chapter nine: show off

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'You told me you can do it... Let's see what you've got in store, Octavia of the Sky People'

Under the dense canopy of trees, Sairah strides purposefully at the forefront of the Trikru warriors, the clinking of their weapons resonating through the air

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Under the dense canopy of trees, Sairah strides purposefully at the forefront of the Trikru warriors, the clinking of their weapons resonating through the air. They follow her lead, armed with an array of spears, bows, and swords, a formidable display of strength and unity.

Deliberately choosing to walk beside Indra, Sairah aims to maintain the delicate alliance forged with the Sky People. Both clans recognize the value of mutual exchange — the Sky People offering technological knowledge, and Trikru imparting their combat expertise.

As they approach the imposing gates of Skaikru's camp, Sairah signals a halt, alerting the warriors behind her to the imminent encounter. A voice from within the camp commands the gate to open, and with a creak, it swings wide, revealing the enigmatic world beyond.

Sairah, undeterred by the curious gazes that meet her from the Sky People, steps boldly into their camp. She disregards the scrutiny, her demeanor unwavering as she addresses her people in their native tongue, her words a rallying call. "Heads high. Eyes sharp. Remember, we're the ones with a thousand warriors in the woods.

Sairah advances steadily until she reaches Marcus Kane, a warm smile adorning his face as he greets her and Indra. "Welcome," he utters in Trigedasleng, his voice carrying a tone of hospitality. "I thought we'd start with a reception. Then move on to training. We have a lot to learn from each other." Sairah maintains her composure, her gaze fixed on his. A brief pause lingers before Marcus continues, "Weapons there, please. Only our guards are armed here."

Indra, ready to voice her objection, is silenced by a raised hand from Sairah. "Do as he says." With a fluid motion, she removes the Gladius swords holstered at her hips, tossing them into a sizable container on her left side.

Following her lead, the warriors, including Indra, discard their weapons. Marcus acknowledges the gesture with a nod of gratitude, then gestures to the way into what the Sky People call 'home'.

Marcus leads the way, his footsteps echoing down the corridors of Arkadia, the heart of the Sky People's settlement. His voice carries a note of gratitude as he addresses Sairah, "Thank you for agreeing to this, Sairah."

Sairah's response is measured, her tone reflecting the gravity of the situation. "My people are here on the commander's orders," she states, her head tilting slightly. "They agreed to nothing."

The exchange prompts Marcus to turn his gaze toward Sairah, seeking clarity. "What about you?"

A shrug accompanies Sairah's response, an air of mystery surrounding her motives. "I have my reasons."

With a resigned sigh, Marcus halts in front of a spacious chamber teeming with individuals. "Please, we'll begin in a moment."

As Sairah proceeds into the room flanked by two of Marcus's guards, the man himself diverts to engage in conversation with Jaha, whose expression registers surprise upon recognizing Sairah.

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