Coffee Shop Shet

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I have no clue what I'm doing. The last two chapters were the only ones that I had planned out already. I'm scared. Also this will majorly be from the ninjas pov from now on occasionally switching to Kai and maybe an OC. But mostly the ninja

Three year time skip babeh!〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜

Kai had been gone for over three years.

Coping has been hard but they all got used to it eventually.

Fighting villains had been difficult but they managed.

It was now the anniversary of the fire ninjas disappearance.

While most people didn't seem to care, the ninja sure did.

So they went to a coffee shop.

While most of the ninja didn't usually go to coffee shops Kai always loved them. So they had decided to go to one every other anniversary. (There can only be so many coffee shops in Ninjago City okay?!)

Today they went to one just outside the district Kai nearly burned down all those years ago.

As they stepped in it was obvious the good reviews online weren't lying.

Everyone, even the employees, seemed to be enjoying themselves.

But everything quieted the moment the ninja stepped in.

As they walked up to the counter, the girl behind it had just finished a cup a coffee and was staring at them with her jaw dropped.

"Hey, You alright?" Nya asked tentatively.

The girl snapped out of her daze and shook her head "Of course! I'm just so in awe that the ninja would come here of all places."

"Well we did. And we would like some coffee please?" Jay said plainly

"Right of course. give me one moment!" And she ran into the back

She came out with a guy in a mask and sunglasses.

Studying his appearance they could tell he was absolutely covered in scars.

Like the entirety of his arms had scars as well as what they could see of his face.

And with the low neck shirt he was wearing they could see a bit of a scar on his chest as well.

Upon seeing them the man stopped and tensed.

He started whispering to the girl. Amelia, as her name tag said.

"So I'm about to go on break and I really don't want to miss that, but this is our best barista! He's incredible! And I think he should be the one to make your coffee."
Amelia said with an almost contagious smile on her face

"This is Kai! By the way he doesn't talk much so I wouldn't try to talk to him outside of ordering." Amelia introduced

Lloyd, Cole and Nya waved

He waved back, though much stiffer.

"Well I'm gonna go now." Amelia said as she left, leaving them with Kai

After they had ordered they watched Kai prepare their drinks.

There was something so familiar about him but none of them could quite place it.

They were handed theirs respective drinks and as they took a sip they were sent to a mini heaven.

"This is amazing!" Cole praised

Kai scratched the back of his neck making the scars there all the more obvious

"If you don't mind me asking, how'd you get all those scars?" Lloyd asked tentatively

Kai tensed slightly and then said so quietly they almost couldn't hear him "Fire ninja incident." Before giving them the total for the drinks and then the receipt

As they left Jay said the one thing they had all been thinking

"His voice sounded really familiar, right?"


Kai was going to shit himself.

The ninja had been right there.

They could've figured out who he was!

It was a terrifying experience.

He continued taking and making the drinks for the rest of the day till closing when he confronted Amelia

"Amelia." He mumbled like usual to conceal his voice

"What's up?" She asked innocently

"Why did you do that?"

"I don't know what you mean." She replied smugly, obviously knowing exactly what he meant

"With the ninja." He said sternly

"Ooohhh, that? I already said. Your the best at making the drinks and I had to go on break.

He just raised an eyebrow

"Okay finnnee. It's obvious you're obsessed with them. You watch them every single time they're anywhere." She admitted

Kai rolled his eyes but accepted the answer.

"I'm going home." And he walked off without another word

If only she knew the real reason...

He missed his family so much...

He missed Nya...

He missed Lloyd...

He missed Cole...

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