{Chapter 5}

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As I walked to my regular table, head hung low, my book under my armpit as I held my tray, there were a bunch of snickering and side glances. God, it's only been one period — not the one where blood gushes out of a woman's vagina — and everybody already knows about the note I supposedly sent Lucas. When I see him outside of school next, I'm going to fucking murder him and feed his body to a blasted shark.

I sat down and avoided eye contact with everyone else, though I could feel their stares. Just ignore them. Just ignore them. Just ignore them, I chanted to myself over and over.

Before I could take a bite of my food, something hit my head and landed on the floor. I slowly glanced down and saw a — concealed, don't worry — pad lying on the floor.

Is this supposed to be a fucking joke? It's not funny! I looked up and saw Dylan standing there, his hands in his pockets. So he threw the pad at me, of course. He's making fun of me.

"Found a pad," Dylan said before I had the pleasure of yelling at him — that probably would have ended horribly for me. He could kill me, or I'll faint from drawing too much attention. Both is possible. "Heard you needed one. Well, a tampon, but I couldn't find one of those."

I blinked in surprise. He sounded genuine. Crap, people are still staring. I quickly picked up the pad and covered it with my hands. Since he went to all that trouble in getting me a pad, I suppose I could just save it for when I actually start my period.

"Thank you," I told Dylan, who shrugged in response. "Where did you even get one?"

"The trash."

I quickly threw the pad across the cafeteria, causing others to erupt into fits of laughter. And to my luck, it hit the back of the guy I've been crushing on for two years, though I've never actually spoken to him, because I cannot handle the pressure. But from what I've seen, he's nice, helpful and his gorgeousness helped quite a bit. Alex. He looked around wildly, and I hid behind my hand, hoping he didn't think that I threw the pad — even though I did.

"It's not like the part that you would've used was the part to touch the trash," Dylan said, sitting down before I could protest. "God, women sure are hard to please."

"Why are you sitting here?" I questioned bluntly, clenching and unclenching my left fist. I have the unnatural urge to strangle him. Why was he even going through the trash in the first place?

Dylan rolled his eyes. "Are you going to ask that every time I sit next to you?" he said.

Yes. Yes, I am. This is weird and unnatural and I like being alone.

"Hm..." I decided not to respond, and just opened my book.

"Heard you got detention."

I snapped up. Now he's interrupting my reading.... But I just nodded, faking a smile that was obvious that it was fake.

"So do I," Dylan said.

"Oh... how wonderful," I lied.

"You didn't hear this from me but," Dylan started, leaning closer to my face, making me very uncomfortable, " I overheard two of the Rivers in the locker room in P.E. For some reason, they really don't like you. I mean, you're an unlikable individual, so I guess that makes sense. But have you ever spoken to them in your life? They really hate you. So, yeah, overheard them talking about how they're gonna make your life miserable. The third River is in on it, too. What did you even do?"

"Killed their dog," I replied with no hesitation. "Chopped the poor thing's head right off of its body. Oh, but I didn't stop there, heavens forbid. I cut the dog into tiny little pieces and put it into their soup without them knowing. They ate every. Last. Bit. Does that answer your question?"

"Among others," Dylan said, sounding almost scared... of me. Awesome! He inched away, and I smirked in satisfaction.

There was a gasp throughout the cafeteria. Dylan and I turned in that direction, to see the Rivers picking on yet another innocent girl. Michelle Roberts. Or was it Patterson? Eh. Don't care. I wonder what Michelle did...

I watched the scene unfold. It consisted of the Rivers yelling at Michelle and Michelle excessively apologizing as tears leaked from her eyes. I sighed, agitated, and went back to my book.

"What a bunch of bullies." Dylan scoffed. "How are they so popular again?"

"Dunno." I shrugged, not glancing up.

"Someone needs to teach them a lesson," Dylan said angrily.

I nodded in agreement, not actually hearing him whatsoever.

P.E is my least favorite class of the day. As usual, I refused to dress out, and stayed in the gym while everyone else went to the locker rooms. And as usual, Coach Byers, marked off my grade. By now I must be his least favorite student.

The first one out of the locker rooms, was Tyler, unfortunately. Great. Now it's just us two. Plus the coach, but it's obvious that Tyler is his absolute favorite in class.

Oh, great, he noticed me standing here and is now making his way on over to me.

"Sup, Blondie." Tyler grinned. "Why do you always look pissed?"

"Why are you such a hypocrite?" I snapped, thinking about the fact that back on Saturday he so clearly didn't like it when I and then Blake cussed, but yet here we were.

Tyler stared at me oddly and then grins. "Whatever you say, Blondie."

"I have a name—"

"Blondie," Tyler interrupted. Oh. My. Gosh. There is something wrong with him. "Heard you were on your..." Tyler glanced around, and whispered... "period." He's teasing me. He's fucking teasing me.

"No, but pretty soon you'll be the one bleeding when I cut off all your fingers!"

Tyler gulped. "Right, well... I think someone is calling my name, hear that? I'm gonna just..." He quickly walked off. No one called his name, but it's great to be feared.

I was feeling pretty good about myself until everyone arrived back from the locker rooms and Coach Byers yelled, "Everyone, three laps! Five extra laps for those who didn't dress out!"

I groaned. He had to call me — the only one not in a P.E uniform — out. Just great... Freaking fantastic.

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