer

"Kai? Are you in there?"

Still nothing. She heard the slight sound of a breeze

"Kai. If you're in there I'm coming in."

She flew the door open to find the window open and both Kai and some of his stuff missing.

'No. No it can't be'

She stared around the room in horror

She ran down the stairs like the tears streaming down her face

She startled the other ninja ad she burst into the kitchen where Zane was cooking and the others were just watching him

"Is everything okay, Nya?" Lloyd asked with a concerned look on his face

"Kai's gone!"

"What?!" All the other ninja shouted simultaneously

"What do you mean he's gone?" Jay questioned

"I went to his room to apologize and he wasn't there, the window was open and some of his stuff was missing."

Cole couldn't say anything. He was in too much disbelief.

Kai... Kai was gone


I need to stop writing new story's.

Also this was 1135 words (plus this section). That's the most I've ever written in one sitting

Sorry if it's bad btw, I wasn't very confident in myself but the idea wouldn't go away until I wrote it.

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