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Kai shot up in bed sweating. Something he did not usually do given his affiliation with fire.

He hadn't gotten nightmares since the second month after he left.

Last night, they came back in full force.

It was the same nightmare as always.

Where he tried going back to the team only to be rejected and ridiculed.

Called stupid and naive for even thinking they would ever take him back.

And along with the nightmares, came the voice that told him they were right.

(They would never want you back. I mean, after what you did to them, how could they?)

"No. You-You're wrong." Kai denied

(Don't fight it. You know they're right. You know I'm right.)

"NO! No, you're lying! They would never!" He yelled covering his ears in a futile attempt at blocking out the voice.


"SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!" He screamed at the voice.

(You'll never get rid of me. You can't.)

"Yes I can! And I will!"

(You can't. I am you. I'm only reinforcing what you already think yourself. Those nightmares didn't come out of nowhere after all)

"FUCK OFF!!" He yelled, throwing his bedside lamp at the wall.

The voice didn't respond. But Kai knew it wouldn't last long.

He shot his boss a text calling in sick and then went to get himself food.

He wouldn't be going into work today.


As the ninja walked into the coffee shop they immediately noticed something was off.

Kai wasn't there.

Everyday Kai was there, waiting at the counter for them. But today, he was absent.

As they approached the counter they saw Amelia, looking noticably more worried than usual.

"Hey Amelia. You okay?" Jay asked, voice laced with concern.

"I... I'm fine..." She said quietly

"Are you sure? Because you don't sound fine." Nya questioned

Amelia sighed

"It's just... Kai hasn't come into work yet."

The ninja seemed confused

"And... Why, exactly is that bad?" Zane asked

"In the three years Kai has worked here, he has not missed a single day of work. Anytime the place is open he's working. He's the first to arrive, and usually the last to leave. The only days he isn't working, are the days we're closed."

They suddenly understood why she was so worried.

"Maybe he's just sick?" Nya offered.

"Kai doesn't get sick. He hasn't gotten even a little sick the entire time he's worked here. He didn't even get sick before he worked here!"

"You could go ask your boss? Maybe they know." Cole supplied.

"Yeah that's a good idea." Amelia agreed.

"Hey Jasmine! Can you com'ere please?" She called.

A girl with light brown skin and fluffy dark blond hair came out of the back.

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