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The ninja sat nervously in the lobby of the hospital they were waiting in.

Amelia however, had been pacing back and forth since Kai was admitted.

Jasmine had tagged along for moral support and concern for her employees.

"I really hope he's okay." Amelia said for the umpteenth time since they got they got to the hospital.

"We all do. But maybe sit down for a couple minutes? Take a moment to calm down." Jasmine offered softly.

"Yeah. Yeah okay." Amelia agreed and sat down next to Jasmine.

About a half hour later a nurse comes out and approaches them.

They all sat up straight.

"Is Kai okay?" Amelia asked frantically.

"Mr. Huo will be fine. He lost no small amount of blood, but we hooked him up to an IV and he's stable. He should be good to go day after tomorrow, we need to get a few other checkups done before he leaves. But, he's sleeping right now. So those will wil have to wait."

"Can we see him at least?" Cole asked.

"I'm afraid not. Last time Mr. Huo was here he gave us clear instructions to not let anyone other than doctors see him face without permission. And as he is currently asleep, we can not get permission. So you will have to wait."

The nurse walked off briskly after that.

"Hopefully he wakes up soon." Jay mused.

The others nodded in silent agreement.


Kai came to groggily.

The world was dark and blurry as he struggled to open his eyes.

When he did finally get eyes open enough to see he was greeted with a white and very pale blue room. Something he recognized as a hospital.

Why was he in a hospital?

When did he-

Suddenly everything came rushing back.

He... He was dragged into the front by Amelia and then... What happened then? He couldn't remember.

He remembered the world going black and then what? Did he faint?

The throbbing pain in the back of his skull would indicate as such.

His head. His head! He had reached up to rub his head and he felt cloths wrapped around his head. What happened to his head?

Wait. Where were his mask and sunglasses?!

He whipped his head around the room for a moment before the throbbing in his head protested.

(Good. You're okay.)

"Since when have you cared about me?" Kai asked disdainfully.

(I don't. But seeing as I am you, if you die I die too. And I don't want to die.)

"Would you fuck off for once? I just woke up in the hospital with no idea how I got here and no idea why there are bandages around my head. If you could give me five fucking minutes without being constantly ridiculed and put down that'd be great." He said, headache already getting on his nerves.

(Someone woke up on the wrong side off the hospital bed.)

"Fuck you."

It seems, miracles do happen. Because the voice went away at that.

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