chapter one: massacre

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'A vow silently echoes within Lexa: They will pay for this, no matter the cost.'

Sairah focuses intently as Lexa discusses the Sky People. Her attention centers on the confident girl observing the warriors around the room. Dark-brown eyes gleam under the sunlight streaming through the large window, enhancing her natural tan skin.

Their conversation is abruptly halted by a urgent knock on the door, signaling the need for immediate attention. Lexa gestures to a warrior to open it, and the man bows before complying.

A man in his fifties rushes in, recognized by Sairah as Castillo from her village. "Heda and Trikova—" He breaks eye contact for a moment before regaining his composure and addressing the two girls. Sairah notices the beads of sweat on his forehead and his trembling bottom lip. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but it's urgent..." he conveys in their native tongue.

Sairah and Lexa exchange a swift look before Sairah instructs Castillo to explain further. "What is it, Castillo?"

Castillo shivers at the sound of his name escaping her lips. His teary eyes meet the girl's gaze, prompting a furrowed brow of confusion and concern on her part. "They're dead, Trikova— they're all dead," he cries out.

Lexa, observing her second with a puzzled expression, glances at Sairah, who simply shrugs in response, struggling to comprehend the man's words. Stepping out from behind the table, Sairah approaches Castillo. "Be more specific, Castillo," she implores the weeping man.

"Our village... Skaikru massacred our village— they're all dead."

Sairah gasps in horror, the weight of the devastating news sinking in. Her people—elders, children, women, and... Her brother. Closing the distance, Sairah grips both of Castillo's shoulders. "Artigas— is he... Was my brother there when it happened?"

"I'm so sorry, Trikova... Artigas was there..." Castillo whimpers in sympathy.

Sairah takes a step back with wide eyes, placing a hand over her heart as she slowly exits the room. Tears well up, but she suppresses them until she reaches the solace of her quarters. Once inside the familiar confines of her room, the floodgates open, and she begins to sob. The weight of grief settles in as she recalls her final conversation with Artigas.

He had wanted to remain in her village, pleading with her to let him stay after their father fell victim to reapers. Artigas didn't want to face loneliness; he wanted to be with his sister. In their parting words, he expressed his love and gratitude, leaving those sentiments echoing in Sairah's mind.

"Sai?" Lexa's knock on her door interrupts her thoughts. "Are you in there?"

Sairah approaches the door, opening it to reveal the shattered state of her being. Lexa's heart aches at the sight of her best friend—no, her sister—in such distress. She embraces Sairah tightly, offering comfort as tears stream down her face.

Lexa gently closes the door, shielding the grieving girl from the prying eyes of her people. Sairah's vulnerability, laid bare in the aftermath of her brother's death, is a sentiment Lexa understands but one that doesn't align with the stoic beliefs of their people. In Trikru, love is often viewed as weakness, a sentiment shared by Lexa herself. However, her affection for Sairah and her brother had always transcended those hardened principles.

Growing up together, Lexa was aware of the close bond between Sairah and Artigas. Sairah's efforts to involve him in their activities never bothered Lexa; she appreciated Artigas's strength, much like his sister's.

"I'm so sorry, Sai," Lexa whispers into Sairah's ear, holding her even closer. "I'm so sorry." Sairah remains silent as more tears dampen Lexa's shoulder.

As grief consumes her, Sairah's broken heart becomes a symbol of Skaikru's responsibility for the tragedy.

A vow silently echoes within Lexa: They will pay for this, no matter the cost.


chapter one ladies and gents
i hope you like it.
i'm sorry i keep changing the plot
every two seconds
but i promise this is the
real plot!!!

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