In-tense (Ha)

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Before we start. I need a name for the coffee shop Kai works at. I am dogshit at naming things and naming my stories and chapters is hard enough. Then I realized, I could just ask the people reading this dumpster fire of a fanfiction. So please help.

It had been a couple weeks since the first time the ninja first went to the coffee shop and they had become regulars there.

They went there basically every day and talked to Kai and Amelia, whom the ninja had become good friends with.

Besides the three words Kai had spoken the first day they were there, he hadn't said anything to them. Anytime they talked Kai was just listening or Amelia was talking for him.

Kai also continued to prove how amazing his coffee making skills were.

On many occasions he would add things to their drinks that they hadn't asked for and the ninja just knew it tasted better than the original drink would have.

It also seemed like he had all their coffee preferences memorized.

Cole liked his a little sweeter than most drinks made them,

Zane preferred his drink with some form of nut milk (no. Bad reader >:c behave)

Nya just liked black coffee so Kai ended up taking a lot of milk and cream out of some of the drinks Nya ordered,

Lloyd did not like black coffee. He liked it as far from black coffee as possible,

Jay was mostly neutral on coffee preferences, but he did like his coffee to look fun, so Kai often added little decorations to his drinks.

(A/N I literally just spent like a good five minutes making up coffee headcanons for the ninja. What am I doing with my life)

And even though the ninja had been going to the coffee shop for about two and a half weeks now, Kai was still very tense around them.

The ninja became more comfortable around Kai and Amelia and Amelia became significantly more comfortable around them, Kai never seemed to get any less tense.

Amelia had ended up having to give Kai a lot of shoulder rubs because of how tense he was.

Finally one of the ninja decided to comment on it.

"Have you considered maybe getting a massage? You are really really tense all the time." Nya blurted out one day.

"Trust me. He has." The strawberry blonde girl said lamely. "It helps for a little bit but then he's right back to being super tense the very next day."

"Have you thought about seeing a doctor?" Zane questioned

Kai shook his head silently

"That may be a good idea."

"Hey Kai, we need more coffee beans, could you go get those from the back?" Amelia asked sweetly

Kai nodded and left.

"Now that he's gone," Amelia started "I need to talk to you guys."

"About what?" Lloyd asked somewhat concerned

"So I'm sure you've noticed Kai is pretty... Odd..."

The ninja nodded

"Well, he's experienced quite a few things in his past. And I'd just like to explain a few things a bit to you so the way Kai acts makes a little more sense."

"Okaay." Lloyd prompted her to continue

"First, you know he got all scarred up from the fire ninja incident, so understandabley he's kind of afraid of fire. However he also had like this odd fascination with fire. Which will become more obvious as you get to know him better." She paused for breath

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