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Kai wasn't sure about going into work today.

Understandably so.

He knew if he went in, when the ninja got there he would be interrogated at best.

At worst they figured out his identity and were going to confront him about it. And that was not something he wanted to go through.

If they did confront him what would he do? Would he go back with them? Would he stay in the civilian life? If he did go back would he need to quit his job? Would he need to leave Amelia behind or could he stay friends with her? If he didn't go back would that make things awkward? Between him and the ninja and between him and Amelia. She would know he was a ninja. If he didn't go back could he even stay in Ninjago City anymore? Would he have to leave? He didn't even know what people thought of the fire ninja after the incident.

Would people hate him? Would it even be safe to go back? He'd at least need to go through a lot of training to learn to control his fire again.

All this thinking was making kai's head hurt.

How long could he avoid the ninja anyway? He can't run from his problems forever. He'd need to face them eventually. But when would that happen? Would he be ready? What would he do when he does see them?

(A/N these are all very real questions I'm currently asking myself. I'm projecting my problems onto Kai.)

Sigh. He should go into work today. He already spent way to long away when the voice came back.

He stood up from his bed and got ready for work.


"So when we see him, what exactly are we going to say?" Nya asked.

There was silence.

"Confronting him directly won't do much. He can just deny it. And pretty much all of our evidence could be written off as superstitious. I believe a gentle approach would heed the best results, followed by a more direct approach." Zane suggested.

"But will we say?" Nya asked again.

(A/n I am just projecting the hell out of these characters)

After about an hour of brainstorming they finally had an idea of what to say so they set out.


Kai's anxiety was through the room.

Everytime the door opened he nearly jumped out of his skin.

Finally he couldn't take it anymore so he went into the back to take a break.

About a minute after he got there he heard the door open and muffled sounds of talking. He vaguely recognized the voices as those of the ninja.

He ran and hid in the break room. If the ninja were here, and he wasn't, they were going to ask Amelia where he was, and since Amelia knew where he was she would tell them and then come to get him.

What the fuck is he going to do.

(You aren't ready)

'yeah, no shit!'

(Damn. Someone's in a bad mood)

Kai could almost feel the sarcasm.

'yeah, I wonder why that is'

(Oh please! Going out there and talking to them isn't going to kill you.)

'maybe, but it might as well kill me! Talking to them might just ruin my life!'

Fire Scars (More Than Just Skin)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora