{Chapter 3}

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I feel like I'm going to puke at the thought of meeting not one, but three new people. Since it's Saturday, I'm not in school, and they should be here any second now.

I feel like I'm sweating. Did I put deodorant on? Did Jack? Er, he's nine, so I guess he doesn't need to.... but if my armpits start — ahem — smelling, I'm just gonna blame him.

I waited — rather impatiently— on the couch for them to arrive, even though I would rather be doing literally anything else. I don't even want to talk to them. Small talk is so not my thing.

I fiddled my thumbs, sitting next to Jack, as Mom paced anxiously. It's like we're meeting the fucking President or a movie star, but either way, a camera better not show up in my face, or I am going to spill some blood.

Just then, the doorbell rung. A part of me was hoping they wouldn't show. I'm not religious, but I prayed last night for that to happen. Thanks a lot, universe. You sure do know how to help a girl out, don't you?

Mom stopped pacing at once, thank god. Jack leans forward in anticipation. I... scoffed, I don't really know why, I just did. I don't know why I do a lot of things, though.

Mom rushed forward and opened the door. "Hello," she greeted. "Come in."

Leo — barf — did so, and kissed her, as if we weren't sitting on the couch. I shielded Jack's eyes from the disgusting sight I just had the not pleasure of seeing. My poor, poor, innocent eyes did not deserve this torture.

"Boys!" Leo called.

I nearly groaned. Jack leapt up. I sighed, and stood up as well. Looks like we are about to meet our future step brothers. How fun, I think sarcastically.

My jaw dropped as the boys entered one by one. My luck has just worsened once more. I've officially hit rock bottom. This can't be any worst and this time, I mean it, for I knew the boys that walked through that door — Lucas, Tyler and Blake River—oh, I'm an idiot. Why didn't I ever put two and two together that they were related to Leo River? If there's an 'biggest idiot' award, I definitely would have won that.

"Oh, hello, you must be Leo's sons!" Mom gushed. Seriously, she hasn't met them yet? But Leo met us. Maybe even their own father knows that they're awful. Yeah, let's go with that.

"I'm Lucas," he said politely. "These are my younger brothers, Tyler and Blake."

I just stared at them suspiciously as they greeted my mom. I must've been glaring at them a little too hard, because almost at once, they all looked in my direction, but I loosened my glare a bit too late.

"Oh!" Mom exclaimed. "These are my children, Skylar and Jack."

"Didn't I spill paint on you before?" Tyler asked, looking at me.

Jack gave me a questioning look, but I merely huffed and crossed my arms. I'm just surprised he remembered anything involving me.

"You know Skylar?" Mom asked, confused.

Yes, just ignore the fact that he spilt pain on your daughter. It's not like I'm still wanting to slit his throat for it. His blood would be the same color as that paint on that faithful day. I was so embarrassed and people made fun of me throughout until rest of my elementary school history! It even followed me to middle school, and I'm once again being treated like I don't exist, thank god.

Tyler nodded. "We all do," he said with a smirk — why is he even smirking? Am I missing something here? "We go to the same school."

I'm scared, how does he know that? He's extremely popular, and I'm merely a wallflower — which I'm perfectly fine with. And yeah, even with that incident, I'm still kind of surprised he knows who I am.

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