chapter twelve: ashes and dust

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"How can love be weakness when one could do the impossible for love?"

"Attack!" commands Sairah, her voice cutting through the tense air like a blade. She watches intently as Octavia and Adrian, one of her warriors, begin to circle each other, their movements calculated and precise.

With a swift motion, Adrian strikes first, his sword slicing through Octavia's defenses, eliciting a cry of pain from the young girl. "Focus, Sky Girl!" remarks Sairah, her voice a steady reminder amidst the clash of swords.

Octavia exhales heavily, her determination evident as she regains her stance and faces Adrian once more. Yet, despite her efforts, Adrian proves to be too quick, effortlessly blocking Octavia's strikes and pushing her back with a confident smirk.

"Enough!" commands Sairah, her tone firm yet tinged with concern. "Your mind wanders, Octavia," she observes, her keen eyes discerning the weight of worry etched on the girl's face. "Is it Lincoln?"

Octavia nods solemnly. "Yes. He should have returned by now."

Sairah offers a reassuring smile. "I've known Lincoln since childhood. He's a skilled fighter and a true warrior. He's likely on his way back to you as we speak."

Octavia's expression softens, a glimmer of hope flickering in her eyes. "You think so?"

"I do. And I also know that you could benefit from more training," Sairah adds, a hint of playfulness in her tone.

Octavia shakes her head with a wry smile. "I'm well aware of that."

"Then focus," Sairah urges, her voice gentle yet firm.


Sairah dedicates half a day to training Octavia in the art of hand-to-hand combat and sword fighting. In addition to the rigorous training, she takes the time to give Octavia a tour of Tondc, the place that will serve as the Sky Girl's temporary residence until the war ends.

As the two young women stroll through Tondc's bustling market, Octavia can't help but contemplate the future. "So, once all of this is over," she begins, "I can visit here whenever I want?"

A mischievous smirk plays on Sairah's lips. "Absolutely. Just let my people know you have my invitation."

Octavia's curiosity doesn't wane. "And if I want to stay here?"

Sairah regards Octavia with a mixture of surprise and contemplation. "Stay? Live here, with my people?"

Octavia affirms with a nod. "Yes."

Sairah takes a moment to assess the sincerity in Octavia's eyes, and then, her smile widens slowly. "Certainly, we would be honored to have a warrior like you among us." Octavia's face lights up with joy, her eyes absorbing every detail of her surroundings. "Come on, Sky Girl, it seems Indra needs her second," Sairah says, gesturing towards the dark-haired woman in the distance.

Sairah and Octavia approach Indra, who appears to be waiting for them. As Octavia joins her, followed closely by Sairah, Indra admonishes, "You're here to learn our ways, not to shop."

Indra's stern remark prompts Sairah to intervene, "She wasn't shopping, Indra. She was learning. I was telling her about us, about our ways and our traditions."

Acknowledging Sairah's words with a nod, Indra proceeds to address Octavia. However, their conversation is abruptly interrupted as two warriors on horseback hurry past them. "Ice Nation," Indra mutters. "Last time they stepped foot here, we were at war with each other. Now the 12 clans fight together. Remember this day. You may never see one like it again." Octavia nods but seems distracted. "You haven't heard a word I've said."

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