The In-Between Time

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This chapter will just be like, how we get from last chapter to next chapter so it isn't so confusing

                      3 Month Time Skip

Kai had managed to find an older couple who where willing to take him in for a couple weeks while he found a job

He got a job as a barista at a coffee shop just outside of the district he had nearly burned down and got his own apartment

After he settled in he used some money to buy the couple a gift to thank them

He had gotten a lot of questions about the scars all over his body but he used the excuse that he got them in "the fire ninja incident" as everyone was calling it, which wasn't technically a lie. He just didn't get them as a civilian.

He had taken to watching the ninja on tv whenever they were on

He was sure people had noticed the fire ninjas absence but no one seemed to suspect him. He guessed it was cause of the scars and face coverings

He had been called by the ninja many times. So much he actually ended up blocking all of them.

It was incredibly hard to block Cole since he was the only one to stick up for as well as Kai might of had a little bit of a crush on Cole

It was also hard to block Nya since she was Kai's sister, but they all ended up blocked in the end. 


With the ninja

The ninja had spent two months desperately searching for Kai but they never found him.

It was like he had left the city all together

They had even gotten the help of the police but they couldn't find him either

They had all called Kai way too many times and all ended up blocked.

They had hope for Cole since it took him a lot of tries to get blocked but alas he also got blocked by the former fire ninja.

They had gotten plenty of questions on where Kai went but they could never answer them.

They had given up searching for Kai and accepted that he was gone.

None of them were very happy about it but they had to move on.

All of this changed one day, three years later when they decided to try going to a coffee shop

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