chapter fourteen: shadow hunter

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"Trikova stands poised, her resolve unyielding, ready to hunt the shadows of her enemies."

"What's going on? Why isn't she breathing?" Lexa's voice trembles with concern as she watches Abby and Jackson work frantically to save Sairah.

Abby's focus remains on the task at hand, her expression tense with worry. "We need more, she's going into cardiac, Jackson!" She exhales sharply, her voice filled with urgency. With a quick glance at Lexa, who appears anxious for any sign of improvement, Abby's attention returns to the medical emergency unfolding before her.

A small needle has been inserted into one of Sairah's veins, connected to a bag of blood that is being transfused into her weakened body. Abby recalls her initial surprise at seeing Lexa's black blood, a stark contrast to the crimson fluid being pumped into Sairah's veins. However, she didn't dwell on it when Jackson informed her that both girls shared the same blood type.

"We can't take more or she'll have nothing left herself," Jackson explains, gesturing towards Lexa, who listens intently, her brow furrowed with concern.

"You take as much as you need to bring her back to me," Lexa interjects, her voice resolute despite the strain evident in her words.

Abby meets Lexa's determined gaze, her heart heavy with the weight of the situation. She turns back to Jackson, a silent agreement passing between them. "Do it," she instructs.

Jackson sighs and walks toward Lexa. Carefully, he removes the needle from Lexa's vein, seamlessly transferring it to another. Lexa grits her teeth as she feels the sharp intrusion into her skin, determined to endure the discomfort for Sairah's sake.

"When she starts breathing again, we're gonna need to pull this out of her. Quickly," Abby instructs. The pipe in Sairah's stomach remains a constant reminder of the life-and-death situation they are facing.

As minutes pass, Sairah's eyes flutter open, and a scream of agony escapes her lips. She breathes heavily, enduring the pain as her eyes squeeze shut. "Why is the pipe still not out of me?!" she whispers with gritted teeth, frustration evident in her voice.

Abby, undeterred, focuses on the immediate challenge. She grabs the pipe and glances at Jackson, who still appears captivated by the sight of Lexa's unique blood. "Jackson, lend a hand, please?"

Jackson snaps out of his reverie and walks over to assist Abby. Abby gazes down at Sairah, gently brushing aside strands of hair that cling to the warrior's face. "This is going to hurt, Sairah, but I need you to hold on, okay?"

"Just get the damn thing out of me," Sairah groans, her impatience evident.

Abby gives a determined nod before turning her attention to Jackson. "3...2...Pull!" In unison, they extract the pipe from Sairah's stomach, causing an immediate, uncontrollable bleed. "Put pressure on the wound, Jackson."

Sairah, writhing in pain, vocalizes her distress as the two doctors work hastily to manage the bleeding. Lexa, unable to bear the sounds of her sister's suffering, closes her eyes, a mix of concern and discomfort etched on her face. Abruptly, the cries cease, prompting Lexa to reopen her eyes in alarm. "What happened? Why did she stop screaming?"

"She's just unconscious, that's all," Abby reassures her. "We're going to stitch her up, and then she'll need to rest for a couple of days."

Lexa, visibly relieved, nods with gratitude. "I'll make sure she does that." She turns to Abby and Jackson, expressing her gratitude. "Thank you, Abby and Jackson of the Sky People."

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