{Chapter 2}

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Walking home alone isn't fun, especially when you have an overactive imagination that goes out of control, and suddenly you're fearing for your life for no reason.

It soooo doesn't help that when I got home, I immediately had a.... gut feeling. My mom's car was there, parked in the driveway. First of all, doesn't she work late today? Second of all, she couldn't have picked me up from school? I'm really feeling the love here...

I huff, adjusting my backpack on my shoulder — yeah, I carry my backpack one shoulder style, as if I didn't have enough back problems as it was. Maybe I shouldn't have packed four books —- especially since I only ever have time to read one in school, but hey, one can never be too prepared.

I brace myself.

I'm not gonna be in a good mood after this, am I? Well, am I ever in a good mood is the question.... With that thought in mind, I shrugged, what the heck, and went straight into my house, things.... seemingly normal.

Until I spotted my mom and brother, Jack, on the couch, as if... ew.... waiting for me. I stared at them suspiciously, inching closer to them. But when Mom smiled brightly at me, I wanted to run for my life. Is she trying to set me up with a co worker's son again? I mean, I could be into girls, but does she ask? No. Well, I'm not, but guys are too much of an annoyance, so I don't see the point.

"Come sit, sweetie," Mom said, patting the cushion next to her.

"No, I will not join the dark side," I said, bored, "you don't have cookies."

Where did that saying even come from? All I happen to know is that this is my first line in this book.... yay?

"Sit. Down," my mom said more forcefully. I guess this isn't up for debate. My mom scares me, so I quickly sat down next to her, Jack on her other side, looking puzzled.

"Mom, Skylar's here now! What do you need to tell us?" Jack practically whined.

Those first words were pathetic, unlike mine. Mine were awesome, of fucking course.

"Oh, wait, you need to tell us something?" I questioned. "You're not pregnant, are you? Because one Jack is enough, thank you."

Mom simply awkwardly smile, causing my eyebrows to raise — I'm unable to raise only one at a time, because I'm not blessed. Though, I don't like how Mom smiled like that.... oh, god, is she pregnant?

Jack, on the other hand, was deeply offended. "Hey!" he protested, glaring at me. I shrugged nonchalantly, like 'what can you do?'

Mom sighed. "Kids, remember Leo?" she questioned us.

"We don't have amnesia, of course we do," I said, recalling that Leo is Mom's boyfriend, and Jack and I have met him only a couple of times, which was just fine with me. In case you haven't noticed, I don't really like people.

Jack merely nodded. "Yeah, he's awesome!" he said excitedly. "He got me that really cool game, and he's just the best!"

I rolled my eyes at Jack's enthusiasm. Leo's okay, but would I call him the best? Would I call anyone the best though? Probably not. But you shouldn't trust Jack's judgement. Our dad left us when Jack was five, and I was ten. Jack, being in denial, still thinks he was abducted by aliens. I honestly don't get him whatsoever.

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